Welcome to   "Science Fundamentals"   >Earth's journey in fundamentals<   (an article composed in the year 1990)   By: Leonard Van Zanten


  A journey through nature’s fundamentals  



  1. To become familiar in the fundamentals of the physical world is to place this thought into mind, - that the whole of physical nature in its many forms is nonetheless a single whole – all things hinging upon, associating, and affected one by the other. 

  2. And that to fully appreciate the beauty of this grand design, one must employ patience along with a way to proceed, which I might illustrate by the ideal of a puzzle.   

  3. Do not therefore endeavor to behold the whole of the picture of the puzzle until all the pieces are put into place, or to fully comprehend each individual piece as we are putting them into place.  For it will not be until all of the pieces are into place that not only the whole will be seen - but the factual essence of each piece as well.

  4. The wisdom of this page will as I know evade most of this generation of man.  It is not as some may presume a theory, but rather facts as the Almighty Creator taught me.  This page then will be for wisdom and for intelligence to the wise and for the generations that are as yet to come. 

      Earth’s journey

  1. The earth is approximately. 93,000.000 miles or 148,800,000 kilometers from the sun.  Each day the earth moves approximately 1,276,500 Kilometers per day in its orbit.  That comes to a speed of approximately 15 kilometers per second. (54.000 Km/PH)  (33.750 MPH)

  2. Meanwhile, the earth rotates once in 24 hours and/or in 23Hr 56 Min 4.091 sec.  At the equator that means approximately 1,046 kilometers per hour, or 0.29 km per second.  When we move up one kilometer in the rotation of the earth, it has moved some 50 kilometers further into its orbit.  

  3. The earth makes 3 local motions; it rotates, moves in orbit, and precesses. 

  4. The rotation is kept up by the magnetic lines of the sun and of the earth by what might be said as a slicing of figures of eight of force interweaving.  Nor is it as such a gravitational inclination by which the earth is held in a circular orbital movement, but rather by a magnetic hold (strings) upon the inertia present within and upon the earth.

  5. The gravitational inclination of the sun leaves off long before even a quarter million miles are past, while the gravitational inclination of the earth leaves off at app. 3200 miles, the factor of gravity coming to a zero and entering into the minus.

  6. The moon is approximately 382,240 kilometers from the earth.  The moon travels in its orbit at a speed of approximately 1,786 km/hour, or 0.49 km/sec.  The moon makes one local motion, it moves in orbit.

  7. Any object that is placed in an orbit around the earth is held there by the combined effort of gravity in league with the magnetic tentacles of the earth.  The service that these lines perform are in all essence no different than what a rope would to hold down a balloon, or a string on a potato.  (Figure 41-4)

  8. All planets and stars are held magnetically, even as all substances in atomic and molecular form are in essence held magnetically, that is to say; "Conductive movement."

  9. All gravitational inclinations, the act of falling down to an object is limited for distance, decreasing as one departs from the vector of it, while the magnetic hold is virtually unlimited in distance.

  10. Magnetic now all in itself, in the end result is like gravity.  Magnetic force quells, meaning it draws all things to a center.  As then gravity has its so called movement to a center, that center as well as its movement is of and by magnetic.

  11. Gravity cannot subsist without magnetic. When 3200 miles from earth gravity has come to a zero acceleration, magnetic will still draw all substances to itself.  Properly speaking we can not say that the moon is held to the earth by gravity since it is more than 3200 miles from the earth.

   The moon

  1. The moon does not rotate on its axis, yet current science has it that it does.  Our question then becomes - how they came to such an erroneous conclusion? 

  2. In reality if the moon were to rotate on its axis the positions of the moon would be according to figure 41-2, B through B4.  (Figure 41-3)  The moon simply moves around the earth as the potato in figure 41-4 does. (Figure 41-5)

  3. For notice how the nail driven into the potato continues to face towards the vector from which it is held. The potato does not rotate even though in position 1, the head of the nail faces towards the east side of the frame of reference, while in position 3, it faces towards the west side of the frame of reference.  

  4. The potato thus maintains an unchanging position throughout the entire circle of the orbit, because it - like the moon or the space shuttle around the earth - are under restraint.

  5. With the potato it is a band of fibers woven into a string, with the shuttle and the moon the strings are magnetic.  It is for this reason that while the moon keeps the same face towards the earth. It does not rotate around its axis, nor does it have an axis, seeing how only a rotating body can have an axis.

General statement

  1. In the beginning the earth was flat and no one was to prove that it was round, but with the advent in science this is now quite obvious.  But no less obvious will be the fact that the earth has its seasons due to a rotation of precession rather than the fixed immovable position that current science has given it.   

  2. And that in a manner of speaking the earth, like unto the moon orbiting the earth, also appears to have a single period of rotation for each orbital period that it makes around the sun.

  3. The earth then for each single orbit around the sun also makes one full turn of precession which gives it its seasons.  That turn of precession then comes short of that one full turn of orbit by about 20 minutes.

  4.  And it is by those 20 minutes each year that the earth appears to have - as the scientist call it - a precession lasting 26.000 years; the axis of the earth pointing to the star called Polaris and by one half thereof (13.000 years) graduating towards the star called Vega.

  5. It however is not a precession, but rather a "regression," even as the seasons do not come about by a fixed axis but rather by a precessional axis.   

  6. First we shall discuss "the days," then we will prove the "regression," after which we will present the evidence that for its seasons the earth "precesses."

  7. As then I will indeed be furnishing the evidence to my speech, there is that "sight deception," by which man formulates his theories, and sight deception has a firm grip on the mind of men.  It is in fact a major obstacle in a great many things whereby man is prevented from beholding the truth of things.   

  8. But who is to show these truths when by observation the one appears like unto the other?  And so I acclaim, “Understanding nature is easy, teaching it is quite another matter."

  9. When I thought to understand it, I had a difficult time, and nothing seemed clear, until I asked of the Lord my God, my Teacher, to grant me that understanding.  And I was truly amazed as to how quickly and clearly He presented it to me, to grant me such treasures as were they but child's-play.

  10. And now that all this is no more than child's-play to me, perhaps I am not be best of teachers to teach it to them that are as yet ignorant of all such grandeur.  But I will endeavor to make it at simple as possible.

  11. Not that I expect the scientists and the physicists to understand the norm of science, since these live in a world of no more than fantasies, and have educated themselves in what is most stupid, their own self glory, like the slime in the gutters. 

  12. And just as a rotten potato is no longer edible, but to be cast away, so are man's current scientists.  With only the young and the new to be educated rightly.  New wine to be placed in new wine-skins. 


    The earth IN DAYS

  1. When the earth turns upon its axis we divide that period of time in 24 increments, each increment being one hour.  And to complete a full "seasonal" year we have come to a time factor of 365.2563 days.  

  2. This, in placing it into seconds comes to 31,558,144.32, which is just about 1,200 seconds (20 minutes) short of the earth completing a full turn of orbit.   This at all times is in reference to the sun as the vector of it.  

  3. Then as we change the vector to the stars, the earth appears to be rotating at a clip of 23 hours and 56 minutes, with 4.091 seconds.  How therefore do we account the days? Shall we look to the sun, or shall we look to the stars? 

  4. The answer is; to look to both, (to clove the foot), for while we are upon the earth with the sun above us, there are also the stars in the heavens, and as we are bound to the sun, so we are bound to the heavens.

  5. For some two thousand years the world has not been able to interpret, or correct the Calendar of all times, the one Calendar that accurately accounts for everything, and that brings each day of the year back to its original.  But who is to grant me a gift of insight?  

  6. By the right Calendar the days of the year come to 364, which is the number of turns by which the earth completes its 365/plus days in relevance to the stars

  7. A mouthful; is it not?  And no doubt confusing that in 365/plus days there are but 364 real days to reckon with. 

  8. So let us question if all these days are physical rotations?  For how can there be 365 rotations of the earth when it completes these in only 364 of them?

  9. We could also ask how the moon makes one full turn of rotation in the space of one orbit, when there is no such thing as an axis upon the moon. And so how does zero come to be 1, and 364 becomes 365/plus?

  10. And so pay due attention at what I am about to place into words, and you will come to understand what no scientist came even close to understanding, and you will be the wiser to all of them 

  11. For again so I vouch to you, it is not of me to; like unto man's scientists; set forth theories; but rather such truths as the Lord God the Almighty Creator of all these things taught me.

  12. Let us therefore compare the two yearly cycles, the one with the 24-hour increments as the Tropical, and the 23-hour 56-min increments as the Sidereal.

The correct number of the days of the year that are to be reckoned with is 364. Accordingly;

364 x 23-h 56-m = 23x60+56= 1436 min x 364 = 522,704 minutes (Sidereal)

364 x 24-hrs       =  24x60= 1440 min x 364 = 524,160 minutes     (Tropical)

Subtracting         524,160 minus 522,704 =  1,456 minutes = 24 hours 16 minutes

  1. And now remember those 16 minutes, for we will come to find them once again.

  2. Coincidence perhaps that this leaves the "Sidereal" computation just one day, (one rotation) in the rear of the "Tropical" computation. Or; is it just the other way around that the Sidereal comes "ahead" of the Tropical?

  3. We are not going to understand how all this is interwoven unless we utilize an illustration Figure 41-6, to help us. First, to define the illustration;  At the center is the sun with the earth in positions A through E upon its orbital track. The movement of the earth thus proceeds from A to B and so forth to E.

  4.   Step number 1: The earth at position A with its axis, point X, (p-x) lines up directly with the sun, and also with the stars.  Accordingly we have a starting point. Now the earth will move up into orbit to position B in the space of one day, 24 hours. 

  5. The axis of the earth is thus again pointing directly to the sun, as it must since the Tropical cycle, as the 24 hour cycle, is vectored to the sun. But as the earth rotated by a space of these 24 hours to the sun, that same rotation in respect to the stars, the Sidereal cycle, went 4 minutes into the next rotation.


 Click on illustration for larger view

  1. This is so since the time factor in the rotation of the earth vectored on the stars completes itself in 23 hours 56 minutes. By the illustration that is the direct line of sight from B to the stars at S-1. 

  2.   Now we shall let the earth continue upon its orbital track for the space of 91 days to arrive at point C, which is nearly one quarter of its total circular orbit.  Point x (p-x) therefore again points directly to the sun since we went 91 times 24 hour turns.  Remembering that the 24 hour cycle is always vectored to the sun.

  3. But the Sidereal in its vector to the stars, gaining 4 minutes each and every day, is now 91 times 4 minutes further in its rotation. Accordingly, while there are now 91 tropical days, or rotations of the earth, there are 91.25 Sidereal days, or rotations of the earth.

  4. The line of sight for the Sidereal is now no longer 4 minutes from point x, but 91 times 4 minutes from point X coming to point Y (p-y), pointing to the stars at S2.   How thus at C can there be a quarter rotation of the earth more, when in fact the earth did not as yet make that physical rotation?

  5. We are now to put on our thinking cap, utilizing logic and common sense.  For quite indeed the earth never completes any rotation in the time spacing of 23 hours 56 minutes, it only "appears" that way.  

  6. How very wrong therefore the scientists are claiming that the earth turns by the four minutes less than it factually does.

  7. The 23 hour 56 minute rotation of the earth is no more than a sight deception, a deception in time relevant to the stars, not at all a real rotation, but an apparent rotation.   

  8. Remember how with the moon that has no axis, nor turns upon any axis; when it moves in orbit from point A to point C around the earth, is said to have turned by a quarter turn upon its axis?

  9. The same phenomena is true here.  The earth from A to C advanced upon its orbital track by one quarter of a turn, a quarter of a turn that took 91 days to complete.  As therefore there are 91 real rotations of the earth, it adds its orbital quarter to it in relevance to the stars.

  10. If thus we contemplate upon the Sidereal for its turns to be real, the 91 definitely are, and that quarter is in all respects also a quarter of a turn, a quarter of the whole circular orbit.  Yet we are to realize how by 91 days that quarter turn added in the Sidereal is in no way any real rotation of the earth, but its advancement upon the orbital track.

  11. When therefore we proceed to the earth at point D, where it has made 364 full 24 hour rotations, the Sidereal has moved up by 364 times 4 minutes, a total of 24 hours and 16.6 minutes more.  That is a whole day, plus 4 more of 4 minutes each, with the line of sight at the stars noted S-3.

  12. So thus in 364 there are 365+ rotations.  And again we behold those 16 minutes which we spoke of in the calculations of the Sidereal to the Tropical, which I cautioned us to remember.

  13. This now I mention for a very good reason since the Calendar instituted of our Creator, the very One who made the earth and gave it its particular movements, lies fully imbedded in the movements of the earth.  Nor is it in any way like unto man's concoction of a calendar.

  14. I want you to recall how the Creator said; "That we are to count and number but 360 days in the year, with the four additional days to be held in reckoning."  

  15. And so it is; for when the earth has made 360 turns the vectors to the sun and to the stars are again in one and the same line.   These thus are in our accounting.

  16. But when 364 turns are made, the line of sight to the stars is 4 days passed that point, illustrated by Figure 41-6 as point x (p-x).  We therefore in accounting 360, we take the additional 4 days in reckoning to a total of 364.

  17. But then those 364 real rotations vectored to the sun do in fact account for more than 365-plus rotations when vectored to the heavens. Accordingly, since we with our sun are not alone but our relevance is equally as much to the heavens, we are to reckon with it. That is to say; to reckon with 365+ in 364.

  18. But now perhaps I have you confused, and I must explain myself better, for like I said; "Understanding nature is easy, but teaching it is quite another matter."

  19. At point D in the illustration there are 364 full and real turns of the earth, which is called the seasonal, or Tropical cycle. But how many turns are there in respect to the stars, in the Sidereal?  It mind you are 365 turns with 16 minutes into turn number 366.

  20. We therefore when we reckon with 364 days, and all of them having been completed, we are equally as much into another day, into turn number 365.  

  21. Then again this is not altogether correct since in 364 turns we are in fact into day number 366, the day of 365, having been passed by 16 minutes.

  22. All this is of course in reference to the heavens, and the Lord made it so that we should consider the heavens in that extra day, and in a part of a day while in fact we passed upon the earth for only 364 full days.

  23. This statement is very important, nor has this computation of the year, to my knowledge, ever been explained in quite that way, but then neither has the calendar that was made after it been seen or heard of for more than two thousand years.

  24. Thus the year in 364 earth days show to be 365/plus in heavenly days, or as I might say; in days effecting eternity.  And it is to that cause that we are to reckon with the additional time factor over and beyond 364.

  25. Those extra days, day number 365/plus within the 364, are as such not real in the earth, but real in the heavens, to come about by the fact that the earth moves in a circle, that it moves by an  orbital turn around a star.   That turn thus appears to be a rotation, yet it takes a whole year for that turn to be completed.

  26. So thus again in order to make it understood, an entire year of 365+ days have been completed in the space of 364 days, the relevance of which is to the heavens as well as to the sun.

  27.   But how are we to celebrate, or reckon with that extra day over the 364, it being no more than an apparent rotation, a rotation of the earth that took a whole year for a single turn of it?  It my dear reader is to have the days of your year to no more than 364 in accounting as well as reckoning, and for any more reckoning you must look to the heavens rather than the sun.

  28. And so once again; Our 24 hour rotations are fixed to the sun coming to 364, with the additional reckoning fixed only to the stars.   In order therefore for us to behold a real day, or turning of the earth, by which we see the sun to rise and set again.  We can not very well keep an imaginary day that is found by increments spaced over a whole year of time.

  29. It in all respects must be a real day, even as eternity is a real day, and the heavens are as real as the earth is real. Therefore also did the Lord for its seasons slow down the earth that it might make an extra rotation with a full quarter added at which time the seasonal precession would come to its full circular path.

  30. This is illustrated by location E in figure 41-6, 41-6A. the earth having made the full 365.25 - 24 hour rotations, and a new year is to start since the precession of the earth is full, starting all over again for a next year.  

  31. But pay good attention to this that; the earth has not as yet made one full turn upon its orbital track, it is still short by roughly 20 minutes.

  32. How ironic now that man comes to say; "how the earth by the Sidereal comes to 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9 seconds," when by the 364th turn it already came to a period of 365 days and 16.6 minutes, and the earth has as yet to rotate for another one and one quarter turn when that is still not one full turn of orbit.

  33. It then is by that quarter turn that in four years comes to an extra day in time, while four years in 16 minutes is but an hour of time. And since this is interwoven with all the rest, let us not make this too difficult.

  34. A turn in the Sidereal comes to a period of 1,436 minutes with a quarter added totals to 1,795 minutes, or just under 30 hours. As thus we add these 30 hours; the yearly Sidereal total comes to 366 days, 6 hours

  35. As then at least a full day with some minutes are imaginary, real only in the orbital movement of the earth, we are back at the Sidereal at its 365 days and the 6/plus hours.

  36. And so; why do they not count that imaginary orbital turn in the earth, yet many claim it as a real turn for the moon, as well as Mercury, when these do not exist either?

  37. If then the earth did not turn upon its axis, science might acclaim for the earth to have a single turn of rotation, once each Tropical year. The factual turn being the orbital circle of the earth.

  38. And here is the evidence of how wrong man's scientists are.  By their ideals the seasons come about by a full turn of orbit, while in fact the earth comes to its full seasonal cycle by something less than a full turn of orbit.

  39. In this alone man's science is proven wrong, how the seasons cannot possible come by an earth that is fixed in its position, but only when it precesses by a full turn of precession each and every year.

  40. For the seasons to be true in a fixed position the earth must complete a full turn of orbit each and every year, which is not so, since the seasons come short thereof by some 20 minutes each year.

  41. Nor, so I add to say for still more evidence; is their 26000 year cycle any kind of precession, but rather a "regression." 

   The earth regresses

  1. Now we must take our reference to illustration Figure 41-7 that I may show how the wise in man come to erroneous conclusions, simply for sight deception.   They have it that the axis of the earth precesses by such a slow process that it cycles in the space of 26,000 years. (Figure 41-8.  Figure 41-9)

  2. But there is no such precession, but simply a "regression."   

  3. When you are driving a racecar around a circular track at 100 mph and another car behind you travels at 99 mph, will that second car be precessing in respect to the first, or not rather be losing track of him by 1 mph, something that is called "regressing" rather than precessing?

  4. The evidence is clear in the illustration.   From point M (at the top) around the circle to again point M is one complete revolution. The star Polaris is at the top, with Vega at the bottom.  The arrows in the inner circle all point to one direction to denote our fixed reference between the stars.

  5. And these same  arrows represent the axis of the earth as it points throughout the year, while the arrows in the outer circle illustrate the revision – as to how the axis of the earth will point by the regression in 26,000 increments. 

  6. At the start of the 26,000-year cycle the axis of the earth in the illustration is pointing directly to the star called Vega, noted arrows L, and K, and all the other arrows in between also pointing to Vega by a slight angle as the earth orbits the sun by a distance of 93 million miles.

  7. When therefore one year has passed and the earth is at point arrow A, 20 minutes shy of completing a full orbit, it no longer points directly at the star Vega, but by an increment of 1/26000 away from it on its way towards the star Polaris.

  8. Then as the years pass going from B, to C, to D, and to E, regressing back 20 minutes each year, at point arrow E, 6500 years have passed, and now the axis of the earth points directly between the two stars Vega and Polaris.  And when 13.000 years have passed, the axis, arrow J, will then point to the star called Polaris.


  1. The cycle therefore which has been credited to a precession of the earth is incorrect, the factual credit belonging to “regression.” A precession can only be spoken of when a spinning top wobbles, the wobble being its precession, and no such wobble exist upon the earth in a time factor of 26,000 years.

  2. The axis of the earth does however precess more realistically in the space of one year, one seasonal year, and not one Sidereal year. If there were any nutation upon the axis of the earth it has no relevance to the 26,000 year cycle.

  3. The 26,000 year cycle however in regression proves itself by the yearly 20 minutes by which the true precession of the earth comes short of completing a full orbit.  

  4. 365.25 days is 8,766 hours, that in minutes comes to 525,960.  And this divided by 26,000 comes to 20.2 minutes, the time-span by which the Tropical year regresses from a full turn of orbit.

  5. Or, in knowing that the earth completes its orbital circle in 525,980 minutes, and we divide that by 20.2 for the minutes in regression, we come to 26,038 years. 

  6. The 26,000 year cycle however is not born on the Sidereal, but rather on the Tropical, since it is in the completion of the earth's precession that its axis comes to point by that regression into the sky.

  7. The 26,000 year cycle thus is not arbitrary but induced to that number by the minutes in which the seasons come short of reaching a full orbital track of mother earth.


  1. How can the seasons come about every year, year after year, when the earth is held in a fixed position with its axis stationary, while those seasons come about 20 minutes short of completing a full orbit?

  2. The answer is; It is impossible, for only when the seasons are fully equal to one turn in orbit can that scenario come to any realization.  

  3. This all in itself proves the wisdom of man's scientists in this aspect to be in error.   How then was it for man never to have realized this simple and absolute fact of nature?  

  4. Shall I pronounce the truth, that God has closed their minds, so as to make fools of them, because they denied Him, pronouncing that filth known as evolution?  

  5. That mind you is the truth, if therefore any man is of a mind to be educated, let him not deny God and hear to the words I am about to pronounce.


  1.     The above illustration Figure 41-xx, is how the scientists have it, and as they educate their pupils. From any position to any other position the earth remains fixed, and that mind you while it is a ball that not only rotates, but is under the duress of a linear movement, having a torque upon its axis.

  2. I must presume these have never witnessed a spinning top. And for the record, a spinning top with no torque upon its axis may indeed remain upright in one position not having any wobble. 

  3. Or if it stood still altogether with no rotation it can also remain fixed, like our moon is fixed, and like our space-junk remains fixed.

  4. But any spinning top when it is moved to the linear will precess, even our direction finders and gyro's are based upon it.  And so the earth spinning, and moving linearly, being forced into a circular orbital path by the magnetic tentacles of the sun, is induced with a precession, as more or less indicated by the illustration to the right of Figure 41-xx.

  5. This is a precession to the tune of 23.5 degrees by which all the seasons come about, and completes itself 20 minutes short of the earth attaining to a full orbital turn.  It is therefore that the earth cannot move by a fixed position, nor therefore as such compose or create the seasons.  

  6. Yet I fear that some will ignore the logic thereof and come to say that the regression by virtue of precession is still the precession by no precession, since it requires a degree of common sense to come to knowledge.  

  7. And yes why should I not show man for the folly that they conceive, since I am angry with them, for scorning my Father and my God.

  8. The same now may also be demonstrated by Figure 41-8.   For a rigid axis of the earth, it must always be after 1 through 4, completed upon one full turn of the earth's orbit. Those 20 minutes then in lacking thereof disproves mans theories since the axis - as shown by 5 would no longer point directly to the sun, but by a precession it will.

  9. There are more arguments I can bring forth, but the above in my judgment ought to be sufficient. For whatever man may conceive in this day and age will fall to the wayside in the ages to come, when a good knowledge will be realized.

The circle  (in wisdom) (Figure 41-10)

  1. This also is part of the figure of eight, of the one most dominant force in nature, of the man of all forces, the one force known as magnetic, one to attract. (Where then I said "to attract," I do not wish to elaborate upon, other than to say; "Quell.".)

  2. Yet I will say; when we draw a circle and place movement upon it, and visualize it for all that it may be, we shall not find an entry, nor an exit, nor a beginning, nor an end.   

  3. We may call it angular momentum, but there is no linear momentum, there is no way to go.   And so the circle is very fundamental, it is the first in everything, and as in marriage, when the ring is given, it signifies the ever continuance.

  4. Then comes a very ingenious move, to take this circle and to twist it over by a half-wave formation, which then becomes a figure of eight.   But not only a figure of eight but much more, for now there is a point of entry, and of exit at the very center thereof, the cross over that quells.

  5. And by virtue of this point of intersecting there is now born a linear momentum, there is movement going into one direction, and coming from one direction, both angular and linear.  This in the scheme of things provides for a forthcoming and a departure, as well as a point of beginning and of ending, and of to draw to.

  6. And do we wish to see the results of this fundamental design?  Look at gravity, at the tides, and at all magnets, and at the stars, the planets, and galaxies. 

  7. By it from the angular to the linear electricity is born, and the wavelengths we call light, and by the same principle our automobiles move upon the road, and the food within our bellies comes to serve our bodies.  

  8. The figure of eight is only second to one, namely the one that it is.

  9. I said, “physical nature consist of”, and what then did I say to prove myself of error, for it both is and is not.  But how am I to speak - if not for whom I am speaking so that men may understand and gather what is for their mind? 

  10. And so I speak in terms that men may understand, and by another in my own mind that is not as man.

  11. If then men will say -"how I know all this?"  Recall how Enoch prophesied "that in this day and age one would be elected to whom sevenfold wisdom and knowledge would be given".  And so it is.

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