Introduction to the remaining books of the Scriptures


The odes of the Lord", as I renamed them, were found in the early part of this century, and are among the most beautiful of psalms written.  How they came to be called, "Odes of Solomon" I know not, but obviously they are not of Solomon, but most probably original in the first century AD, and most probably by an Israelite. 

They are so pure and beautiful, that I thought to place them foremost in this volume of collected books.  Parts of these Odes are as spoken directly by the Lord, or, so written in His capacity as the Son of man.  And since the name of the human vessel is absent, I thought to give them the more appropriate heading, to name them after the Lord, by the inspiration of whom also they came into print. 

 There was considerable damage in both the PSA and APO translations, the writers of which copied the manuscript error and all, and added some themselves.  It was heartbreaking to see such a beautiful document in such a mutilated condition, but then it is also to be considered that no one except the Lord is able to renew or repair such damaged treasures.  

It then was a delight for me, since also these words are so natural to my heart and my spirit.  For was it not the Spirit of the Lord who inspired them?  The author therefore was also with me to renew them, and I praise God that He thought me worthy to grant me the wisdom to save these odes from the wrangling of the scribes. 


It is both a privilege and a joy to read the Scriptures by Enoch, the first Holy Bible to have come.  These books were a Bible to the righteous men who lived before the flood and to Noah and his descendants up until Moses, when alongside of it the Bible for the world came to be written. 

Scholars of this and other centuries as well, like to portray as if these books of Enoch originated by various writers during the years known as pre- or early Maccabees, which was in the last few centuries before Christ.  Clearly these knowledge-less wonders are implying that these books are not at all of Enoch.  

But what is one to expect of the enemies of God and of the truth?  Seeing how I now have copied them once - if by presumption all copies before me became extinct - they would come to say that these writings were original with me.  And so, pay no attention to the occult of ignorance.  To them the lie is most natural, even as to us that are of the elect of God, the truth is most natural. 

 Most of what is contained in these five books here listed under the name of "Enoch" is by his own writing, not that these first parchments may still be intact somewhere, but copies exist from which this has come forth.  This then came about like so: Enoch wrote what was given him to write in what we might call letters, individual parts, not as one who is writing a book - similar as it was with me and my writings, - knowing the beginning and the end organizing everything into chapters etc.  And so it was that these "handwritings", as they were called, came through his Son Methuselah to his grandson Lamech down to Noah. 

 Noah then receiving them into his care organized them, and added other sections by his own hand.  From Noah they went to his son Shem and down to Abraham who in turn left them to Isaac, and Isaac to Jacob.  Jacob then entrusted them to his son Levi, and so they came into Egypt.  And Moses took himself to learn all the knowledge available, such as came of the Egyptians, and of Israel, which at that time - in writing - were the books of Enoch. 

For the time of Moses was nothing like man portrays in his movies, the sons of man always being liars, but Moses at the order of the sister of Pharaoh having been weaned by his mother, was never at any time devoid of the help and influence of his mother when it came to being taught in the knowledge of Israel.

Israel then was taught in these prophecies and precepts along with what came verbally from their fathers.  In these days the children of Israel knew and kept themselves by the "right" calendar counting thirty days for each month, with the four-epagomenal days of the year as memorials added to them.  

And though they may not yet have seen to rest one day in seven, there were these four memorials, and the days of eternity.  As well as the memorial by their father Abraham, the feast of boots, and the recollection how Abraham received his son Isaac back from the altar, which later on in that time of the year came to called the Passover. 

After Moses; Israel having settled in the land promised to them, the handwritings of Enoch took as one might say a back seat to the oracles Moses was given to record.  Yet they never left Israel and were taught and read to well past the first century AD, the apostles, the prophets, and all the learned of Israel having knowledge of them. 

It was in these periods from Moses onwards and perhaps even before his days that the writings of Enoch were copied in order to secure multiple volumes.  This was a convenience for the synagogues each to have their own volume as they had of Moses and of the prophets.  At long last this became many rolls, and many were employed in that writing, since with time came the psalms of David, and of Solomon, and the many proverbs as well as the records of the kings and the Chronicles. 

And so if now we ask where the originals of Enoch remained, they no doubt were stored by the time Joshua led the people over the Jordan.  And where they are, or if even they remain to this day, we do not know, nor does it really matter since the record as such remains to this day.  

The thing then that is evident in the record as we have it here this day is that it is not complete.  Enoch wrote more than what is recorded here.  And not everything is necessarily an exact copy of what Enoch wrote.  But typically the copier may write a line or two in his own words, then begin to either quote Enoch exactly, or at times write the essence of his words, which is typical and also understandable when something is copied from one language into another. 

 Enoch himself now knew that his words would be copied many times, and that copies would be made from copies.  Nor did he mind this as long as, like he said, they would write out his words on the basis of the words he had written, and not alter them after their own words or imagination.  

And how then can we be sure this day that that which has come to us in this century is indeed after his words, and not alterations to give a different account?  I grant you this that you do not have anything physical (like originals) to base your trust upon, nor for that matter do you have anything so physical to the canons on which to base your trust.

But Like Enoch said, "To deposit them in Cedar." So they were and are to this day.  (A riddle perhaps, but not so to the wise in God) 

And yes, O how terrible that one has to behold a spiritual faith, a trust that points to heaven rather than to their feet.  Normally it takes a team of scholars to write out or translate a book of this sort, and with all that - their failures to accuracy are not few.  How then shall I - as it appears alone, perform the same faithfully in but a small part of the time that it normally takes a whole team of well-trained scholars to do so? 

 I can answer this with another question.  How long would it take a team of expert scholars to create the earth, just the earth alone?  You will answer me, that they cannot ever perform such a feat.  All right then, seeing how God did this in the manner of a word, to speak and it existed, realize from where I have come. 

The children of men do not wish to canonize anything but that which was written by inspiration.  But it was not from men that the canons are what they are, nor should the books of Enoch be canonized even though their translation by my hand was by inspiration, God's Holy Spirit guiding me.

While thus the canons are for the world so that by them the world may be found guilty, the Scriptures by Enoch are for the remnant of Israel, and for the wise of all nations.

Parts of the words of Enoch in the manner in which he expresses himself are difficult to understand, and impossible for the sons of man. This no doubt was intentional, and with the scribes translating from the original, or from copies, not comprehending the same, the form of the wording became even more difficult for man to gather the meaning. 

If then any man questions me how or why I wrote out the books of Enoch, as they appear here, and abandoned or omitted so much else of what has come to this day under his name, be it 1, 2, or 3 Enoch, it is simply that my trust is with the Lord in His Holy Spirit guiding me.  The record of Enoch 3, is wholly a fabrication of wicked spirits, and thus not at all of Enoch.

ENOCH. (Additional)

And in regards to Enoch 2, the record, or that which remains of it to this day, it is apparent that such a book did at one time exist, or rather that it was part of the first.  This is not to say that Enoch necessarily wrote such a book as to consider it one in addition to his former, but separate as he wrote out all his words.  It is not a copy of Enoch's words, but a newly written version after his words, which of course includes direct quotations as well as indirect.

 The next thing immediately obvious is the fact that it contains numerous additions and alterations.  So much so, that it is not possible at this point to determine if this version was from an original with Enoch, as one of his handwritten documents or copy thereof, or a version from a version of his records, or made up from verbal information. 

 One thing is a fact however, that those who copied the documents through the ages, were not what one would call faithful children.  The mutilation upon this document is quite severe.  Typically the copier started out utilizing the manuscript, then ending the chapter with his own additions.  And whenever his illogic saw fit, he added whatsoever words or sentences suited him, and if the chapter became too long for his additions, he merely added whole chapters.  Nor shall it be wise for any man to ask me how I know all such things.

 And now that it has come in such a mutilated condition, I considered if it might not be better to forego the entire document, or if I should preserve some parts of it.  But to enter only the parts known to be original, and omit all others would cut it up so badly as to have no coherence.  

Accordingly I preserved only those few parts that are not directly so found in their words in the other books of Enoch.  For as for the remainder, we have not lost anything in not preserving it, since what is written therein is already once found in the five books of Enoch.


BARUCH. (Prophecy)

This book of prophecy is not in the canons, nor should it be, since this is for the wise only.  These words were not intended for the world, but for the elect of God.

The time of its composition is from the period in which Baruch lived, and of Baruch, after which it was translated into another language, and again so.  The Lord then preserved this document for His people to be born on the seventh day.  For whatever is born on the seventh day shall be blessed.  And for us, in this last and dark generation before that glorious Sabbath, it is given us of Him to prepare and resound it to them.  As well as being a comfort, and for wisdom to us who must yet pass through that tribulation which is to come upon the whole world. 

And to give you an example by which to show how devoid of knowledge the scholars in fact are.  In their attempt to date this book, they concluded that it was written after the year 70 Ad.  And how did they come to this?  Listen, and see; 

They call upon the fact that Baruch speaks of two destruction's, of Zion before its all new rebuilding, and since this second destruction was in the year 410 AD, they simply date it as after that date.  And why?  Because they do not believe in something called prophecy, they do not understand that prophecy means - something foretold, a word spoken before it comes to pass.  To them all is history.  To them it is so that every writer, even the Lord God himself in their preference, can only write was has occurred.

 And so you see how they are sons of the devil, and devoid of what is in the nature of knowledge or understanding.  If then they wish to contest what I have said of them, tell them that they better date this document not to have been written until sometime in the future, since Baruch also speaks very accurately of events that are to occur day to day in our near future.  Wherefore what is good for the goose is good for the gander.  Accordingly - in their judgment - this document has yet to be written, while marvelously it is already in our possession. 

 One of these scholars has no bones about showing his ignorance, as he said in respect to a passage where Baruch writes; "For the measure and the calculation of that time will be two parts, weeks of seven weeks".  This passage, so he says, is thoroughly unclear and cannot be used to arrive at a date of origin."  O how childish.  No, most certainly it cannot be used to date its origin, but it is crystal clear in what it does reveal, which secret is of course not for them to comprehend in the first place. 

 And to you that are wise, you who do understand, I admonish you; keep the secret and do not reveal it to them.  Consider that for as much as the Lord trusts you with "His" secrets, be entrusted with them, keep His secrets undefiled. 

ESDRAS.  (Prophecy). 

This book has remained visible throughout the centuries, but like Baruch, these words given to Esdras are likewise only for the wise.  And it is by the will and design of God that they are not found among the canons. 

As for the heading, instead of book numbers, I have simply made the heading in the name of the prophet, with the sur-title of "Prophecy".  For there is yet another book titled "Esdras", but with the sur-title of "Chronicle".  This eliminates the numbers, which for the most part, due to the various scribes, have become a confusing mess.  

Some refer to Esdras by the spelling of his other name - Ezra.  Since however there is a third book by Esdras in the canons under his name as Ezra, it serves the reference to keep his name as "Esdras" in this volume of books.  Esdras is yet also known by another name, Salathiel.  The sur-title then distills between his book of prophecy or the chronicle. 

 The scholars of the Israelites, from long ago already were perfectly willing to include the chronicle with their composition, and most of the book of the prophecy of Esdras as well.  Except for his first two chapters since it was in these that the Lord renounces Israel in favor of the Gentiles.  

I can understand why, but such pride is not justified.  There is a great treasure here in this book of Esdras for Israel, and they will indeed cherish it, for the Lord will no longer recall their sins, but instill in them a new heart, and they shall all be righteous and humble forever. 

SOLOMON     (the wisdom of)

This book of wisdom is a treasure for all whose love is the Lord.  Solomon speaks to the kings and rulers to listen to his words so they might rule forever.  The rulers of the earth however have never been wise, and by that ignorance they have cut their rule down to less than a drop on the ocean the size of the universe, and incurred horrible pains instead. 

What shall I say, what shall I say?  He who is wise will not want to be without these words of wisdom.  But who is wise?  See and behold, he who searches where gold is to be found, there gold is found. 

ECCLESIASTICS.  (Jesus Ben Sirach.) 

The proverbs contained herein are a collection of sayings from various persons, from Solomon, and from others, as well as from Jesus, who was the grandfather to the Jesus who composed this book, and the name of his father was Sirach.  And as to how and why he came to compose it he himself explains in his introduction to it. 

This book of wisdom has appeared in various languages, but as I searched for it - I did not find it in the English language, or at least, not anything that I would call a language, or English.  The translation (in English) found in the Apocrypha, is nothing short of a disaster, like as we in the English tongue would say, it looks like Greek, something that makes no sense, an array of letters without meaning or dignity.  Greek then, may be perfect Greek to the Greeks, but to the English speaking world English must be English. 

PSALMS.  (Of David & Israel.) 

The psalms named for Solomon as the author, were of an author in the days of the Maccabees, and convey the events of that time, and future promise.  These psalms however, being for Israel, and of Israel, I renamed them after Israel.  

And so, blessed are you O Israel, in whom the Lord delights, yea blessed be the Lord of Israel, in whom Israel shall delight.  Take up Psalm eighteen my dearly beloved, for it is near.  And until that day O my beloved Israel take up with me Psalm 9, and call unto Him who will deliver you, that He may hasten the times, that His name be exalted in all the earth. 

With this composition of psalms I included the additional psalms of David, and a few songs, as well as the lamentation of Siela, the daughter of Jepthah.   

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