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Chapter 6

Electrical current.

When we hold a magnet in the hand we feel nothing of its force, but when we hold an electric current, we become a battlefield for two opposing sides, and yet one as well as the other is a magnetic force.

We must consider, however, and understand that an electric current is in two ways. The current is one manner of force as it extends over a generator, and different when it lights a lamp or turns a motor. It is like opposites. In one it is going one way, and in an other it is on a return trip. Therefore we become no battlefield for two angry sides.

To demonstrate this graphically, an electrical current is basically the same manner of force as any other magnet, except that it rotates, as shown in Figure 32, noting the figure eight. The force is therefore complete, there is nothing lacking, and yet it is not empowering anything as yet.  If we place a hand over this force at area B, we would feel nothing, just the same as we can hold one lead of a current and feel nothing as long as we are not grounded.

And if we place both hands on it at the areas B and C, we feel still noth­ing, because we have not become a battlefield, which exists only when we touch upon or connect the opposite ends of the force, and it is using us as a return trip. To touch upon it at areas B and D, therefore, is physically connecting the two sides, and the war starts. It is not very wise to experiment in this way of course. One should use a lamp, rather than himself, for the tungsten filament can feel no pain, but we can.

If we designate poles to this current of force, we would give points E and C a name of positive and nega­tive, for these are the ends of the flow where we connect things and where we find the oppositions of positive and negative. And yet within the force itself, and within its formation of motion, these ends are the equatorial ranges. Its true north and south are at its sides, for point H would be the center of the north pole, while point A is the south pole.

Just examine the flow of motion. Since however this force is a continually rotating force, the poles turn about continually, and we can not place our finger at one point and say "Now I've got you, there is the north pole," for in the time it takes you to pronounce these nine words, that same north will have come and gone many times over.

Both sides of this potential turn in the same direction always except one half is in advance of the other, whereby we have that twist again. And Figure 33 is to demonstrate what the motion would be like if we could see it, in full length. We realize that as the first potential is rotating about, it induces an alignment of motion on down the line as long as there is copper or wire to con­duct its form of alignment.

Not likely shall the potential make whole new potentials, but by its rotating action, drive the curvature further as an extension of it. For by the same law of equivalence in which the single line of curvature turns to a dual line crossing the volume of the substance in the magnet, the rotating force extends itself into infinity as long as there is the substance upon which it can align and be powered. One might visualize this as if it followed the threads of a bolt.

Only one center of force began and remains in the force, for each crossover point that we see is, first of all, not a real crossing but a turnabout as it twists around in a circle, and even the real center is not a crossing where lines intersect, but they pass one over the other in their figure-eight.

What makes the center C, the center, and how we define it as a center of the whole force, lies in its entire concept. For when we consider the end marked A to compare it with end B, and we let it not rotate for the moment, we can readily visualize how the entire length is a like flat strip or band which is twisted, one end one way and the other opposite.

Somewhere in the middle these motions of opposite direction must meet and be at a standstill or turnover, demonstrated more vividly in Figure 34. Theoretically speaking the entire half of B is moving opposite to the half marked A. In reality the entire half B is at a difference of and with the one marked A.

And no matter how many more turns each half may make unto itself, they remain motions of the same direction, as each is opposite to all consequent motions of the other half. And so there remains always but one single center which is always right within the generator, or the battery.

And now that we know what electricity is in its flow of current, we know what a charge is, as the difference of the two ends. For they will use us as a ballpark to .play within, only we are not too happy with that kind of charge.

To know electrical current better still, however, we must besides its incoming, also understand its outgoing, which is to electrify things. When we connect leads across the ends of a filament in a light-bulb, we are exciting the atoms of the metal and this is very true, because the difference of our potential increases the velocities of the substance of the metal to such high rates that it becomes very hot, and it increases the vibration so much, or so fast, that it begins to glow like a light unto us.

The vibration of a light wave is very high, while those of a current are much lower, and if vibrations are too slow, we can not see by them, since our eyes are tuned to much higher vibrations. And any vibration, higher or lower than those to which are eyes are tuned, will not give us the illumination which we know.

To give a few more examples hereof (for the same principle is true in all of nature), a radar wave is set up at certain rates of frequencies. If therefore we make a receiver and tune it to these same rates so that a rate exactly at harmony with it will cause a loudspeaker to buzz, and we go down the street in search of a police­man measuring velocities with radar, we will hear the buzz as soon as the speed of the waves which he sends out measure equal with the speed of our tuner.

But if his rates are higher or we tuned our lower, then if you are speeding, he is going to catch you off guard. Still another is when two cars are going down the freeway. They can only travel together if their velocities are exactly equal, or else one shall not long remain alongside the other.

To cause light therefore, we are required only to raise the vibrations of the substance of the filament so fast that they come in harmony with the receiver of our eyes. Of course one should realize here, that this is not all there is to it, but fundamentally, this is exactly the principle of it. What the electricity going through the filament is, is one thing, and what it does to the substance of the metal is still another, for they can exist simultane­ously.

Let us look at this other phenomenon of electric current by its lines of motion again as in Figure 35. Where A and B are the ends of one potential as we re­ceive it from the generator, while everything between A and B is a wire, it is a simple matter now for the current to continue on through this wire and the motions will meet each other midway, shaking hands.

As we look at it, everything appears to follow a single harmony, the lines fitting upon each other as if they were made for this propagation. Yet there is a definite difference, best demonstrated below it, as we describe the lead A, by a circle of motion at C, and B, with its circle of motion at E. While a moment ago, we explained how each half in essence travels in the opposite direction to the other, C and E rotate in opposite directions. When they then meet at point D, what do we suppose must happen? What happens when we step on the brakes of a car, or a clutch are similar examples.

If now we go out and test my words to see if they really do turn in opposite directions, then one who is not thinking too clearly, nor reading very well, will call me a liar, for he shall find that both will travel in the same direction. And yet we know that in that same direction there is a difference of motion by its very twist, and we could demonstrate both these actions by a graph such as in Figure 36.

Let us take two wheels, each spinning upon a shaft in identical directions, side by side, the wheels edges nearest each other, therefore denoting the difference of the motion of the twist. And let us fasten the whole thing by a frame around them, on a single shaft turning in one direction as indicated by C and D.

If then the wheels be smooth, there is friction, but they will not be torn apart, as would occur in Figure 36, when we consider the wheels as gears and their teeth engage with one another, for either they will rip off each other's teeth, or both must come to a halt. To come to a halt however would mean no difference in their motion, and no longer would twist exist with the flow of current, which means no potential and no electricity, for the difference in one has ceased to exist.

And this becomes even more vivid when we consider how the motion of the wheels or gears are in essence connected with the motion of the frame, which is in one direction. Consider but the circles of the frame at points C and D to be gears engaged in a stationary gear outside the frame, and the wheels thus related to the stationary parts via the intermediate of the motion of the frame. If anything comes to a halt, then everything will come to a halt.

But as long as we maintain pressure at the generator, the motion is not about to stop. Therefore the only other alternative is that the substance will be torn apart, such as when we connect two leads directly to each other, or we place a mediator between them to take up their difference in part so that both can remain with the mediator taking all the blows.

When I mentioned the frame connecting to a stationary part, and that this connection is a motive connection, it is the same as stating that the flow of current is contained by the substance and has a foundation upon it, by its motive contention, and moving relation. A substance such as copper conducts an electric current because its structure formation is such that it can grasp and set forth these alignments, and as it grasps the motion, the motion on the other hand has a hold on the substance by that very relation. Therefore if we tear the motions completely apart by their very strength of contention, the substance will be torn apart also, for the motion is upon the substance.

And to be still more accurate, the motion of the potential is a formation of motion upon the motion of more individual systems, which itself is motion upon, or of, still more individual systems, which finally is motion upon the real substance itself. And we should not think now that the real substance is that far removed from the outcome of the potential. No, in that respect the real substance is as close to it as it was to its first motion, which should not be so difficult to realize.

Let us consider now a substance such as plastic and charge it with a current, only to find out that the plastic can not be torn apart nor heated, nor will it pay any attention to the current. Its structure is such that it can not grasp this particular formation, and therefore neither will it conduct it. But yet the lines of motion of the current go right over, around and through it, and can indeed align their inner lines of general motion, even as we can rotate a ball in place but not bring it unto us by the stroke of a straight stick on its side, or line up things yet produce no real action, no grip unto anything.

If supposing indeed a plastic were unable to conduct the lines of motion of a magnetic or of an electric current, then we could not move a ball on one side with a magnet on the other. The magnetic motions that associate with the current of electricity are not a different force, but they are the electrical current itself just as much as all the rest, except that we used to call them differently, for we understood not their nature.

That which is inside the wire appeared to be different from that which was motion outside the wire, and now we realize why, by the fact that any non-conductive material can not carry forth the action, although it may turn in watching it pass by. There must be physical contact upon the force at the substance in which it empowers itself, with another substance, wherein it can be of action. What this potential can do however with its extension of force sideways out of the wire (or at its ends), is set up an identical lining or formation in an adjacent wire, just as we can magnetize any steel object next to a magnet with a force like unto the magnet.

Only the current in the wire adjacent to the first wire, is a separate and individual force or entity of this first, and if we grasp the top ends of both there will be no difference, for we have not the difference of one. In fact by so doing we make the second wire an extension of the first. Only when we generate a separate entity besides the first can we have double the difference.

Electricity, with its invisible power to do things for us, is thus but a motion in certain ways, that by this very relation comes to stand at odds with others, heating our wires or magnetizing bars, which by the magnetic power of a difference turns the armature of a motor. It is no more difficult to know what electricity is, even though a lot more can be explained, including more fundamental motions, and how it is generated in the first place, which things are sufficiently explained in my first volume.

What I do wish to explain somewhat is the motion to become one out of many, and how we know a difference. A sheep grazes on grass and hay, and drinks water, and all this is needed for the sheep to live and grow wool, the same as cows give milk. This wool however is hair and not very long, yet when we knit a sweater, we have entire rolls of wool. How therefore did we get such long strings of wool out of the short hairs of the sheep?

"The spinning wheel," we say and we think nothing more of it, for anyone knows that by spinning and twisting and overlapping and weaving together, you can make one long string out of many short ones. Should we then forever question how a generator can weave and twist many small lines of motion into one large one, that we can in fact use for specific purposes? And we should not let anyone deceive us, saying, "But motions are voids while hairs are substantial," for if at all we know how to use our reason, we know that hair is by motion as much as motion is by the substance which is substantial.

Let us yet assume an object, be it a ball or a nucleus or electron in Figure 37 at A, and let us move this ball unto position B, and to return it unto position C. We then have a vibrating movement of an object. But how shall we know that this object is moving or vibrating at all when it is too small to see, and we used not a means of still other motions which by their relation of positions tell us what is happening?

If object A were relative to a point, H, by interaction, to move when A moved, we would see the motions on a scale, even as the movements of all the gears in a clock can be determined by the dials that tell us what time it is. Or again, when we begin with an electric current having a wavelength and a certain rate of frequencies, we can take this beginning and accelerate these frequencies higher and higher by a process that we might call a trick, and we are left with what is no longer an electric current but a radio wave.

But is not this wavelength different by a length as well as a rate of so many cycles per second? By differences in velocities and by differences in actions per minute, and by lengths, we recognize things and motivate things, even as by these same basic processes nature is formed of itself, or at least it appears unto us as of itself. We discussed this with the firing order of our gasoline engine. More such examples are light in its brilliance, or dimmer presentation, or shadows.

Let us suppose in Figure 38, that we had an electric current of 60 cycles per second and we represent it by a wheel turning that fast, and a line extending from point A to B, to represent the continuance of that current, and we wished to have a frequency equal to that of visible light. Then we are wasting our time, for a current and a vibration of visible light are more than a magnitude apart in nature, and for a current itself we can not increase the speed of this wheel to such rapid successions.

Moreover, light is not formed upon or by lines of a third order of nature but of second order motion or substance, meaning more individual motion must set it forth, which is the same as saying not the current itself but the molecules and atomic motion of substance must generate vibration in such very rapid succession.

Being more modest, let us say we want only repetitions as high as radio waves. Suppose then we began to increase the velocity of the wheel to spin it faster and faster and still faster. We are not yet beginning to come near to the count of the successions we want, when al­ready our material has heated so greatly and is falling apart, and we wonder, "How did we ever get radio waves?"

Well, we know that by cutting things in half, we multiply, and cutting them once again multiplies twice as much, in two cuts having already four times the multiplication. And what is the best way to cause a variation in a continuous motion? A stop-and-let-go action. So in­stead of turning the wheel faster and faster, we are letting it reverse back and forth, and thus instead of having to cover the entire circumference of the circle to make each count, we can make a count for but each fraction of that turn like we demonstrated in Figure 39, where point A on the wheel, when it comes to point C is turned back to point D, and again to E, thus a back-and-forth motion, just like those we represent as radio waves.

However, what shall be the need of the wheel or the rotation if we merely have a back-and-forth movement within one place. And besides that, to stop the wheel and reverse its motion, and stop again and so forth, could not be done as rapidly as we want things to be. For again this would mean physically to stop the line, and as much as it is a part of the substance we would cause quite an impression upon that substance resulting in the heating thereof, and at last disintegration or separation of our equipment.

But with the wheel in motion, and the impulse of another in reverse momentarily contacting upon it, we put what we might call dents or variations, in it, uneven movements as compared to a smooth sur­face or motion of things. And each of these variations can be counted again, millions of miles away, with appropriate equipment. Thus we create the rapid succession of radio waves and transmit them over nature's general lines of motion.  


In Figure 40 I showed how the motion, or wave, is both a rotation of the line as well as a vibration of it, that is to say, momentary variations. And when we behold Figure 41, where once again we place our wheel and the continuance of its line behind it, if then our speed of succession is in one-fourth of its movement of rotation, the displacement in rotation will be from point M to point E, and the length of the wave from point E back unto point F, a distance of A-B, which is one count.

While if our count of successions is much higher, and is one-tenth of the rotation, to displace from point M to G, the length of the wave will be proportionally shorter of course, having a distance C-D. Therefore the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength will be automatically.

Technically speaking, the displacement of the line or wave in its angular motion is the carrier, and by itself is already a variation which can be registered or used as such. The variation in it is our actual vibration that is the message, or the picture to our television tube. One must consider that both motions are required to per­form this one action. If the line were standing still in one place we could not have a stop-and-let-go action, but of necessity we must have a fully back-and-forth motivation, an altogether different thing.

Consider again that as the frequencies go higher and higher the substance will be increased in its internal motion, and comes close to becoming altogether a kinetic motion upon the structure of the substance, in other words, heat. At the high range of radio waves, heat will begin, even as at the high range of electric currents, heat is easily obtained, and by concentration of light waves also, although the latter one is a multiplication process rather than a increase of successions or velocity.

Chapter 7


The foundations of a building are the cement blocks and reinforcing upon which it rests which are hidden in the earth.  The earth has its foundations within the motions in space, and in the nature of the motion which propels it through an endless universe, and in how these motions as engines propel it forward and uphold it within the circuits it traces.  Included therewith are such things as its rotation motion, the orbit around the sun, the moon’s abiding by us, and still other odds and ends which are caused by these motions and their engines such as the seasons, the tides, and variations of regular motions.

Although some of us contend that all this is long known, we shall find that such a statement is a bit premature.  What is not written over two thousand years ago that at the last days of this world the foundations shall be understood?  And that He which laid these very foundations, as the first of all things, will He not as the first reveal it unto Zion? Therefore they could not have been known before this day, for as Zion, I am the first, although in the past some others have known before me.  One such was King Solomon of Israel. 

Nor have we understood the true cause to the tides, or the power which raises the waters, or by what secret power are held to the face of the earth every man and beast which beholds the universe with all its stars, to see into heaven as it appears to be.  Yet has man’s eyesight not passed beyond the very air he breathes, except for a few who traveled to our moon, or orbited the earth, and even they have not seen into the universe.

For as a picture reflected in a mirror we behold the universe, because our eyes are dust, and see by that nature into the lengths thereof.  Gravity is a force that holds us to the earth, yes but gravitation is not what causes the planetary motions and should thus eliminate it altogether.

For the less knowledgably of us, our world is like a spaceship turning around its axis, and moving around in a circle about the sun, and with it a number of other planets move in the same way around the sun, some of which we see as if they were bright stars in the night sky.  And this entire solar system moves in a circle around the center of the galaxy, our galaxy, which is called the Milky Way.

The earth is a material body, having a magnetic force, quite large at that, which extends very far into space. Then the earth has another force, not quite like the magnetic force, which is gravity to pull all things everywhere to one common center.  We know from experience that nothing can escape from gravity, that is to say, not to be susceptible to it, while a magnetic force only draws certain substances

It is handy now that we have covered magnetic and electric forces, for thus we understand what a magnet is and how it works.  Within the earth therefore, the figure eight centers at the same center where gravity centers shown in Figure 42.

But while the motion is incoming at the south and outgoing at the north for the magnetic force, gravity pulls inward everywhere, pole to equator with equal force.  For what we must understand quite clearly is that which Newton stated years ago that nature obeys a force or balance of equivalence as he put it in words, for every action is an equal reaction, etc.  If gravity were to pull stronger at the north then by the very law of equivalence the south would have to do the same to balance out the additional force over their common center, remaining with equals always.

If we shifted the center of the force to one direction, then the distance between it and that point would decreases, and consequently the volume of substance there would be less than as compared to the other side where everything increased, meaning a unbalanced proposition which would be met by the total force of the earth to find its perfectly balanced position at the center

It would be easier therefore to pull the entire earth out of orbit than to move the center of force as much as an inch.  Yet if we chip off a great big piece the force will find a new center for itself according to the volume that we took away from it on one side, just the same as a magnet will seek a new center each time we cut off a piece of one end.  It is logical to understand therefore how the waters of the oceans keep an even surface all around the globe.  Being liquid water can move to fill up any open space closer to the center of force from that which is further from the center of force. Normally we say that all things fall down, or things run downhill.

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth. We did not yet have an earth as we know it, with oceans and land and grass and flowers, for in the space of six days were all things made, and not all at once.  And what this means we should partially know, yet can we not know, for to understand the foundations of the world is a thing right under our feet upon which we stand, while to know the former is above that, and much as one comes before two, so that which is nearer must first be understood.  And that which is above, well let us concern ourselves with things down here for the time such as it is.

Looking at the moon, and at earth from space, and taking the word of the scientists that all planets are round, like balls of spheres, we might suppose that they are balls because they were made that way, and true as that is, it came to be that as our sun was large and there were not yet planets around it. The Lord caused it to break apart, in part that is to say, to cast off huge chunks of substance and molten hot as they were, these were cast into space, at right angles from the sun immediately causing them to take on an orbit around the sun. 

Imagine now a mass of molten substance rolling through space, which as it rolled in by and in the magnetic field of the sun, it became like an armature in a generator immediately generating its own electrical and magnetic force, and gravity too, for gravity is a sister to magnetic force.  What shape do you then suppose the earth would take on under such conditions? Of course, you are right, a ball – because the combined powers of magnetic and gravity made certain that all substance was drawn to equal proportions, which can only be a sphere.

Therefore are all planets spheres in their design. Cooling down they hardened, while differences in temperature and cavities by the nature of the substance formed the uneven places on the land while the water is still held to the same proportions as all of it began in the beginning.

It is also the magnetic force which insured that the earth would take on an orbit around the sun, for the sun holds all planets to its circuits, and propels them by its magnetic force, and not by its gravitational force.  A gravitational force is quite limited, and not a motivating force.  It could not even lift a finger on other planets, let alone move those planets, or attract them in any way, unless they were very close together.

To explain now how the sun holds the earth as it moves about the sun, we merely play with some magnets.  We recall how magnets pull each other, and having the sun and every body as a magnet, the lines of motion are like those shown in figure 43.  But there are some finer points to know, which are drawn in Figure 44.

Note how there is a straight line between the center of the sun and the earth which follows the line of the figure eight for the section of the eight from point A to B. I call the line of motion of the figure eight of magnetism, and from C to D,  is the other line. By this fashion do these bodies concentrate on one another. Note also the angle of their tilt of axis. And by the drawing it may appear that the earth is too far away from the sun to make contact, but this is only so for our convenience.  In reality it is more like figure 45. The sun is very huge compared to the little balls floating around it which are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars in their comparative distances from the sun.

I must explain this line of motion however, for when we look at Figure 46 we see the sun and the earth holding each other like we would expect their lines of force to do

The circles join and combine making for a very rigid bond, ring of matrimony. How do I therefore speak of a straight line to connect over the lines of motion of the figure eight as in Figure 44 where the circles would not properly join to make one with each other?  

It is best however to say nothing rather than too little and confuse things, and yet we must have this representation for the latter ends. Therefore let us consider that the line of motion of the figure eight is, in reality, the line of concentration of the force, and might for the same purpose be drawn right at the equator of both bodies. 

But if we do it is hard to realize a true flow of motion and see all points relative to the tilts of the axis of a body, and we might conceive it as if all motion were concentrated at the equator, which is not correct either.  If anything we note that there is a lot more to the figure eight of a magnet and its relations than what meets the eye, or what I shall explain of it.

In Figure 43 therefore note a combination how in essence both may exist and do exist, although the picture is but a crude A-B-C thereof. For our general purpose consider the fact of how the earth rides with its field of force on that of the sun both forces passing over their respective centers and force concentrating on so called theoretical line of motion directly between their centers. 

This holds the earth so well and every other planet also that we are indeed quite married to our sun. Yet we would ultimately be drawn into the sun were it not for the forward velocity of the earth in orbit. This velocity tends to pull us away from the sun by centrifugal force as demonstrated in Figure 47.

The earth at point A wants to go to B, but by its hold on the sun is moved to C instead.  This now takes power, it requires force, and we already do have this power and force.  But at the same time the amount of that force as it may graphically be given by the distance C-B, would slow down the earth in its velocity and again ultimately cause us to collide with the sun. Therefore the earth must receive a power of forward propulsion either by the sun or of its own and it is from both.

The sun as we know rotates, and this rotation means as it turns the lines of force turn about with it.  They pass right over and through the earth and also over its force lines. These lines making contact with one another, the sun helps to push or pull the earth forward in its circuit.  Now a lot could be said as to how these lines roll over others, and how precisely the lines of motion move around the sun all the way to the distance where Pluto is looking down at us. together with a number of other things which could not be appreciated except with a more than general knowledge of the entire concept of nature.

Within a general outline it is rather simple thus to know how we are traveling in space, and what power guides us if only we consider the possibilities of both according to the experiences as we know them without prejudice.  Such things I will speak of a little under "Contrast."

Next on the agenda is the force of gravity which is not a very strong force really. Consider all the mass of your body. If it were magnetized you would need very much strength indeed to lift yourself away from another magnet, while we come out with an average of a few hundred pounds.  But then gravity is a lady, and much more gentle and very beautiful. And as difficult a woman is to understand so is gravity. She is a combination of many things and depends on her man quite a lot.

Our earth as we know is a spinning top turning a circle once every 24 hours like unto a gyro. The inclinations of a gyro are in fact like the inclinations of the earth as it spins. These are not the only spinning tops in nature however, for every electron and every proton are spinning tops also, and a nucleus is a spinning top. The atom itself however is not a spinning top, but a solar system, nor are molecules spinning tops.

Gravity then begins with what ends up with a combination of magnetic force.  We are apt to think that we are pulled to the earth, but in reality we are carried to the earth, or inclined unto it, for which reason the force of gravity is so gentle.  If we take a gyro and it is spinning at full balance it tends to remain in place, but if we apply a torque upon it at one end or the other to cause an off balance, the gyro will begin to move in one direction or the other depending on which end we applied the torque. This may be said as a motion separate from the motion of precession it begins to make.  If then we stop this motion with our force the gyro will regain its balance, but if we continue to apply a constant torque the gyro will try to move with constant pressure.

If we let go of our finger which holds it back it will move again until its hits our finger. Imagine then all the substance on earth until we hit the floor at which point there is more resistance than power to push us closer into the earth.  But if we are lifted up, even an inch, the air can not hold us up with its strength against the amount of force by which we are pushed to the center of gravity.

A block of steel in quicksand will continue to move down while on dry sand it would not by the difference of the combined powers of its gyro's to the ridgidness of the sand.

In basic terms therefore the force of gravity lays hold and pulls on the spin of the object by a torque placed upon its spin by what we call a centrifugal force, while a magnetic force lays hold only on certain structures of substance.   Now if anyone of us can name a substance which has no electrons, protons, nor any spinning tops, then he has a substance which is free of gravity and can float right out into space without requiring any power at all.  However, without protons and electrons no matter exists, or could exist, therefore we have never found any substance that is free of the forces of gravity.

And now to put a rather involved process and combination of things in a short simple explanation justified for a general understanding, let us take a gyro as in Figure 48.


The oval is the wheel in motion with line B as the line of motion, and line A as the axis. Let C therefore be power of force which holds this gyro at its center of motion, such as the sun is to the earth, or the center of the earth to all its substance about it.   Suppose then we pulled on the axis at point D to tilt its angle of rotation, this would cause the line of motion B to dis-align with the line of motion from C, and a differential is created between these factors, the center points of the gyro in relation to C, and the physical points of their motion as they extend outwards from their centers.  In short, the gyro would begin to move in a direction indicated by F.

And suppose now we pulled on the axis on the other side, then the gyro will move just opposite, but it will neither move towards nor away from the line of motion C, or its power, or center of force, but at right angles thereto, and incline unto the direction from where it is held, which is not in a straight direct version, but as in a manner of a circle, like a nut on a bolt is turned down the treads.

It is the relation C, and the torque, in this case D, which causes the gyro to move a direction E, as indicated by the spiral which is also sown in Figure 49.


Note that although that gyro may turn about the center moves down thereby as in a straight line. The torque of course is caused by the motion of the earth as it spins, the basics of all substance.  This sound simple enough and I hope you find it the same. we can already conceive how all substance might be drawn to the center of the earth as a force of gravity, by gravity.  However there is one more thing to it, the substance consisting of so many particles is formed to clusters of atoms and molecules and cells, and all these parts will not be found to turn about as they are drawn to the earth, for it is what we might call the relation of the internal motions which perform these acts up and against the magnetic lines of force of the earth.

Physically they are not able to turn about, although if we placed them free of surroundings and established the same circumstances required for gravity they could indeed do so.  Consider how a gyro is a wheel and how it is suspended in a frame, and as the wheel moves the frame does not turn about also.  But if the wheel is physically displaced the frame will be also.  So likewise within the clusters of substance the internal motion provides the engine power and positioning for linear motion moving the entire substance frame and all straight away, for again are not structures the same as frames for internal wheels of all matter?

But in Figure 50 I drew a magnetic line of force of the third order of nature one going each way, while the zig zag line denotes the pattern of motion by which all substance works against these lines, and together these motions moves this substance to the earth's center. We could say gravity is like a bolt which turns in a nut, our magnetic force being the nut. Or we could say the nut turns in place moving the bolt down without physical rotation of the bolt. The first denotes the motive pattern; the second denotes the material movement.

Therefore all things are to a center of an object by the combined efforts of a force of 7000, and a force of 3, in one called gravity. The force of 7000 is the motion of the spin in all of its relations thereto, which by itself is not gravity. And a force of 3 is pour magnetic force with its three point principle, together with which the force of 7000 makes, or promotes the motion of force which we call gravity.

If I went on to define this motion of 7000 deeper and deeper we would end up with even these being fundamentally nothing more and nothing less than magnetic force again, but their fashion and their more intricate relation sort of makes it separate. Therefore I named it a motion of 7000.  And the best definition to compare the two is man and woman, for the woman inclines unto the man to be of him, and to have it done by an action of him or both.

And thus we have gained a general understanding of what gravity is and the nature of its force and motion, while we can easily reason of ourselves how the center of gravity is established seeing this beautiful lady with her dazzling forthcoming flows fully within the embraces of her man. And this man of hers has its center of force at the exact center of the earth, from any and all directions wherefore her center is there also, laid down for her by the magnetic force, or else her center would be everywhere along the axis of the earth just as any woman which has not a man may be found along many places, most of which shall not bring her to rest.

The Seasons

Summer and winter vary in time and temperature. The time variation is by a motion of the earth, while the temperature is a degree of angle at which the earth's surface faces the sun. When for example the sun comes at us with its energy from the straight direction a, Figure 51, the area towards E will receive more light or energy per square inch of surface than the area towards D, which lies wholly in the angle of the surface to the straight line of energy coming at us.  

Our earth as we note is tilted away from a perpendicular line with its axis in respect to the line to our sun. Therefore the northern half at D receives less heat than the southern and consequently is the difference between summer and winter.  The distance which the suns energy has to travel through our atmosphere, the clouds, the winds etc, make difference both in winter and summer, and variations in the sun can increase or decrease the average amount of energy received here.

The reason now that we have summer, winter, fall, and spring once every year is first of all because four seasons is technically accounted as a period of one year, and they are caused by the precession of the earth itself. The earth is a spinning top, and any spinning top whose angle is tilted away from the perpendicular line which bears upon its center of motion will wobble as sown by the ovals drawn above the poles.

 Beginning in a position where the line of axis is the line B, the earth wobbles around so that in six months the tilt of its axis lines up with the line C.  And when it does all things are reversed in respect to the heat of the sun reaching us.  Now it will be summer on the northern half and winter on the southern half.  Suppose then it is three months later, or three months before this period, the axis will actually be perpendicular with the line of the sun C, and both northern and southern halves of the earth will receive an equal amount of heat. Therefore we call these period fall and spring.  

The earth then completes almost a full circle around the sun by the time the earth makes one full turn of precession and consequently its four seasons. The difference according to astronomers is 1/26000 part. If therefore the lady with the big brown eyes is 27 years of age, she is younger by 27 parts thereof if we account one rotation of orbit around the sun as one year.  Or else one shall have seen four seasons 26,001 times when he is but 26.000 years old. The earth has still a second motion of precession which is shown by the oval at G in figure 51 which has something to do with our moon.

The Tides

Another cause of the forces by which we ride through space, and by which the moon rides on our magnetic force is the tides, the rise and fall of the waters chiefly seen at the shores of the continents. Figure 52 demonstrates how these tides occur upon the earth with the moon in one position of the earth, as if the moon had anything to do with the tides, which it does.  


Yet it appears not likely, for note something strange; the rise of the waters are on both sides of the earth, and that in equal proportions while the moon is but on one side of the earth.  Shall it then be likely for the moon to cause this? At first sight we should have to conclude to ourselves, "No it is too strange." and leave it unanswered, but the moon does have a lot to do with it.

Together with its force in relation to ours a force of gravity upon the face of the earth pulls water with an average force of 2.26 lb per liter, and a 100 miles out from the face of the earth the force of gravity on a liter of water is smaller.  All the way to the moon the water then would be pulled in the opposite direction, where instead it would be pulled towards the moon.  If therefore we speak of the moon lifting our waters by its force of gravity, we would answer; "Don't be silly, it would pull the birds out of the sky before it would even reach our oceans."

Moreover we know that all planets are held to each other and drawn away, or moved to their variations by our forces of magnetism upon all of them individually. Therefore in Figure 53, let us behold the earth and the moon with their lines of force, and for a first consideration let us assume both bodies to be standing idle so that their lines of force may project out in a perfect circle as demonstrated by the broken lines giving all water on the earth time to come to a complete even proportion.

Then with the earth still in place, we place the moon in motion around the earth. But this motion causes the moon to pull on us with a force we call centrifugal resulting in a strain upon the lines of force which hold the two together resulting in a deformation of its circle into a shape we call an oval, as demonstrated in figure 53, by the solid lines, And greatly exaggerated as it may be this is indeed what occurs. 

What then do we suppose happens therefore right under our feet upon and in the earth? The cones of the figure eight are moved up, and as they do embracing the substance of the earth - it is taken with them raising the waters between these cones. Meanwhile the gravitational pull and the movement of magnetic lines at the poles lower the waters at the poles of course.

But our figure eight is a figure of eight; therefore if we pull on one side of the earth, an identical movement will occur at the exact opposite side of the earth in equal proportions, since and because the force always balances out in equal actions over its center. When we close the handles of a pair of scissors, the cutting edges will also close in.  Now then we understand how the tides must occur on both sides of the earth in line directly to the moon since it pulls on our lines of force.

Let us however go back over this a little more, for the moment we placed the moon into motion, and our lines were closed in somewhat, we observed no immediate tide. In fact for some time the tide only gradually came higher and higher until after sufficient time had passed the flow of water around the earth had built up enough to be equal unto the degree of movement by which the magnetic lines shift as compared to a normal idle position, and the water remained not increasing anymore.

I stated this for us to realize that the forces of our earth cannot just pick up water and carry it away in that fashion.  Consider the solid part of the earth; it has by its frigidness such a resistance unto that motion of these lines that in passing over them they remain put. The water then at first will also, being rigid, but not that ridged, yet slowly little by little more water comes in the movement until it reaches an equal resistance.

Our earth rotating around in front of a slowly moving moon causes the water on the earth to continually move by that circle. Therefore there are always tides someplace on the earth although we do not notice that standing at one place seeing the water going up and down twice per day. There are variations in the tides now by the fact that the moon shifts back and forth over our equator, as in doing so it shifts over our lines of force, and also the land masses direct and redirect or resist the flow of the waters around the globe.  If our moon had water the same would happen over there.

Our atmosphere, the air we breathe, undergoes the same action as the tides but to a smaller extend, for the air is very light and very mobile and does not rest within the power scope of the earth, and this needs explaining.

The power scope of a magnet is the block or the substance upon and in which it is a magnet, just as the force is powerful all the way up to the edge of the bar. After which it begins to decrease in strength.  When we make the block larger the force will maintain its strength up to the new edge, or past the additional distance which previously had begun a decrease thereof.

The water in the earth now does not rest fairly well within that scope, even though it is not a substance that will count towards the strength of the force such as metals or steel, or other substances whose structure's have been changed by very high pressures and intense heat, and are capable of performing the same.

There are a number of other things which are also part of the subject heading the Foundations of the world, some of which are well known, the days, the other planets, our galaxy, and meteors, etc., then there is the sun itself.  By I am leaving Cyrus until its time has come to step forward and be counted which will be soon enough. Other details concerning gravity and planetary motion are found within my first volume and a word or two concerning the error of some theories currently held are stated in the chapter "Contrast."