The  torah  

       CHAPTER 66  (Nissan 2010)            LINK TO OTHER PAGES

  1. There will be those to say; "Whom does he think he is - a Gentile to teach the Torah to Israelites?"  But who is an Israelite but the sons of Abraham, and few from among the Israelites are sons of Abraham.  I on the other hand am not only a son of Abraham, but of the Messiah as well.  Whom then is teaching the law if not - the Messiah, the very Son of God?

  2. For I O Israel am not speaking of my own accord, but as I hear from above so I relate that which I hear. This authority He has given me, to speak in His name, in the name of the Messiah of God.

  3. And now speaking to all of Israel, I am going to show you from the Torah, from the word of the Lord by Moses, how the Lord the Messiah is about to come to you in full sight of all the people. And how that very same Messiah was bound to have come to you some two thousand years ago - in order that - this day - which is about to take effect - He was to show Himself.

  4. For thus spoke the Lord to Moses: "Lo, I am coming to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak to you, and may also believe you forever."     And so Moses spoke to them and God said: 

  5. "Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments, and be ready by the third day, for on the third day the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people."

  6. And now my dear Israel, you that are so hip on the Torah, - what is the wisdom here?  It was to reveal to you O Israel that from the time of the offering of the Bull, of the Messiah upon the cross, there would be two days, (as in today and tomorrow) that is to say two thousand years, after which on the third day, the day of the Sabbath, - which is about to start, - then that Christ Yeshua the Messiah would openly show Himself to all.

  7. And so it has come to pass, nearly two days, or two thousand years have passed, with the third day being at the door, and knocking.  And what does it mean that they were to wash their garments?  It is to listen to me O Israel, to your alternate Moses, and to repent of your sins, to wash yourselves, to take on faith, believing upon His word.

  8. And what does it mean where the Lord said that He would come to you in a thick cloud? It means that He would indeed be with you, but not visible, as obscured by a cloud, like when the Sun is there but not seen since a cloud covers it.   

  9. I then my dear Israel in effect am that cloud, for His light is upon me so that I may filter the same through to you, to hear the word of the Lord your God by me, as were I your Moses.

  10. For did not the Lord say; that you might hear when He speaks to me, and you might believe the word that I pronounce to you? Indeed so, for so it is written: 

  11. "That the people (you) may hear when I (God) speak to you (Moses) and may also believe you (Moses) (and myself - as another Moses) forever." 

  12. By the word of your Moses thus the Messiah had to come two millenniums ago in order for Him to come to you upon the third day, the day of the Sabbath.  If therefore you reject Yeshua as having already come two thousand years ago,  you will not have any deliverance, nor any Sabbath for another two thousand years provided He at this time is to give His life for you, that Bull to be offered.

  13. And did not two different prophets also pronounce to you, that there would be two days, as in two thousand years, when in the third day you would rise?  See Isaiah 37:30, and Hosea 6:2.

  14. Have I now by the very word of Moses and the prophets convinced you of who I am, and of what is about to take place, and of what did occur some time ago?  

  15. If indeed you have knowledge as you claim to have - you will know that my word is of a truth, and if not - you will remain in the wretched shape that you are, and before long you will be killed not to enter into God's rest because you did not wash your garments.

  16. I however should not indulge in so many mysteries that are but for the ears of the wise able to comprehend my speech.  Yet it is my desire that all Israel might be saved, as many as may be possible.  And for that cause I labor.  So have I spoken, yea so have I spoken, in the name of Him who has send me.

  17.   And so what is the Torah, and how and for what did it come to be that so many of the sons of Jacob take such pride in it, with the implication as were it in no way so dear to the Gentiles?  Is not this ignorance?  

  18. This fact is indisputable how - to many Gentiles the Torah for its law of life - is held more dear than many a Jew that claim it for themselves.

  19. No I am not propounding a wrong-apprehension but Godly truths.  Did not David say; "In the way of Thy testimonies I delight as much as in all riches!"?   And did he not say;  "Thy testimonies are my delight, they are my counselors!"?   

  20. As then David was a Jew, and I am supposedly a Gentile, I likewise relish in the Torah as David did. A true Jew then is one who idolizes God and His Redeemer, not a mere book, nor letters, not a Torah, nor law.

  21. A Christian (Jew or Gentile) puts no confidence in the Torah, but in Him who caused it to be written. A Christian (Jew or Gentile) does not built ashe'rahs like the Gentiles to worship the cross and the wood thereof.  

  22. Or like some Jews to bear the letter of the Torah around as were it their golden calf of old to bear on their shoulders, ignoring the fact that God buried their forebears under the earth for doing so.

  23. I hear some say: "We are Torah observant Jews."  If then indeed you are, why do you not observe it?  And, why will you not believe upon my word which is equal to the word of Moses?  Did not Moses as well as I just now proclaim to you the Messiah having come, and coming.  And, how both of us told you to wash your garments?  Will you therefore listen to your Moses, the one of old, and the new?

  24. The womb from which I came being Jewish, should not I therefore be accounted Jewish? And my upbringing being on the mountain height of Israel, how can I be a gentile?  Does not two plus two add to four? Or has Israel yet to pass first grade?

  25. The Lord said to Moses and again to the Satan: "Man shall live by all the word that proceeds from the mouth of God."  The Messiah therefore did not exclude nor abandon the Torah, nor all the rest of the canons be they called old or new, or the many other writings - labeled for the wise only.

  26. As for me (your alternate Moses) I savor the Torah as much as all the word of God, for His statutes are statutes of life. And when one is bound under grace by the Messiah he or she will love and keep all the word of God.  If therefore O my dear lovely Israel you will give heed to Moses - then do indeed listen to the Moses that is before you this very day.

  27. None of the Torah has been abandoned, all of its statutes remain, therefore I am teaching men rightly concerning all of these statutes.

  28. But you O Israel by so many of you that claim Torah, Torah, are not keeping yourselves to the Torah. Instead you are following the corruptions of your own imaginations that are not commanded in the Torah.


  1. Like so many Jews there are those that prefer to do what pleases them rather than keeping to the word of God, and they use the following words of Paul as an excuse; namely: "Therefore do not let anyone judge you what you eat or drink, or with regards to a religious festival, a new moon celebration or a sabbath. These are mere shadows of the things that were to come, the substance being Christ."

  2. These blind bats purposely ignore where the same Paul said; "Who enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.  For everything created by God is good, and NOTHING is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving."

  3. Who then are the blind that judge a false judgment?  Are it not the kosher Jews utilizing Paul's testimony in error to lean upon the law?  Why O my dear Israelites are you relying upon those old useless traditions - having served as shadows - as your means to salvation?  

  4. You, so I say, will not die from food poisoning, but sooner you will die from ignorance, since with your mind and heart, as also your mouth you place your reliance on the flesh rather than the Spirit.

  5. And did not another Moses, named Paul also say; "If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the universe, why do you live as if you still belonged to the world? Why do you submit to regulations; do not handle, do not taste, do not touch.?"  

  6. For in keeping with kosher you are indeed doing so, you are the ones submitting yourselves to; do not handle, do not taste, do not touch.  You are the ones corrupting what God commanded, by listening to serpents, namely your rabbi's.

  7. You - a Jew - therefore are the one violating Paul's word, the very words which you claim as an excuse so that you may have it your way, as if Paul had given you a license to rely upon the flesh.  For you the kosher ones - are enjoining abstinence from foods given of God to be enjoyed with thanksgiving.

  8. You - A Jew - are violating the word of God, where by the Messiah He said:  "There is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things that come out of a man are what defile him." (Mark 7:15)

  9. And so it are not the Christians judging what can or cannot be eaten, but you are,  yes you are the ones judging what can be eaten and what not, while God never made any commandment regarding it, and Paul said not to make any judgment regarding it, and the Messiah condemned it.

  10. In keeping kosher you are not only ignorant in Christ, but you are likewise ignorant in the Torah, the very law which God gave unto Israel to observe.  In keeping to the flesh you are guaranteed to enter into hell.

  11. Not to consume the meat of such animals that do not part the hoof, and such as chew not the cud, has nothing at all to do with animals, but rather with men, as in not to associate with the wicked, and to duly consider the day of tomorrow as well as of today.  You should not even associate yourself with yourself, wickedness with wickedness.

  12. When I refuse to shake hands with a Jew wearing the devils emblem, kippah as it is called, then I am being kosher, while that Jew in his stupidity is violating all of God's commanments.

  13. That O my dear Israel is the commandment given by Moses.  That O my beloved Israelites is the kosher commanded of God. 

  14. Where the Lord said;  "To make a distinction between the unclean and the clean and between the living creature that may be eaten and the living creature that may not be eaten."  He did not speak of animals - but of men, - nor did He speak of foods, but of association.

  15. And yes how terrible that in speaking of the law I am speaking according to its true meaning, and factual observance, to bring men to behold the Spirit rather than the flesh, to direct men to the wisdom of the law, pulling them away from the ignorance of the flesh.  For so indeed - to the flesh I am a terrible person, but a joy to all that acquire wisdom.

  16. Will you now say that I am judging you for what you may or may not eat or drink, that I am teaching contrary to Paul?  Not in the least, far be it from me to judge in error, since I am judging you for what is in your mind, and in your heart.  

  17. I am judging you for what proceeds from your mouth rather than for what enters into it.  I say with Paul that food or drink has no relevance but that which proceeds from you has relevance.

  18. Did not Paul say that; "they "were" no more than a shadow of what was to come?" Why then do you pursue a shadow and not rather the Christ?   

  19. If indeed you wish to serve the Messiah - why not serve Him as He commanded you to serve Him, like He said to Peter; "Eat," and Peter said; "But I never ate what was unholy."  At which the Lord answered: "You shall not call unholy, what God has sanctified holy."

  20. This then is interpreted to the association with Gentiles, as in fact it was.  Yet it serves both, since foremost the commandments of old regarding foods were in allegory to the Spiritual law, to the law of association, like David spoke of in his first psalm.  For King David was one to understand what was kosher long before Paul spoke concerning it.

  21. Is not this the issue - to learn what it is that the Lord has commanded?  For if you will hold on to the old law and its traditions how do you presume to be saved by that law or these traditions?  Are you not by leaning on kosher leaning on what cannot save?

  22. Are you not claiming to be Messianic, as in having accepted the Christ, the Messiah? Why then have you not for real accepted Him?  For in holding to these old traditions you are banking on the law, rather than on the Grace of Christ Yeshua by which alone a man can be saved.

  23. Forget about foods and drinks, forget about the shadows of tradition, look rather to the grace of God in Yeshua and the word He spoke by which a man may be saved, for the Lord came to fulfill that which was prefigured, and so show for a reality what before was no more than a shadow.

  24.   All this then is besides the fact that God never at all commanded Israel to offer bulls and goats, nor that they could not eat the meat of swine, since these things were in allegory to the reality of the law, the Spiritual reality, like the Lord said; "Not what enters into a man, but what proceeds from him."

  25. God never at all accepted any bull nor male goat from you, as He by David said; "I will not accept any bull nor He-goat from your folds."

  26. When you have your mind set on kosher, you are serving mere flesh. And did not that same Paul say: "To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace." ?  Indeed he did. You therefore do not have Paul on your side.   

  27. When you serve kosher you are serving a mere figment of the imagination, something never at all commanded of God, but in allegory to a spiritual keeping of it.

  28. But now comes the real truth

  29. It is for your ill will towards the Gentiles, and towards all that are called Christian, by which you refuse to be named or associated that you lay claim upon the old useless traditions of your forebears. 

  30.   Is that not so my dear Israelites?  

  31. And do not attempt to pull the wool over my eyes, for we both know better, how in your heart you have no love for your neighbor, violating the Torah.

  32. You are looking for the praise of men, to be accepted by them, for that reason you are adhering to kosher.   

  33. If then you are not worthy of the Messiah when you love father or mother more than Him, how much less shall you be worthy of Him, when you desire the praise of ignorant men more than acknowledging the Messiah for "His" word?

  34. This I say to you, how God made a commandment, to love your neighbor - which holds in - not to have any ill will towards those which God has sanctified, and saved from the world to rest along with those of Israel that He has written in for life.   

  35. If then only those enter that keep love, how will you be counted among that remnant of Israel, knowing how all the rebels that did not keep love will be rooted out of Israel?

  36. Is it not said: "My people die for lack of knowledge?"  And: "By putting knowledge into them so you make them alive?" Eating kosher is indeed no more than a figment of the imagination, not any law, nor statute of the Lord. Let then a man eat whatsoever he has a taste for, for it is not "food" that I am speaking of, but of that which is in the heart and in the mind of a man.

  37. Acquire knowledge, and do so with faith, the knowledge of Christ Yeshua, and your faith in Him, which if indeed a man does so, the traditions of old, useless as they were, will by themselves fall to the wayside - because that man acquired knowledge, a knowledge of truth, and he did not deny it, but kept faith with it.

  38. For the record therefore;  -- I never at any time spoke to any man regarding foods to enter into him, -- excepting it be blood.  The whole of the commandment is to love.  And is not "grace" also out of love?  How then is the one different from the other?


  1. Like all else the Lord spoke much to us by allegory, by Moses as well as the prophets, and even the Lord Himself did so.  This was to the end that all the unwise would follow the letter and not come to the faith, simply because their hearts were evil, a seed not born of God.

  2. While all that are wise having the knowledge of God, these would understand the Spirit of the letter, and accordingly keep themselves by that Spirit of the law, to know right from wrong, for they were born of God and endowed with His knowledge.

  3. These words as I spoke here are simply the same as were the Lord said; "It is given you to know, but not these others."  And by a prophet; "God has given them over to believe the lie, lest otherwise God would have to save them."

  4. Or again:  "I have loved Jacob, but hated Esau." And this was spoken of them before they were even born. For God chooses as He will, and who or what is a tablespoon to say to its Maker, that he is wiser than his Maker, or to make any demands of Him?

  5. There are those Jews believing in the name of Yeshua that still circumcise their sons, all because they are without knowledge, putting their faith in a lie, as God said; "Lest I would have to save them."  These poor Jews are still hung up on the letter and are without the Spirit of God to know right from wrong.

  6. Some then utilize, and somehow justify themselves on circumcision on that part where Paul had Timothy circumcised because of the Jews.  Obviously these poor Jews as I said, are without the knowledge of God, and far from Yeshua.

  7. Nor will I teach them any different, except that I will say this:  If today by having myself circumcised on the flesh I will be able to save many Jews, then let me be circumcised as Timothy was.  But for no other reason, because I know the truth, and my circumcision already took place before I was even born, yes, before even the world was made.

  8. Am I now speaking of the flesh? Every word then that I have spoken here is absolutely correct.  Did not the Lord in my regard say: "I, even I have spoken."


  1.   For an overview just what is the Torah?   Besides the historical record within them and the foreshadowing of the offerings, there is the law of the Lord, plain and clear, as well as by way of allegory.  Be it in the manner of offerings or commandments, many physical entropies are used to define the Spiritual nature of them. 

  2. If then you understand the term "entropies" consider also the Prophets and all the rest of the Scriptures how these are for a treasure of wisdom in the Spirit of Him who caused them to be written, rather than in the letter which both Jew and Gentile worship for what they ill presume will be for life unto them. 

  3. What all now are the offerings that the Lord commanded, and to what end?  Why do men offer, why make gifts? May it be because it is proper to say thanks for something given for which a man in himself did not labor?  

  4. This at least is one reason, and another in saying thanks - is for a gift in grace for which he has no right in the first place.

  5. We are a people beset by sins, by disobedience, but we have a Master who cares for us and who is extremely compassioned, to forgive us our sins  --- if we correct our ways before Him.  And so there were many who thought to buy their way into His compassion, to offer of their stock in trade for their sins.

  6. But His compassion cannot be bought, nor is salvation a thing to be purchased of any man, since all that man offers is not of himself, neither his stock nor even his own flesh.  Man dips his hand into the treasure chest of the Lord to pay the Lord out of His own treasury, since all things are His, and of His hand. How therefore does man have anything to trade with?

  7. He who thinks to be paying the Lord for anything is conceited, these think to enter in by God with violence, and with robbery not considering that the Lord is far wiser to know all that they are doing, and by what cause.  

  8. Even if a man led a fully righteous life, he has nothing by which to enter into God's rest, since foremost he was born under a curse, nor is there any man however righteous that never at all sins.

  9. Therefore the Lord in His endless compassion gave of Himself a perfect gift, a righteous price by which man may be reconciled to Him.  Which is not to say that now man has a right for it, since it is a gift, a price paid in Grace.  

  10. This gift then did not come with any condition except that for any gift it is proper for a man to render thanks. 

  11. Since then those born in the earth are by nature of little understanding, it came to be said that this grandiose gift of the Lord came with conditions, while for all reality in wisdom that condition is no more than a proper degree of gratitude  

  12. This gratitude then in one demands faith, for how is one to receive a gift if he does not believe in it?  In that way faith becomes the condition.

  13. And who will extend a gift to any man if he does not have the simple courtesy to say thanks? And with that we do mean to give a true and sincere thanks from the heart, and not be like so many who in receiving the gift - then consider to have a right to it.  Like some in their conceit will say; "I believe, and I kept the law, so now God has no choice but to save me."

  14. Or like one of the daughters of Israel, in accepting God's word to their sins, claimed that they were un-intentional errors, a wrong focus.  I then say; If you had admitted guilt, you could have been forgiven, but since you absolved yourself from sin, there is no salvation for you. Like the Lord said; "A stiff-necked people," so these still are.

  15. Offerings in their every sort thus came for the nakedness of man to owe everything to Him who created them, and in their single nature these are for gratitude.  

  16. If then we ascribe a dual nature to say gratitude along with a price to pay, like as to kill a goat for the price for our sins, it is a no win situation, since no animal - as less than man - can be a substitute for the life of any man.

  17. Accordingly, we are back at gratitude as the nomenclature of any and all offerings.  

  18. To what end therefore did the sons of Israel kill and offer all those animals for years on end when none of it was able to atone for them?  Did it not seem to be a useless practice unable to atone for even the smallest of sins in man?

  19. Yet it had a purpose, since God had promised that He Himself would atone for the sins of man in offering His One and only begotten Son as a full redemption for all the sins of man, just as He had promised to Abraham in the offering of the ages, (Gen:15-9) and Abraham was justified because He believed the Lord.

  20. He therefore was to be killed, to be sent to death, so that by His death, in His perfection of being without any sin, He might conquer death, and destroy it, as well as its dominions.

  21. The law was good, and would give life, but only if a man kept it unspotted, as One man did, a Godly man, not born of the earth, nor of the will of man, but of the Father of all life.  

  22. He therefore obtained it by His perfection in the law - to accept upon Himself the penalty of the law for all that were under the law so becoming the perfect offering in the compassion and grace of the Father. 

  23.   The killing and burning of those many animals thus had no other purpose than to foreshadow in what way man would find atonement for his sins.  But for this single sentence there is a world of wisdom the letter of which would fill a book. 

  24. Aaron could have killed just a single Bull together with its ritual to define its nomenclature, to foreshadow the Single offering.   But Aaron did not remain, he went to sleep, and a new generation came, therefore unless the statute continued how were these of that new generation to know of that Single offering except of course by the continued foreshadowing of it?  

  25. Man after all is born naked, and he must be taught, he must be educated, therefore did these continue until the reality of that atonement came to pass in the death of Christ Jesus on the wood of the tree.

  26. But like I said before, how in one single sentence there is a wisdom to fill a book, so there is so much more to this, that indeed this single page here could not possibly suffice for any full definition of it.  Since then it was our aim to speak of the Torah, to define a small part of that which is written in it, let us return to our intend.

  27. Is it not said that - "to depart from sin, is a right offering!"?  And to keep His statutes a pleasing offering.!?  Will one offer a goat for a sin in him so as to presume that now his sin is paid for, and he can continue to the next sin, since he has a whole flock of goats to offer, and that good looking whore surely was worth a goat or two?

  28. Is he not in addition to his sins also a thief, to steal the goats which are the Lord's and no more than a loan to him? Think not that though he offered all the livestock at his hand that even a single sin would be forgiven him, but rather multiplied unto him.

  29. If any Jew or Gentile wishes to be religious, put away that Torah, and hide it out of sight, so that instead one may look upwards to Him who by Grace atoned for him.  If any man wishes to be righteous do not bear up that Torah, but keep rather its statutes to become free of it.  

  30. Instead of meddling yourself with the Torah, begin to live by a willing obedience, let that Torah, the law become a willing desire, in spirit rather than in flesh.

  31.   The Anointed One of God now having come, the foreshadowing obviously ceased to be, and the offerings, the gratitude, turned into a spiritual nature.  Now instead of animals we were to offer our hearts and minds to Him, even as it was so from the beginning, as Abraham did long before Moses even wrote that law.

  32. And the Lord Himself saying; "Those to worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth, for such He seeks."  And Paul speaking of the Christ said;  "Formerly He was in the flesh, but now we no longer consider Him but as He is in the Spirit." 

  33.   With the advent of Christ the flesh has ceased for the Spirit thereof. 

  34. The law therefore, the Torah, was not written for the sons of Abraham, but rather for rebels, and rebels bear it on their shoulders rather than in their hearts and minds to keep it. The law was written for such as did not know Abraham, nor did these walk in the way of Abraham.

  35. Even as Paul also said:  "Now we know that the  law (Torah) is good, if any one uses it lawfully, in this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane."  

  36. Therefore also did the law come, to enclose sinners, to imprison them under the law so that by the same they might be judged.  Because it was impossible that any man could be saved by the Torah, the law.

  37. The Torah thus serves to convict every sinner of his unworthiness, and to bind him with the feathers of death.  What foolishness therefore of a man to pride himself in the Torah.   And so it is when you see the Israelites bearing around the Torah as were it some sacred treasure,  

  38. these lack the wisdom written within it.

  39. Or it is like a man priding himself in a shadow, rather than in Him to cast the shadow.  What folly of a man, claiming Torah, Torah, and so priding himself in that which stands ready to condemn him to his death in the eternal chains of regret.   

  40. If one has knowledge and understanding in the Torah, he would rather cry out Grace, Grace, for no animal can suffice for me, but Christ alone.   Kill for my sins a thousand animals, and my guilt before God and His angels would be a thousand fold greater.  

  41. Let the animals be, for I will give my very life, my own flesh and blood for His name sake.  This is what I will do, I will show gratitude that I may find acceptance in the grace of God, for my heart is torn within me, I am in bitter distress, confessing my sins before the Lord that I may find redemption in the blood that the very Son of God shed for me.

  42. If now one will say; "I am a Jew and I believe in the Christ having given Himself for me", and yet he goes forth to idolize the Torah, to carry it around as were it something sacred, like that golden calf which their forebears idolized, that person is far from salvation, not having knowledge or faith in and of the Messiah he claims to worship.

  43. The Torah now is indeed sacred, that is to say - the love that it commands for God, for man, and for the MessiahDoes it not seem perfectly natural to you that we ought to place our confidence in the Spirit of the Messiah rather than in the letter that speaks of Him? 

  44. If I write you a letter that I will give you a new vehicle, will you idolize that letter of me, and not rather the new vehicle when it is delivered to you? 

  45. Even Gentile Christians always keep and maintain the Torah in every part of their life, for so the Lord said; "The whole law is summed up in this, "to love the Lord your God, and your neighbor."  How therefore shall any Gentile that loves the Lord be without the Torah?  And then again how few from among Gentiles as well as Jews are Christian, to keep that law?

  46. Allow me to reveal for what cause the Torah came to be, not as something sacred for believers, but for a pair of handcuffs for all that were wicked.  It came forth as an ax to chop off the head of all that placed themselves under it.   And why then if you are believers as you say you are, do you idolize an ax ready to chop your head off?

  47. Enoch, the scribe of righteousness wrote this; (For yes; we are to live by "all" the word that proceeds from God.)  "Concerning the children of righteousness and the elect ones of the world, and concerning the plant of truth I will convey to you these things my children.

  48. Verily I Enoch am letting you know that which was revealed to me from the heavenly vision, that which I learned from the words of the holy angels, and understood from the heavenly tablets."

  49. Note how he speaks of the Christ saying; "Plant of truth."  Then he says;  "I was born the seventh during the first week in which period judgment and righteousness continued to endure. After me in the second week there shall arise great and evil things, deceit will grow, and therein the first consummation will take place, but therein also a certain man shall be saved. (Noah)   After this injustice shall become greater, and He shall make a law for sinners."

  50. I repeat how the Lord  gave him (Enoch) to pronounce that: "He would make a law for sinners."  Abraham was before Moses, and not for him was a law made, nor was it for Moses, nor was there any law as such written before the days of Moses, excepting that which was written down by the hand of Enoch.   

  51. First of all the Lord caused Enoch to write down the law of love as a testimony to all the world.  After this the Lord caused Moses to write the Torah, the law that is for sinners, along with its specifics for Israel.  For again Abraham was not in need of a Torah, since He believed upon the Christ.

  52. For any writing at all Abraham had the Scriptures by Enoch, as the very first written. And Moses when he was taught treasured the handwriting of Enoch, and the other records from Noah on down who added to the words of Enoch, together with the teachings of Abraham and his sons, and sons, sons down to his very father a shepherd in Israel from the tribe of Levi, whom the Lord designated as priest for his brothers.

  53. In the grand view; Enoch wrote the law, while Moses came to foreshadow the Messiah, and with it to condemn all that would not believe upon the Messiah by the Torah.

  54. Then so Enoch continues to say:  "Then in the third week a man shall be elected as the plant of righteous judgment, and after him shall emerge One as the Eternal plant of righteousness.  And at the completion of that week visions of old and righteous ones shall be seen, and a law shall be made with an enclosure for all generations."

  55. That man elected in the third millennium was none other than David, King of Israel, in who's seed came that Eternal Plant namely Christ Jesus.  Eternal in this that He was God with God from ever, yet begotten as a son of David in the flesh, so that in the flesh God Himself might atone for our sins.

  56. As then David was "elected," and another one of righteousness also "elected," the Eternal Plant was not "elected' but like he said; "emerged." For He that emerged was from ever the Messiah long before the world was made, and therefore not elected, but Him being the very righteousness, and in His compassion gave of Himself.

  57.  When therefore He did give of Himself upon the wood of a tree, that law - that was previously made for sinners, - that Torah, - then became a box, an enclosure, or as it might be said - a vice in which all the wicked were shackled.  

  58. For now Grace had made its entry, and no one was to escape from that box, for unless one affixed his sight on Christ alone, that Torah, that law contained therein, would enclose all, and by its statutes squeeze the life out of everyone contained within it.

  59. For so also the Lord spoke saying;  "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin."

  60. How silly therefore to idolize that Torah, and/or to any longer detain oneself by it since by the crucifixion of Christ that law became an enclosure, a box with no opening from which to escape.  Yet then again; like David said, "Thy law and Thy statutes are my delight, and I love them."  For to love and keep them is great wisdom.

  61. Then Enoch reveals what was to take place in the next millennium saying;  "After this in the fourth week, at the completion of glory, a house and kingdom shall be build.  Therein however a certain Man shall ascend and the house of the kingdom shall be burned with fire, and therein the whole clan of the chosen root shall be dispersed."

  62. Like Moses said how the Sun and moon were set upon the sky on the fourth day of creation, so the Sun, Christ Jesus, did come on that fourth millennium.  And for the extreme wickedness against the Christ of the house of Israel - the Lord packed them in within the walls of Jerusalem to pour His wrath upon them, which was in the year 70AD.

  63. The remainder of Israel then being driven among other nations, so as to do good unto them, - this is what was to be of them as well as of the Gentiles, as he said;  

  64. "And in the fifth week, those who happen to be in it, shall all be blindfolded, and the hearts of them shall forget wisdom.  After that in the sixth week, an apostate generation shall arise, its deeds shall be many, all of which will be criminal."

  65. Enoch made no under-statement to speak of the generations of this day in time that all their deeds would be criminal.  Look at your rulers your presidents, even these all in themselves every single thing they do or say, or do not do, or not say is criminal and oppression.  

  66. Then also consider how in the days of the Apostles the Lord performed many miracles, and His Holy Spirit was poured out upon many persons.

  67. Afterwards however this seemed to die down with few remaining, for it became like Enoch prophesied; the inhabitants of that day to be blindfolded wherein their hearts would forget wisdom.  And that in the day following it, the sixth day of creation, it would even be worse with them, to be altogether apostates.

  68. And now that we are nearly at the completion of that sixth day, this is what Enoch prophesied.  "And at its completion there shall be elected the elect one of righteousness from the Eternal Plant of righteousness to whom shall be given sevenfold knowledge and wisdom."

  69. Thus there was to be a son of the Messiah, a person of righteousness to be elected, and elected of none other than Christ Himself, as a very plant of Him.

  70. But what an irony how in this day when all the deeds of man are criminal, and the whole race of man in their generations are labeled as an apostate generation, one was to come among them with a knowledge and a wisdom in sevenfold.  

  71. How lonely indeed I was to feel myself having come in a generation more blind, and more apostate than any. Is it any wonder that I longed for death more than for life?

  72. If then one is in love with the Torah, and is awaiting the Messiah yet to come, he is uneducated, not only in the Torah but in all of the Scriptures. He is most assuredly without knowledge and without faith, yes even lacking plain common sense since there is ample record of how the Christ did come.

  73. And God caused it to be recorded in four-fold, by four different persons whom He enlightened and inspired to write the same, namely the four gospels.  For these as also the rest of the letters known as the New Testament are for the whole of the world, a Torah like unto that first Torah by Moses for Israel. It thus is not in the men that wrote the gospels, but by the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit.

  74.  If then one will say, but I do not believe the word of Enoch, - he in effect is stating that he does not believe the word of God, nor any word of Him. Such a one is not a child of Abraham, for Abraham believed the word of Enoch, it being to him what to man in this day is the Bible.  And did not the Lord say: "Man shall not live by bread alone but by "all" the word of God." !?

  75. Or if one says; But I do not believe these gospels, he is worse than a heathen, too ignorant to even believe the day of his own birth, for that also is for him in the past.  The Jews that say how from Gaza many rockets were fired at them, are liars, none were ever fired, just as Christ never as yet died upon the cross.

  76. Does that make sense to you that; what is good for the goose is good for the gander?  If one cannot believe the record of the past, how does he recall even the day of yesterday through which he passed?  And so it is very rightly that only those will come to life that have faith paired with the knowledge of it.

  77. If then one will believe upon the word that I have spoken, even that word, that person will live, while those that deny me, and/or the word spoken by me, that person is already condemned because he did not believe the word of God when spoken to him.  

  78. Will you now say that I have taken upon myself the authority such as Christ had?  Indeed, for with that authority He sent me into the world, He Himself in His Spirit abiding with me, like prophesied of Enoch; "A sprig, as an elected one from the Messiah."

  79.   What now is the meaning of where it states:  "When you offer a sacrifice of peace offerings to the Lord, you shall offer it so that you may be accepted."

  80. A peace offering is a thank offering, something that comes from the heart.  And so when you do make a thank offering, are you going to hold a set of beads, or read from a book, to recite verses?  Will you pray reciting such words of God to keep His law, when in fact you should be keeping His law rather than reciting vanity?

  81. Will you lift your hands to God in prayer reciting to Him: (Deut: 6) "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord;  you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.   And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart."

  82. Are you not wicked, and truly irrational to pronounce these words as a prayer to God?  For what in fact are you doing? Are you not in fact reminding God of His own commandment as if He knew not what He had commanded?  

  83. It is the other way around is it not?  You are the one that is supposed to keep His words, rather than telling God what He spoke in His commandments.

  84. Stupid, is it not, to recite such words as in prayer to God?  If you are reading or teaching yourself it may be called for, but to utilize such words and/or reciting any such words from the Scriptures as a prayer - is lunacy.  To pray is to ask for something or to express gratitude, not to announce to God what He told you to do, since quite clearly the Lord knows very well what it is He commanded you.

  85. Prayer is in a heart that in all humility reaches out to God, to thank Him from its inmost with the words and thoughts that originate from sincerity in gratitude and out of love.  Milk from the breast, and not out of a bottle. 

  86. And, so said the Lord; "When you pray do not use many words."  If I repeated these words a thousand times - would it then enter into them that raffle off words senselessly?  I do not think so!

  87. When one has learned how to pray - then will your peace offering, your prayer be accepted, then will one be within the keeping of the law, then it is as were there no law, but instead a willing obedience and love for and towards your Creator. 

  88. Then where it states:  "It shall be eaten the same day you offer it, or on the morrow; and anything left over until the third day shall be burned with fire. If it is eaten at all on the third day, it is an abomination; it will not be accepted."

  89. Here is a prophecy that as I surmise few if any have ever understood, a prophecy of the two Messiah's, and elsewhere I have somewhat expanded upon it.

  90. The above quotation, in one, means to thank Him when it is fitting to thank Him, and not say to yourself:  "O well tomorrow or the day after is soon enough when I shall thank the Lord."  No but rather the moment or day that His blessings were bestowed on you. 

  91. To delay a thanks conveys a no-thanks, it lacks reality, it lacks sincerity. Wherefore if you let time pass, your lot will be in the pool of fire, like as He said; "To be burned with fire."

  92. Remember those ten persons which the Lord healed, and of the ten only one returned to thank Him.  What do you think will happen to the nine, for while they were healed they brought no offering, no thank-you note.  While then the one found the salvation of his soul in addition to the healing of his infirmity, this will not be so for the nine.

  93. Do not delay to fulfill a promise, nor to bring thanks, for if you delay the Lord will not accept it, nor will you be accepted since your heart is not right within you, and you are before Him as an abomination, a sinner bound under the law to be judged thereby, even as the nine were, while the One -whose heart was in the making of Abraham, - his gratitude was a willing desire.

  94. Do not forget how though all of Israel came forth out of Egypt, yet only two of those over 20 years of age entered the promised land, and how though ten were healed, only one had the courtesy to return and thank the Lord, and to believe upon Him.

  95. Is it not obvious to you that in all of the Torah the Lord used physical means to express the Spiritual nature of it?  And why not, for man is so much in love with the flesh, with anything spiritual not thought upon.  But as such he is assuredly at a loss.

  96. Should this not be for wisdom unto you where the Lord commanded Moses to write in for all these animal offerings, and yet He spoke by the prophets, how He never at all commanded your forefathers concerning such offerings?

  97. The Lord God never at all commanded the children of Israel that they were not allowed to eat pork, nor did He disallow any other animal for food. But this He commanded; For His sons and daughters not to keep company with the wicked, (As bad company teaches bad manners) nor to live but for this day, and not duly consider the life to come, the real world.

  98. Did not the Lord say for Israel not to mingle with the Canaanites, or the Amal'ekites, with the wicked?  And when Judah took a wife from Canaan, did not the Lord kill not only his sons by her, but his wife as well?  For the descendants of Judah, by which Christ came in the flesh, were not in any Canaanites.

  99. So it is a law of association, rather than meats.  Therefore if one claims - that it was of God to command the physical kosher, - that one is ignorant.  For Yes God did command Israel to be kosher, that is to be kosher of all that is evil, to be kosher for what proceeds from him.  

  100. Being kosher is like David said; "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers."  You therefore, the kosher ones, should not even associate yourself with yourself, since you are serving the desires of the devil.

  101. Where then the Lord said: "When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that no evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that no evil?" When a man prays to the Lord while kissing a mezuzah, is he not then offering a lame animal?  Or when a man offers a prayer in thanks for the grace of Christ given him sitting down to eat kosher - is he not then offering a sick animal?

  102. Or when you go to the synagogue to offer a prayer of thanksgiving, and there you remember how you owe something to someone, and you have not reconciled yourself as you should already have done, - will you delay it, or not rather reconcile yourself first before you come to appear before God?

  103. It is written; "You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed; nor shall there come upon you a garment of cloth made of two kinds of stuff."

  104. This likewise is written for its spiritual meaning.  In the literal meaning it is a vile thing what some have done to have a lion mate with a tiger, since in the wild no such thing would occur. The irrational animals themselves having better sense than those accursed humans that perpetrated it.   Nor would one mate a cow with a zebra, these things are not done, except by those whose rationality is less than that of the animals.

  105. In the combination of the literal and spiritual sense what does a God fearing man have in common with a atheist woman and that they should have yet children also?  But not to sow your field with two kinds of seeds is simply not to serve God and mammon, not to hold two doctrines, to have a truth and hold on to a lie as well.

  106. Or upon your person to wear two kinds of cloth, is the same - not to serve God and the devil alike, not to have two doctrines of different kinds, like Christ and the law of old.  Or like wearing a kippah in prayer to God, since that - like it is written - is blasphemy against Him.  

  107. You cannot like the gentiles and messianic Jews worship the cross and at the same time pronounce the name of Jesus, since the wood was merely the altar, the earth upon which the Righteous One was burned. 

  108. If then you worship the altar, the wood, while daring to pronounce the name of Jesus, you are putting a threshold next to His, and/or you are placing an ashe'rah next to the altar of God.  You are speaking blasphemously of His name. 

  109. You are in effect worshipping demons. Any man that dares lift his hand to God in prayer with his head covered, like that accursed kippah, is pronouncing a curse upon himself, it is blasphemy. And he that greets him is partaking of his inequity.

  110. If of the Holocaust of late you say that these Israelites were murdered just because they were Jews, or, on account of the wickedness of the Germans, you are speaking contrary of God and of His word. You are committing a sin, since these Jews died for their own sins, for their ignorance and wickedness before God, as God told them and you in so many ways.

  111. Or like claiming to be a Messianic Jew, and at the same time hold on to or kiss a mezuzah, or like claiming to be a Christian, and also to celebrate that pagan concoction called easter, as were it some festival of the Lord, or to mock the Christ in where He said, for a woman to be subjection to her man, calling the veil as were it no institution of the Lord.

  112. In that respect you are worse than Adam and/or Eve, for Eve at least admitted to the devil that God had told her not to eat of the tree, while you are accusing the Lord in His Holy Spirit of nonsense to write such a statute.  

  113. And no less for any man or woman to speak even a single word to me in reply hereto, for that places him and her on a seat along with the devil to take in a seat that does not befit her

  114. Is not the Torah in all its writing full evidence thereof, and did not the Lord clearly define this to you O Israel by His prophets?   Why then are you contradicting the Lord, as if His word were a lie, and as if these Jews had a righteousness in them - not be given up to death?  

  115. You are wearing two kinds of cloth you know when you speak that way, you are violating the Torah, that Torah which you worship instead of Him who gave it to be written for you.   

  116. You are sowing your field with two kinds of seeds, you are mating two different kinds of animals that are not to be mated.  You are speaking evil of God and of all His word.

  117.   It is written; "And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stones; for if you wield your tool upon it you profane it. And you shall not go up by steps to My altar, that your nakedness be not exposed on it."

  118. Stones are not always square now are they? And the Holy Spirit does not really know what is correct now does He - since many in their vileness think to know it much better, is that not so?  It however is not only the Lord who said for a man to uncover his head in prayer, but even nature teaches the same.   

  119. How then do you wicked ones have the gall to rewrite His word for just the opposite, to cut the stones to your wicked and evil likens?

  120. The world of so called worshippers love to cut God's stones to their likens, so as - supposedly - make for a better altar on which to bring their offerings. Indeed yes, so as to blaspheme the name of God.  These hypocrites do indeed fancy such things to themselves, since though they cry out law, law, or torah, torah, they despise its very precepts.

  121. Or if they did, it simply was not to their likens, and wrote for themselves a better law, more to their evil instinct and their vile behavior.   All one needs to find the evidence thereof is to open any copy of the Scriptures, and you will find it full of alterations and disrespect for the God who caused them to be written.

  122. In some of these churches they had this pulpit with many steps so as to elevate the hirelings above those whom they held as being the stupid sheep - that they might tower over them to fleece them of their hard earned goods, and simultaneously drag their soul into hell along with them.   

  123. This mind you is a fairly accurate presentation of what most of the churches are this day, and have been.   No God fearing person however would be found in those pig styles, since these by their Redeemer were endowed with a knowledge to know better.

  124. And if after a long hard search you find one or more of these congregations that are not literally a pig style, you will still find the ax and the hammer as well as the knifes by which these are cutting their own stones, with all sorts of fancy steps towards it.  Like for one, whole singing choirs to blare out their own concoction of what used to be a psalm of the Lord. 

  125. And of course the minister stands higher than all as the ruler, with fancy robes and decorations, instead of the servant as he should be,.  And if you do not throw your pearls before him - you will not have to ride into hell, for he will preach you into hell.

  126. If you raise an altar so high that you need steps to go up to it, means - you have added so much ritual to the simplicity which God commanded, that you are altogether naked, there is nothing to cover you anymore.  

  127. You have done away with what calls for decency and for humility having put it off to appear fully naked. There is nothing left of you but shame and indecency, having elevated yourself to an altar of your own baking. 

  128. One example thereof is when of late women no longer wear a veil, to show themselves equal to man, taking in a seat that does not befit them.

  129. And where it states; "If his offering is a burnt offering from the herd, he shall offer a male without blemish; he shall offer it at the door of the tent of meeting, that he may be accepted before the Lord."

  130. If I were to define the meaning of "to offer a male," what person would understand me, since that is not in the milk of understanding. Yet there is this as Paul said; - neither male nor female.  If then he is male - there is no blemish.  And to offer it at the door of the tent of meeting is simply that there is but One name given which is Christ Jesus.  

  131. The Baptist, and Methodist as well as all such demons, or - denominations as they prefer to be called, - cannot possibly be accepted before the Lord, since there is but One door, and One name given.  And this goes no less for the romans in their demon temples to worship a woman and bowing down before graven images. These likewise never read the Torah, nor is God's law of any interest to them.

  132. Those which call themselves Lutherans, or Calvinist, call themselves by vile murderer as these two men were. And the same is true for muslims and catholics having the devil for a god unto them. If then any man cannot understand my word he or she is un-educated, and no-one will enter into heaven except he or she obtain wisdom.

  133. Some think that now that they have Christ, they are in no need of the law of the Torah.  Yet I recall how Christ Himself clearly said;  "Not that say Lord Lord, but that keep My commandments."  And is not the Torah His commandment as well?

  134. Then where it states;  "He shall lay his hand upon the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him."

  135. Means, he shall put his faith in the Son of God, and his sins will be forgiven,  He must confess the Son of God, and Him only.  If his hand is anywhere else, there is no atonement for him. If then you wish to tally those Christians anywhere in the world, where would you look that the hand is indeed upon the head of Christ?  

  136. A great multitude merely profess the name, they in no wise will put their hand upon Him whom they falsely profess.  What therefore is there left in the whole of the world that abide by the above statement which the Lord gave to Moses to write for all mankind?  I for one say to you, in this generation - finding a needle in a haystack is a much simpler task.

  137.   Shall I now enumerate the ten commandments? I am truly asking you, but why I should do so, when few bother with them, when to virtually all men in the earth they are a strange thing, not in their vocabulary.   Like those four judges that I in the State of Arizona summoned before a federal tribunal to answer for their obstruction of justice. 

  138. These replied to me that they were unable to understand simple English, these in fact told me they were illiterate.  But illiterate or not - my judgment that I pronounced upon them - does rest on them, and they will most certainly come to know it, and serve under it. And that which I spoke to them was a curse to last into forever, a never ending curse.

  139.   God's law states; "You shall have no other gods before Me."  But who cares?  Definitely not the roman catholics nor the protestants, nor the Jews, nor the muslims, nor any of those that do not believe in any religion.   Whom therefore among man is left that God might have mercy on them?   

  140. I indeed am like Noah, and those seven that are with me will inherit the salvation of God with me. If then to the foolish these know not what is in a seven, so let it be.  Yet I am like Noah in his days, and while they laugh at me - I am nonetheless reproving the foolish for their folly, so that when they arrive in their hells abode they will remember my reprove and vomit of themselves in fear and in regret of their folly. 

  141. It is written; how in our days of today there would be a star by whom the way unto Christ might be found.  But who from among all men wish to acknowledge a star, when even the very Son of God is loathsome to them, except to provide some lip service as if hopefully for their hypocrisy they might as yet save their hides.

  142. But in providing this lip service they are convicting themselves to know that their lives are in need of saving.  And, to have knowledge of the fact that there is a Redeemer.    

  143. While therefore they admit that they knew, yet refused to keep to His word, they are a judgment to themselves, and for it they will come to pay more dearly than those who knew not and did not therefore provide lip service. For to them that knew - the pains of regret will be greater.

  144. As for taking the name of God in vain - who is not guilty of that?   And those that confess themselves to be religious are more guilty of this than any.  But for the Sabbath, I will not speak here since it was not allocated for the world in the first place, but only the sons of God are endowed with it.  Only these may enter into it, and labor accordingly

  145. The remainder of these ten commandment now are pretty well approved by most men, yet few adhere to them. The world in fact is full of them that approve these for themselves but not so for their neighbors, wherefore the proper term to label men with - is hypocrites.

  146.   Again it is written;  "Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death.  But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God let him fall into his hand, then I will appoint for you a place to which he may flee.  But if a man willfully attacks another to kill him treacherously, you shall take him from my altar, that he may die."

  147. It is mostly for the last century wherein man came to be so grossly apostate that he has no conception of this law.  And on account of it his prisons became over-burdened with such as should have been executed.  These barbarian ones of this century actually consider themselves more civilized than any generation before them.

  148. The facts however are just the opposite, since these - like their forebears - glorify the criminals while punishing the victims.  That in their mind seems to be more civilized than acting with a degree of justice. They pride themselves in courts of law as if they had any understanding of law and order. While then they portray it, these do not act accordingly.

  149. Again it states; "Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death.  Whoever steals a man, whether he sells him or is found in possession of him, shall be put to death. Whoever curses his father or his mother shall be put to death."

  150. Did I not command the children of men that a hijacker and kidnapers were to be executed without delay, and likewise for a pimp, not ever to leave them alive?  Indeed I did, but these brutes consider themselves wiser than the word of God, nor will these realize to themselves how dearly they will come to pay for their disobedience - to me - as well as to the Lord.

  151. And how are you to put a son to death for striking his father or mother, when perhaps that son was never even taught the very basics to honor his father and mother?  Or should the father or mother be put to death as well for their less than animal instinct by which they brought up their son?  Is there not something more to be considered here than a straight line?

  152. It is written: "If any one sins in that he hears a public adjuration to testify and though he is a witness, whether he has seen or come to know the matter, yet does not speak, he shall bear his iniquity."

  153. I sometimes in jest say to my wife; "I refuse to testify on grounds that I might incriminate myself." This for all its worth is itself a confession of guilt, but the same is most ignorant and unlawful if used in a court of law. 

  154. Yet even more wicked it is for one that does know yet fails to testify, like some clergy-men and others. These most certainly shall be equally held guilty for the crime at hand.

  155. The roman illiterate pagans have these confessions which they hear from the sheep, this they do in secret so as to learn the secrets from everyone to their perverted aims. All these stand accursed, there is no salvation for any of them.

  156. It is written   "The life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it for you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement, by reason of the life.   Therefore I have said to the people of Israel, No person among you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger who sojourns among you eat blood."

  157. I always assumed that everyone knew this, and yet I saw blood for sale in the market. How ignorant therefore are the sons of men, and how vulgar to have no sense.

  158. The letter of Barnabas was not added to the canons, and why might that be? Perhaps it was because the Lord wished to test the Israelites as well as Gentiles in how well these would give themselves to the spirit of the law, seeing how Barnabas, taught by the Lord, clearly defines the spirit from the letter. 

  159. But more so because in his letter the fountain of wisdom is shown, which is but for the wise.  At one place he said; "For to them, the Jews of the physical law, He said; "The nets are not unjustly spread for the birds.” Here he calls that law, that covenant which Moses broke a net, with the foolish in Israel as the birds.

  160. And so Barnabas writes; "For so spoke the prophet, "Who shall understand the hard sayings of the Lord?  Only he that is wise and intelligent, that loves his Lord!" Whom therefore will contend with me to seek out the priests and pastors for a better knowledge?

  161. All the Jews that continue to adhere to the old traditions are not about to accept Barnabas in their midst, since his teaching is as the teaching of the Christ Himself, a fountain of wisdom of which they have no understanding, these, like their forebears, having their mind set against the Messiah of God.

  162. Like Barnabas said:  "For in forbidding the swine it means; you shall not join yourself to such persons as are like the swine, they that live in pleasure forgetting their God." These swine then are their so called rabbi's and them that lead them, as also the rich and rebels among them, from which all of Israel is to abstain.

  163. And again Barnabas said:  "Moses therefore speaking in regards to meats did indeed deliver three great precepts to them in the spiritual significance of these commands, but they, according to the desires of the flesh, understood him as if he had only meant it of meats." 

  164. And again he said:  "David therefore having rightly understood the knowledge of this threefold command said; “Blessed is the man who has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly."  Which then is like the fishes we spoke of at the bottom of the sea. Blessed therefore you will be, my reader, not to put your trust in these rabbi's, but rather to hear to the word of the Messiah.

  165. And why would anyone want the ark of the covenant, when God in Christ Yeshua sends His very Spirit to be with them that keep His word?  Is not the very presence of the Lord more than any ark made of wood?  Is not the very presence of the Messiah more than any book, temple, or graven image?

  166. Someone said;  "Messianic's need not be proselytized into Christianity, we already know who Messiah is and what He did to provide salvation for His people."    For their information the Lord also said; "To love your neighbor," why then "His" people (as in Jews) and not rather "All" people, as it is written of Him?  

  167. What in fact they are saying is that;  "We do not want the Christ, we have our own god, and never mind those Gentiles for "we" are His people." These in effect are denouncing the Messiah in denouncing to love their neighbor.  Those that speak that way worship but a figment of their own imagination on which they tagged a sticker reading Messiah.

  168. One of the sons of God in the first century AD said;  "It is absurd to name Jesus and to Judaism, for the Christian religion did not embrace the Jewish, but the Jewish the Christian so that every tongue that believed might be gathered together to God.

  169. Someone said; "Some of the Hebrew on a Messianic website turned out to be the Christian Apostle's creed. And the Apostle's creed certainly is not Judaism."

  170. How deceived this person is, seeing how Judaism for its dictates reads; "A religion of the Jews tracing its origin to Abraham, and having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Hebrew Scriptures."

  171. Yet then again judaism (no capital) is more held to what is called the talmud, a corruption of the word of God after the imagination of the Jewish scribes, wherefore the proper word is Hebrew Scriptures.

  172. And seeing how Abraham believed upon Christ the Messiah, and all of the Hebrew Scriptures tell of Him inclusive the Torah foreshadowing His coming and His offering as well as His resurrection, the Apostle's creed summarizes exactly that, wherefore the Summary of the Apostles embodies God's word first and last.

  173. Moreover, who were these Apostles that wrote the creed if not Jews?  And Who inspired them to write that creed - if not God's Holy Spirit?

  174. But then came the alteration that began long before the coming of the Messiah.  A certain number of Jews took that wholesome word, and corrupted it, writing out their own version of what they esteemed better than the Scriptures by God, and more to their own corrupt likens, as the Lord Himself testified by Malachi, - the talmud being clear evidence thereto.  

  175. It were these of whom the Lord spoke saying; - "to be a brood of vipers," since they held for doctrines the dictates out of their own imagination, contrary to the Hebrew Scriptures.

  176. These Jews are in no way any different from the Gentiles, for while the Lord Himself, and His Apostle's afterwards, clearly defined the fulfilling of these original wholesome Hebrew Scriptures together with its statutes in perfect harmony thereto, they corrupted it to what became the so called roman catholic church. 

  177. And while the creed reads "holy catholic church,"  it has no reference at all to what is currently known as catholic, or roman catholic.  (nor are these references to the latter capitalized.)

  178. That so called church of this day is no church at all, but a conglomerate of demon worshippers falsely having entered that original "universal" church, in their futile attempt to destroy Christianity in its whole.   

  179. And likewise that segment of the Jews still claiming Judaism are hard at work to destroy any and all things that the Scriptures stood for.

  180. These Jews are not practicing any Godliness, even as those romans in their false acclaim of universal are not practicing Christianity, but rather both of them are out to destroy Christianity.  

  181. They bear the Torah as wear it a treasure, yet violate all its statutes, even as these accursed romans putting up and praying to graven images with no regard for the commandment of the Lord against it.

  182. One could speak endlessly on the wickedness of the one as well as the other, but seeing how they sleep in one and the same bed fondling each other there is no difference between them.  Only those that are born of above, that condemn all their practices, and stay aloof from all their aposty - are of a difference.

  183. What a gross aposty for a ruler of Israel to be seen on a picture along with one of these popes, with one of the sons of the devil. Is he not therefore clearly violating David in his first psalm?

  184. How proud these many Israelites are of their so called Jewish religion, as if they hold a patent on truth, yet so spoke the Lord concerning them and that Torah which they treasure as were it their golden calf;  

  185. "And this testimony (Torah) will be heard in witness against them, for they will forget all of My commandments, indeed, everything, which I shall command them."

  186. Instead of a delicate treasure for life unto them, the Lord is holding it in witness against them.

  187. "Instead, they will walk after the Gentiles and their defilement and shame serving their gods, which will become a scandal for them, and an affliction, and torment, and a snare."

  188. O Judaism, O Judaism, how so many take pride in what they falsely call a Jewish heritage, while the Lord, who knows all things, labels it their defilement after the Gentiles. And so the Christianity of Abraham afterwards became corrupted to a Judaism by and of Jews after the Gentiles.

  189.   "And they will persecute those who search out the law, and will neglect everything, and perform evil in My sight. And I will hide My face from them, and give them over in the power of the nations to be captive, and for plunder, and to be devoured.  

  190. Read the book of Acts, how the Lord was so gracious to Jews and Gentiles alike pouring out His Spirit upon them. He gave ample testimony that His Christ had risen, that the Bull had been offered, but they began to persecute those which kept His statutes, wherefore the Lord came to hide Himself from them. And that endured even to this day, therefore the world has been so dark for all these centuries since.

  191. A Judaism mind you that persecutes not only their neighbors but even their very kinsmen as well, - their own brothers and sisters, their own flesh, even as they do to this very day.   And who but the Lord, the very God of Israel - as He testifies - brought upon them that infamous Holocaust.

  192. And I shall remove them from the midst of the land, and scatter them among the nations, and they will forget all of my commandments, and all of my judgments, and they will err concerning new moons, sabbaths, festivals, jubilees, and ordinances."

  193. The very calendar which currently is in use with Israel is no more than a pagan concoction, with nothing Jewish about it, nor therefore are their festivals in any wise wholesome, nor pleasing before the Lord God.  And for their presumed first of the year these have filled the cup with some heathen superstition.

  194. Even though I may be a messenger of good tiding for Jerusalem, yet for the above words they will seek to kill me as their forefathers did to all the prophets. This is so for I know what is in a day of tomorrow the Lord my God instructing me.

  195.   Yet then again I wish to pronounce what else is in the day of tomorrow for Israel, for the Lord has already called many of His people to return from among the Gentiles among which He had driven them, and He said;

  196. "Afterwards they will turn to me from among the nations with all their heart, and with all their soul, and with all their might.  And I shall gather them from the midst of all the nations, and they will seek me so that I may be found by them - when they seek me with all their heart and with all their soul."

  197. Then shall I reveal to them an abundance of peace in righteousness, and I shall transplant them as a righteous plant with all my heart and soul. And they will be a blessing - and not a curse, they will be the head and not the tail.

  198. And I shall build My sanctuary in their midst, and dwell with them, and be their God, and they will be My people truly and rightly.   And I shall not forsake them, nor be alienated from them, because; I am the Lord their God." 

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