CHAPTER 17         INDEX TO OTHER PAGES

  1. Three things are never satisfied; The eye to behold, Hades appetite, and the inquisition into secrets. “Vanity O vanity, so Solomon said, to search out secrets is a torturous task which God has given the children of man to therewith pain himself."  But how shall a man leave off?  For knowledge is grand, and wisdom most illustrious to behold. 

  2.   Ever more questions ever more things to understand.  And not only such things that seem to be, but what the fundamentals are.  Still, what profit is there in searching out the un-searchable?  What gain in going beyond, to know what is not known, to search far and further still? 

  3.   But ah yes, beauty beckoned, a glimmer of something far away and deep within, curiosity, and a flash of something grand.  "Something grand".  Yes, such is "Pololoid."

  4. For a full three days I walked in a daze attempting to digest the comprehension given me.  Such beauty, such perfection.  A realm so vast as to defy the imagination.  Days just to get my feet back on the ground, to somehow come back to the world around me.

  5. I was about 25 years of age when this took place, and not until I was about 40 years of age did the Lord reveal to me the foundations of the earth, gravity as it is also called. And when I was 50 to 51 years of age I came to recollect the ins and outs of Pololoid.

  6. Pololoid is indeed grand, but now comes an even more difficult task, how to put into words that for which there are no words.  How to convey in letters a beauty that must be seen to be appreciated. 

  7. It is as one whom if he has never seen a woman, never to have laid eyes on such a comely form, her walk her smile.  How does one define such to another?  For there are no words to substitute for the eye in it's beholding.  Likewise, there are no words to substitute for Pololoid to behold its beauty and perfection. 

  8.   When we find something new, we feel the desire to plot it, to narrow it down to fundamentals, to fit it within a ruler's length so we may look at the grand scheme thereof.  

  9. It is then in such a way that I may present "Pololoid." ...  For when we come to think of nature, nature being matter in motion, how do we place a rule on motion or on matter after its fundamental being and place in the scheme of things?  

  10. I do not mean some scale of velocity or a rpm for motion, but where it is born, and where it may leave off.  My question is; from where is matter, and the motion upon it, that it has its forthcoming. 

  11.   I am in fact asking: Where does nature begin and where does it leave off, and how does it operate and fit everywhere in between, and where may we be in that scheme of things?  

  12. Are we somewhere to middle, or is there even a middle, and a middle of what?  Would it work to make presumptions?  I hardly think so.  On the contrary, it must be real; it must be realistic and factual.  And so where do I begin? 

  13.   I might start with some limits, like the point where things freeze, and where atomic separation occurs.  But does the scale start there or does it end there?  Suppose that I take all these things to principles and equations to express how and why they propose themselves, might I then have a beginning?  

  14. What for example may absolute zero be?  If we say that such is the point where all molecular motion ceases to be, beyond which point no substance will freeze to any greater degree, then I say, this cannot be true, since in that state there is still the atomic motion.  Consequently, absolute zero is neither the beginning nor the limit, which I seek. 

  15.   Humanly speaking, that which I am searching for is something we do not usually question, or pain ourselves over.  And in fact, if it were not suggested we would not even have the thought.  It may be said that the thing for which I search is clearly impossible, moreover it puts no money in our pocket.  

  16. But I don't care for money, and the impossible intrigues me more than any.  But now I admit, that had it not been given me, I would not have known to have tried for it. 

  17.   And now many years since that day that the world spun around me, I considered if it might not be better to forego this subject altogether.  Also because so many years have passed, from the age of 24 until now at 50, I no longer recall all the many details.  I was clearly disappointed in man, and rather than exercising myself to improve upon the gift granted me, I placed it aside.  

  18.   For the thought crossed my mind saying to myself: It is clear and marvelous to my mind, but why shall I any longer pain myself for those who despise even the thought of something new?  Their interest is clearly in themselves, in their ignorance, not in progress, nor in the knowledge thereof.  

  19. And so the years passed, and now returning to these things I found much of the finer details are not for recall.  And so, that which I am now about to show is primarily the overall scheme and principle of Pololoid, and though I recall more than what will be found here, I will leave it at that, for I am still disenchanted in the nature of man.

      What is Pololoid?

  1.   Pololoid is a scale, and also a balance of motion, or a scale of the balance of motion.  Hence Pololoid is an accounting factor utilizing a scale on which the whole of nature is placed.  Pololoid is actually many things, but as a scale it accounts balance and/or resistance configurations.  

  2. By Pololoid we can find at what point in nature substance changes from one state to another, and with it we can determine the expansion and contraction, the volume of the atom by the motion that is fundamental to it.  

  3. With Pololoid we do not account material by accounts of material, but on the basis of motion (or energy as men are be wont to say).  The whole basis for Pololoid is movement, the motion of grand coordination.


  1.   To begin with a scale, let us have a line  (Figure 17-1) upon which are three markings, a middle zero, and 100 points to the left as well as to the right in a full 100 %.  Meaning, we are assuming motion on a scale where from point center there is a means full up, and a means full down.


  1. Next we add an accounting factor starting from zero on the left to a value of 200 on the right (Figure 17-3).  Let then the decrease to our left be called “up-Pololoid,” remembering that an "up-Pololoid" "decreases," while a "down-Pololoid" increases to the right. 

  2.   Within this scale we can now place limits.  There is for example a point where atoms no longer join to form molecules, and a point where an atom no longer functions as a system, and again a point where matter is no longer the physical realm to which we are accustomed. 


  1. The point then where all molecular motion ceases, let it be point B in figure 17-2, and where all substance will turn into its basic components, into gaseous forms that is, let it be as point B in figure 17-2.  The total thus wherein matter finds its place in the realm of motion is 60, 30 numbers up- and 30 numbers di-Pololoid.  

  2. These values then are set upon the center of the previous scale, the combination of which is illustrated by figure 17-3.  (Percentages are always above the line, while numerical values are below the line). 

  3.   Matter therefore, the states of matter, have a range within Pololoid of only 60 numbers while there are 200 numbers.  All things below up-Pololoid are as we might say permanently frozen.  While above di-Pololoid all matter is changed into gaseous forms.  

  4. When this scale of matter is fitted into the scale of motion we find its zero to align with the zero of motion.  Water for example freezes at zero temperature, and molecular motion ceases at 11 degrees below.  Hydrogen will not solidify until it reaches far into the 30 plus-Pololoid, while gold is at the other extreme to disband on its structure. 

  5.   From zero then there is 2-1/3 to reach the point where matter begins its molecular action compared to the span of matter at its midpoint.  The same is true for the other end, leaving it at 60.  All this is so because nature is by a three-point principle, a base with two power factors.  Values respectively are 2 X 7 and 6, while in numbers this comes to fractions, since 90, as such, has no computation.  

  6. In the principle therefore motion reduces the 70 to 60.  Motion in other words, overrides as much as it loses, for 3 X 70 equals to 210, which does not find equilibrium, wherefore matter is given a value of 1 less its own. 

  7. No doubt man will ask how did I come to place ourselves in our physical nature at that point on the scale of Pololoid? The answer, frankly spoken, is too far reaching and would require a great number of words to define, at which at present I am no longer fully able to go into.

  8.   Arriving at answers by way of values is much less strenuous than using mathematical systems.  But values are very illusive to the mind of man, few having knowledge thereof.  Nor can they be taught except in wisdom.  For what may be in a 7, or in a 6, to present values, or to define a realm of understanding?  A 6 is no more to most of us as six apples, or a 4 than that there are 4 seasons.  

  9.   But what is behind all the values of numbers is not for the teaching, he who comprehends does not reveal them.  In the Scriptures it reads at one place: "They that are wise will understand, for it has a number of 666."  And O what a maze of webs has been made from these words.  But the words themselves reveal it.  

  10. If then there is no wisdom, there is no understanding, nor will it be taught.  The fact that the title of this book can be written as 3/7/6, holds in far more than what the numbers may present, for in all essence they are not as such the numbers, but values, each a book in itself. 

  11.   The scale of Pololoid is however not as simple as a straight line where things cut off at one point or another.  Nature is three dimensional, for which reason the range of matter was slanted upon the zero.  Something similar was shown in my third chapter under "dimensions".  And to show the entire scale of Pololoid, there are a total of 3 sections, each 200 numbers long, (Figure 17-4, Ab, Bf, and Cd).

  1.   The first section is our previous scale of motion wherein we have our abiding at just over the middle in di-Pololoid.  The second section continues in line with the first.  But at this point a turnover occurs, and the third no longer continues in line, there is in other words no continuation after that.  But there is one over and upon it, which I drew as a triangle, the essence being a circular loop. 

  2.   Note then also that while Bf is the second section and should have its value from 200 to 400, instead it shows 200 to 600, while the 400 is off the lower end point D, from where it passes to C.  

  3. There is much to this that I obviously am not mentioning, recall only that I said "circular loop", in which case we can conceive B, C, F, D a dual triangle, or the figure eight.  Hence we may conceive the first section the linear realm, in which case the second and third become the angular realm.


The grand scale 3/7/6. 

The grand scale of Pololoid with all its equations and principles marked therein is illustrated by figure 80.  This entire scale, or system, I call:


REFERENCE Figure 17-5. 

  (Additional Figures 17-6, and 17-7.

It is: "The principle of nature all in one." 3 principles with 7 equations as follows:

   1. Mr/Zp. Matter range in zero Pololoid. 

  2. Sp/E. Sub Pololoid equation. 

  3. Hp/E. Heat Pololoid equation. 

  4. Fp/E. Freezing Pololoid equation.

  5. Mp/E. Matter Pololoid equation.

  6. Cp/E. Conduaction Pololoid equation.

  7; Tp/E. Time period equation 

  1.   There are then three principles, the main as the three point, and everything that is compared one to an other, the standard scale of two-point reference.  And a third, that is seen by a four-point reference.  Each letter, figure, number, and notation has a specific purpose and meaning, but it has been a long time since, and much of that detail I can't seem to recall, but vaguely. 

  2.   We have always desired to take everything and place it before us on a foundation.  This we received in the nature of nature, as you would call it "a unified field concept".  This then is much more than a unified field concept, it is Pololoid.  

  3. In a unified field concept, we assemble all fields to a single foundation; it embraces the nature of nature in the operation thereof.  Pololoid in turn reaches further and utilizes motion upon which to show the whole realm thereof.

  4.   Getting to some of the particulars, Pololoid is a manner in which "patterns" of motion may be seen, a very interesting prospect.  And wherein coordinates may be seen, also a rewarding prospect.  

  5. Then there are the local scales of thermal conductivity, electrical resistively, residual resistance, low temperature resistively and there is yet conduaction Pololoid.

  6. Moreover, there is that difference of 2.6 by which zero centigrade and zero Pololoid come 11 degrees apart.  Each of the above equations and principles are thus marked within the scale at the location from where and unto where they be. 

  7.     Now you may ask me what value all this has?  And I must agree, for most of us it may seem of little or no value.  But when the foundations of science are firmly established, and knowledge is held as a virtue to explore.  Then if for no better reason than to comprehend, to relish in understanding, in the understanding of what was created so perfectly, and to view the perfection thereof, to stroll and wander through a realm of mysteries with new insights at every signpost.  

  8. If one has an aptitude in these things, I can tell you, he will not be envied without reason.  Mental satisfaction as it may be called; to behold what is of value, and to know values.

  9.   In conclusion, let me yet acclaim with Solomon, Vanity, O vanity.  For man to pain himself in the aptitude of knowledge.  I have known pain, and it has not left me.  

  10. What I searched for I have yet to find, the ultimate answer, that ever elusive goal.  For no matter how far the Lord my God may let me go, or allows me to go, it will always be that which is over the next hill unto which I then wish to proceed.  

  11.   And so I acclaim, this is an evil thing that I do, always thirsting for what is beyond.  It is like the rich man whose greed knows no end, the more he gathers the more he wants.  

  12. The only difference between him and me therefore is that I know it, he does not, and I maintain myself to bounds, which is something he has no knowledge of.

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