CHAPTER 42  March 2009       INDEX TO OTHER PAGES

  1. I for me don't care whether the moon rotates on an axis or not, but I am not one to accept that which is obviously in error, nor teach the same lest I accuse myself of lies.

  2. In the previous page hereto I clearly demonstrated how there is no rotation in the moon to spin around - wherefore there is no axis as such.  It does however have a period of apparent rotation, a rotation that is not a physical rotation -- but something that goes by the proper term of orbital movement.

  3. Take a ring, an orbital circle and lay it out on a straight line, and then see if there is any rotation apparent or otherwise!  How is it so difficult to realize the very nature of movement?  Why must man interpret appearance for realities?  And so here I go again attempting to educate the poor in eyesight. 

  4. If I state that ---  if the moon rotates on an axis -- then a full year for us would be 366 days and not the 365-1/4 that it is now, --  who is able to descend into these intimate's of nature with me, since correlation and logic seem to be faculties at which man is quite poor. Accordingly you are causing me pain to make it simple.

  5. Here is how one person though to solve the problem. Instead of having the axis north to south, he drove it right down the middle of our view to the moon. Then he constructed an animation as if by it one might be deceived.  Notice how it is turning too fast, like a propeller almost so we cannot rightly see what is going on.


  1. No doubt he thought himself cunning but not cunning enough -- since what one should see for each single rotation is that the darker area to the top left should come fully around, not swing like a pendulumThen there is this explanation by the following drawing.


  1. Quote: "Just as the rotation axis of the Earth is inclined by (90°–23.5°) to the Earth-Sun direction (drawing above), so the rotation axis of the Moon is inclined by about (90°–6.5°) to the mean Moon-Earth line. As noted, that line is also the direction of the Moon's elongation, on the average always pointed towards Earth." unquote.

  2. Quote: "Then--neglecting the 6.5° tilt discussed in previous item above--the axis of the Moon could always point straight at the Earth, always exposing the same range of longitudes on the Moon's surface. As the figure shows, during the time the Moon covers 60° in its orbit, its body has also rotated by 60°. In the time it covers 120°, it has also rotated by 120°, and so forth.

  3. The same axis of the Moon always points at Earth, and by the time the Moon-Earth line has rotated a full 360° in the plane of the drawing (the orbital plane of the Moon), the Moon itself has also rotated a full 360°." Unquote.

  4. Still another thought to explain it this way:  Quote: "Pretend that you are the moon. Find an object like a chair (you will pretend that the chair is the earth).  Now move around the chair so that your body always faces the chair. As you move around - you will have to turn your body so that it faces the chair. You have to turn your body a full rotation every time you do a full circuit of the chair." unquote.

  5. All fine and dandy but there is one thing wrong here. These are men not educated in realities, having their relevance with that person named "Albert Einstein". who never got anything right in his life.  Always interpreting appearances for realities.

  6. The rotation these are talking about -- falsely claiming it a spin of the object -- is a straight-on orbital movement not a physical rotation of the object as such.

  7. The space shuttle and all our satellites do not  spin on their axis as they are drawn around the earth, inclusive the astronauts.   Most satellites that pass close to their sun or parent sphere are like plain rocks (or balls when there is a magnetic force on them) moved about like unto the objects that we put into orbit around ourselves.

  8. One needs to understand Gravity and magnetic potential in order to get a handle on what is realistic in the way of orbital and/or gravitational movement, and not allow mere appearances to cite for realities.

  9. Regarding an axis, it is only a body that rotates for which it can be said to have an axis, the term "axis" being relevant to rotated upon.

click on drawing for larger view

  1. For more reality; take a string as the orbital path laid forth in a straight line just as the object would move through space if it were not tied to the tentacles of the earth, and move it from point A to point B.  

  2. And what will we do now? Roll it on the floor or on the string as if that's the way a stone cast into the air is moved? If you do, your so called moon must have as many rotations in its orbital path as it circumference will dictate.


  1. If you flip it with an angle into a rotation - it will do it, or like a bullet out of a riffle given its rotation, but not otherwise lest you violate Newton in his law of motion.  

  2. The object - the moon - in the above drawing is however tied to the earth with magnetic tentacles - (and too close to the earth to maintain a true period of rotation) - which by its very movement induces a gravitational descend upon it, from which the orbital path is born.

  3. And that moon having a force of magnetic itself (evidence by way of its sphere) must also present a gravitational descend since it is in motion effecting that typical torque upon the inertia of its countless many gyro's.  

  4. These therefore in conjunction with one another form an unmistakable rigid bond, also evident from the tides upon the earth.

  5. For never at any time did gravity lift up a single drop of water or as much as a single grain of sand, but quite the contrary, gravity restrains the tides.   

  6. Here too is a "fallacy" to assume that gravity draws up the waters, while with a bit of logic and our every day experience you should have surmised that;  Gravity is downward, not upwards.

  7. It is as I said "descend" not "ascend".  Nor is it sideways as some have it, which I do not label as error - but nonsense.

  8. Man is so set on viewing everything in space as were it a rock or ball that moves by itself -- independently, as were it to have no relevance to any other objects. And one need not tell me otherwise, for man does so with the earth and with the moon, his flawed theories are clear evidence thereof.  

  9. Man beheld the moon going around the earth in a circle, but it did not dawn on them that there is a definite reason for it. That its circular movement is due to a force, due to a definite and unmistakable bond, like a set of cables firmly anchoring one to the other. 

  10. Man's own law states that these objects (moon and earth) can only go straight-on unless acted upon by a force to the contrary, yet he does not realize his own words nor the due of his own laws, nor the implications of his words.  

  11. He has no idea as to what gravity is, nor how it works, yet he has a law of gravity that clearly defines its cause, but no one in the earth for decades or centuries has been able to comprehend the same.


  1. I drew a picture worth a hundred or so words, showing the indelible bond between the moon and the earth, and, the same may suffice for Sun and earth.  That bond is very strong, those ropes, (the countless many of them) redirect that whole mass of the moon away from its straight trajectory into a circular orbit.  

  2. And to get some idea as to how powerful they are, and how well they are anchored into the body, construct an engine and pumps to lift all the waters of the oceans that rise for a tide, in the same time span as that moon for its weight upon us is performing.  

  3. And that means we  must construct two of them, one for the far side and one for the near side.   Do we have any idea as to how big they would have to be? 

    Click on link for larger view  Figure moon 1

  1. Now let us establish absolute experimental evidence that the moon does not rotate on an axis. This can be done by installing on the top of the -supposed - axis of the moon a large rectangular mirror as seen by figure 1, which can reflect sunlight to our earth as per figure 2.

  2. The moon therefore has a counterclockwise rotation (arrow X in figure 1) Our mirror then has to be so constructed that it will rotate in the clockwise direction equal with the presumed duration of the rotation of the moon. 

  3. In other words the movement of the mirror is to balance out the rotation of the moon upon its axis, in which case of course the mirror with its blunt side would always be facing us on earth, reflecting the suns rays.

  4. When therefore by figure 2 the moon moves from position R to position M, the mirror will of a fact turn one quarter of a turn clockwise, while the presumed spin of the moon on its axis must compensate for this to keep the mirror facing us upon earth.  

   Here then is the moment of truth if this will be the case or not.   

  1. The mirror at location M will be just as the illustration shows, it will no longer face us - but be at a 90 degree angle -- showing that the moon did not -- nor could it have turned upon an axis.

  Click on link for larger image  Figure 2

  1. If then we think it is too much trouble to go to the moon, you can do the same thing with your space-shuttle, since it moves around the earth in the same way as the moon. Or for that matter right here on earth upon the ground - in the same way that a race-car goes around the circle of its track.  

  2. The APPARENT rotation of ourselves being in the middle of the circle, is exactly that -- an apparent rotation. {Or for the moon ORBITAL MOVEMENT}  

  3. For when you are sitting in the bleachers at the track overlooking the whole track you would not in a right mind attribute an axis to each vehicle as were they to spin around it now would you?


  1. The earth in its yearly journey around the sun completes two cycles, the first is called; "The Tropical cycle" since it completes the seasons, and accounts for a full year in time.  

  2. The second is called; "The Sidereal cycle" since it is fixed to the stars, and with it the full orbital turn of the earth is seen to add 20 minutes to each year for a full turn of orbit.

  3. One can also say that the earth in its yearly cycle comes 20 minutes short of completing a full orbital turn, wherefore the earth's axis fixed to the stars graduates between the stars Vega and Polaris. The same is also called; its 26000 year cycle, as discussed in our previous page 41.

  4. Currently we shall be more interested in how and why a year comes to pass in 364 days leading to 365.25 days which involves the Tropical as well as the Sidereal cycles, along with the whole of the earth in its orbital track around the sun. These are the movements of the earth all of which she makes simultaneously.

  5. If a seasonal year were 365.25 rotations, not every year would proceed from 12 midnight to 12 midnight.  When starting from 12 midnight the year in 365.25 would end at 06:AM, and the year after that at 12 midday, and thereafter at 06:PM. 

  6. We, as we know, have no such accounting of the year, and yet it must, if the earth were as fixed as current science has it. Since however the earth has its seasons by a movement of precession it becomes a different story.

  7. And so everything comes out perfect; the earth in its 23/hr 56/ms rotation by 364, together with its 4 minute gain by orbital movement comes to a total of 365/plus days in the increments of 24 hour days.

  8. And so why did the Almighty Lord, and Creator of this marvelous piece of machinery command us to keep a calendar of days in 364, if not because there are but 364 real days?  And why did He command us to "reckon" with that extra time period, that one/plus day which comes about in relevance to the heavens, if not for the heavens?

  9. He commanded us not to digest any meat that does not chew the cut, and does not clove the foot.  Not that He is concerned about meats, or that which goes into our mouth, and so passes through the body, but He spoke of diligence and of association, and what proceeds from the mouth.  

  10. With that metaphor He commanded us to not only consider the earth and this life, but the heavens in which we are wrapped up, and the life that we are to live in it.  And equally in chewing the cut, to consider all things, to meditate upon things, not to look only to this life but for all the days to come.

  11. He in other words spoke to us of "eternity," for since He made us after His own image we are to pass into that eternity, and we should duly consider the same. 

  12. Another example is with Abraham when he was to cut the foreskin of all the males in his household which were 318, the meaning of which is Christ on the cross. For the Lord who gave man a cover for his sensitive part is not concerned with the flesh as He is with the spirit, in thus way revealing to Him that his association with God would be by the offering of His Son.

  13. And so that extra period of time in the increments of the earth over and beyond the 364, we were not to count as any days in number but rather as without number like as eternity is without number.

  14. We were to let that day in the sequence of the year pass without giving it a name, and certainly without number to make us recall and consider how eternity is close at hand, and with us each and every year -- to RECKON with the same.

  15. I now committed a sin when I listed that Calendar for the sons of man, by giving it a name, calling it the day of "Eternity," after its nature, and nomenclature.   I did so for the sake of those many who otherwise would not know of that day and when or how to keep it.

  16. Nor shall it be correct to keep that day, as no day in the tally of the year at any day that man pleases, but as I have recorded the same so shall it be, since I followed the instructions of the Lord my God given to me by way of His servant Enoch.

  17. I then say: Any man who frowns upon this Calendar is a man without knowledge and understanding.  And I caution him to purchase water at my well, for my well produces clean, clear water, that will bring life into any soul who drinks from it.  

  18. If anyone wishes to live and be wise, let him depart from the wells of mankind since these produce polluted waters, and even poisoness waters guaranteed to bring death upon a man.  And why should any man wish to be ignorant when so much life giving water is before him?

  19. When we pass through the year we not only keep the sun up, and sun down in its tally of 364, but we equally observe that one additional day, called of eternity, and every fourth year, we maintain two of such days.

  20. How very well the Christian Calendar (as I called it) lies embedded in the movements of the earth. A Calendar by which every day of the year comes back on precisely the same day without any alteration, nor shifting of days as it is with man's calendar constructed in ignorance.


  1. Another interesting aspect of the moon, and of all the satellites orbiting our earth, is the fact that these are constantly accelerating and decelerating.  For while the earth moves with a constant velocity of 15 km/sec in its orbital track around the sun, our satellites as they move in like direction must move even faster in order to advance upon the earth.

  2. And when they come about to travel in the opposite direction of earth's movement they decelerate in order to make their proper advances over the earth.  

  3. Funny then how we do not even notice such changes in velocity, since again we upon mother earth likewise in relevance to our track around the sun are constantly changing our velocity.

  4. When we move from any polar area to an equatorial area, our velocity increases with our increased distance from the earth's axis, imposing a greater degree of gravitational force upon us.  But equally so as the earth rotates it will bring us in a direction with the earth orbital movement, as well as in opposite thereto.

  5. We therefore, all of us are never at any time stable in our velocity measured around the sun, or better said "vectored to the sun.".  As then movement cannot be noted lest there is a change in movement, how curious that we never at all notice that acceleration and deceleration of our bodies.

  6. This for one cause is because it is too small and too gradual. At the equatorial region it takes the better of ten hours to come to a full increase in velocity of about 1600 kilometer per hour added to the 15 km/sec, that is 1,600 added to 54,000 km/hour.

  7. As then any increase in velocity also increases the gravitational force upon us, this is not so with the above 1600 km/h since the vector thereof is our sun.  

  8. But it does add g/force in our movement from polar to equatorial regions, and when we travel in any airplane, the earth's center and/or axis being the vector.

  9. The fact that the earth is round helps to graduate things, and how well the magnetic entity holds on to all things to accelerate and decelerate them in reference to the sun.

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