T I D E S and the COMPASS

         CHAPTER 16                          CHAPTER 16      INDEX TO OTHER PAGES

  1. There is only one force powerful enough to raise the ocean waters to the rise of the tides. This of course is the earth's own magnetic force.  And how shall it not be magnetic force, since we have yet to find another force in nature aside of this one force. 

  2. But to be more realistic; it is in the binding power, or the holding power, in the close relation of magnetic motion to all atoms and molecules to relate to one another, and/or as in one version I might say, cling to one another. Magnetic motion moving matter, like as your fingers would move water, the water moving and again slipping through your fingers.

  3. Let us not name gravity as a force since I am prepared to show that it is an "inclination" rather than a force.  And let us not name electrical, since its term is magnetic as well.  All other forces then are secondary, or as the term coveys, dynamic.

  4. How shall I convey substance to be in the embrace of all magnetic formations while we are so used to thinking of it as were it pulled by a force under it to draw it straight down?  For how does this gravity pull upon that substance to make it fall straight down? 

  5. Does it have hooks?  Or does it stamp upon it with its feet?  Or, is it something magical that has desires like a man for a woman or grains of sand loving the earth so much it goes down for its beauty?

  6. I have not heard anyone define gravity, except un-natural and impossible theories, why then shall what I proclaim after a natural course be so strange?

  7. We said, that it fell straight down.  But do we have an idea of what we are pronouncing?  For what does this mean - to fall straight down?  What is straight down?  Think and reason, come to realize the very essence of the question. 

  8. We are on a ball that not only continually rotates around its own axis, but moves through space at high speed into several directions simultaneously.  What then or how then is straight down?  We of course meant to say - to fall to the earth's surface as straight down to it. 

  9. But why could we not say, straight up, instead of straight down?  For if you picture yourself on some spot away from the earth, you may at noon time see your brother jumping downwards since the earth in its rotation has brought him what to you is the top.  

  10. But what about twelve hours later when that same rotation has brought him under the earth in which case to your view he is sky-diving falling up towards the earth?

  11. Down, or falling up, thus is nothing more than a figure of speech since in fact we do not fall but are drawn towards a specific point within the earth which as we have learned is into the direction of the center of the earth.  But in saying "center", are we speaking of the axis passing through the center - along which centrifugal force from polar cap to polar cap has its bearing?

  12. Our answer would be negative, for while that may place us head-up on the equator, it should place us in the horizontal position on or near the Polar Regions.  Since then this is not the case, we are left with a center of - or - on to center.

  13. And now let us name the one force that has such a center, or that produces such a center.  If you will answer me with “gravity” - you are not being honest, for I recall as near as yesterday - that you were still near to Newton, - and he defined it as something from a whole body, as from the whole volume, which does not set a center of center.   

  14. Newton pointed to the center yes, but only because the bodies were falling into that trajectory, his law did not define how that center was obtained.

  15. It is thus our magnetic force - and only magnetic force - which provides us with a center of center to which all lines of force proceed unto, or proceed from.  Gravity then - as the wife of the male force of magnetic, is essentially one therewith, even though she (as our women) walk beside us on their own two legs.  Together therefore, or as one, they hold all substance in their embrace inclusive our waters.


  1. Reference figure 16-1 The tides come about by a set of motions that act upon the magnetic fabric.  By illustration, let the earth and moon be at rest (moon position A).  The curvature of their 3M force would then come to be as much circular as is natural for them. 

  2. And though by illustration I usually show the curvature as perfect circles, they are hardly ever that circular.  (Look at sun flares where the trajectory of the magnetic lines of movement are clearly seen.) For our demonstration however let us presume them fully circular when both earth and moon are standing still in space.

  3. As then from this assumed rest position the moon as it is set into motion, it tends to depart from us into the direction noted X, its inertia giving it that centrifugal impact relevant to the vector at the earth.  

  4. But this moon is bound to the earth by magnetic lines which tend to restrain it, and while gravity then also sets in to lend a helping hand, the moon begins to orbit the earth after the direction noted Y.

  5. But this moon is a fair size ball hanging out there continually wishing to depart from us by its inertia.  And it will in fact do so to the limits of the strain of the force that is holding it.  

  6. Therefore, instead of following the radius at which it was during its rest position noted Y, it increases its radius to the strain of the force to come to a new radius noted Y1 - at which radius it will continue to move under the strain of the forces.

  7. In other words, it has found equilibrium; the optimum of the strain verses its own inertia.  This strain then re-shapes the magnetic lines of force elongating them, as illustrated by the broken lines (Figure 16-1), moon at position B).  Here then is where the tides come in.

  8. But of course they are only elongated when the moon in its movement picks up on the more circular ones, and in leaving them these return to their usual more circular fashion.

  1. Reference figure 16-2:  Let us redraw this;   In a "rest" position the lines of magnetic motion would be according to the solid lines, and exit at the earth's and the moon's surfaces at points M. The strain of our moving moon then elongates these to what is displayed by the broken lines in which case the lines exit both the earth's and the moon's surfaces at points P. 

  2. Note then what is happening directly under the moon as it passes over us, - the area between the lines from M to M is drawn-up to a smaller area P to P.  

  3. Consequently, since all substance is duly in the embrace of the force of magnetic which works as a team with his lady gravity, all the substance that happens to be in the area noted MM, will be drawn upwards to a smaller area noted PP, hence our tides.  The solid ground may not move all that readily then, but our waters are not so.

  4. And “why” should there be two tides simultaneously on direct opposite sides of the earth - both directly under the moon?  The answer is simplicity in itself.  The force is a figure eight, and when the handles of a pair of scissors is closed in - so are the cutting edges.

  5. If, as the textbooks are wont to show, magnetic force was by two separate circles, then there would only be one tide.  Since however we have two tides, that in itself confirms magnetic force as a figure eight.   

  6. When the sun and moon combine to be on a single line, the strain upon our lines of magnetic force is increased which in turn increases the tides on both sides of the earth.

  7. This is how the tides come about regardless of what any person however wise may have pronounced.  For I am not propounding a theory, but the facts as the Creator of all taught me.

  8. And there being some questions left, I shall answer some of them . . . One must keep in mind that while the earth turns, it are never the same lines which will be under the strain, for given a change they will readjust themselves to their regular circular form. 

  9. Only those lines which are picked up by the moon as it orbits us, and those of our own force which come in direct association with the moon will be elongated, and as soon as the moon passes, or they pass the moon, they will expand to their optimum curvature.  

  10. Hence the moon delivers lines for elongation.  Meanwhile, the substance held to the spherical shape of all heavenly bodies is momentary drawn upwards, only to fall back down the moment these lines revert back to their original usual spherical shape.

  1. Reference figure 16-3:  We have been told that gravity caused the tides.  The truth however spells the contrary.  Gravity performs the opposite to our tides; gravity restrains the tides.  Without gravity the tides would be far greater, for is it not by gravity that our waters are held down in the first place?  

  2. Yes, and note by how many pounds that is, namely 32.14 at sea level.  And now check to see how much pull the moon can produce at her surface, which according to scientist is only l/6th. . . ..  How therefore -- with the moon so far from us -- and its gravity at nil long before it gets to us, -- has the moon's gravity any relevance to our tides? 

  3. The waters now are not the only item that are affected by the movement of our moon. Man in his upright position aligning him with the center of the earth is likewise affected, even as the centrifugal impact upon him affects his alignment with the center of the earth when he is located, somewhere other than near the equator or any polar region.

  4. The degree may be minor, and a sensitive instrument is required to detect the same, it nonetheless does exist.

    The compass. 

  1. True north, is that point on the northern pole which is on the axis of earth's rotation, and "magnetic north" is with variables also that same point.  If then our compass tries to tell us different, do not believe your eyes.  It however is not in the compass to err, but we are prone to deception.

  2. Ask yourself; what is a compass?  A compass is a small magnet, which aligns with the earth's magnetic lines of force.  There is then your answer as to why magnetic north is not at true north, and that a compass cannot point to the center of the magnetic north of our earth. 

  3. The compass follows the defined lines of the earth's magnetic field, and, the compass itself - as a magnet - has its own figure eight, wherefore it aligns with its own defined line with that of the earth's defined lines (Figure 16-4).  

  4. If you were winding a thread upon a long pin, would the thread pull tightly around that axis?  Or would it in some point of time come to wind itself along some invisible barrier at a different angle then the axis of rotation?  So with the magnetic on the axis of rotation, since in part, by that rotation it became the force it is. 

  5. The compass as a minute magnet relevant to the earth, is not able to align itself squarely on the earth's force, wherefore it will always point to one side or the other of the center. 

  6. If we care to make our own demonstration to this effect, take a magnet and mark the dead center thereof as shown by illustration figure 16-5  Then stroke a needle over the magnet so it may be magnetized.  Suspend the needle on a thread, and with unlike polarities facing each other (north to south or south to north) attempt to have the needle draw itself to the center of that magnet, which in effect is its magnetic north.

  7. You will find that even this needle pointing directly to it at some distance will not come to point to the center but at every place around it.  With a little effort you may also see how this needle as it is swung to and fro over center that the same is after the defined lines of the figure eight design. 

  8. This knowledge does not change the way we use our compass, but it should enhance our understanding of nature.

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