CHAPTER 70              LINK TO OTHER PAGES

  1. The Lord spoke saying; "Three times a year all your males shall appear before the Lord your God at the place which He will choose: at the feast of unleavened bread, at the feast of weeks, and at the feast of booths. They shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed."

  2. "All your males," so the Lord said.  How few therefore these will be that can appear before the Lord, if only them that are male may appear.  But who is to understand the wisdom of my speech, wherefore I should keep with the milk of understanding  

  3. But I will do more than that since I am not only speaking to the household of God, but to all men that they might be saved from the destruction that is soon to come upon this world.

  4. The nomenclature now of each of these three feasts is the same, namely; that in seven days the Lord completed and rested from His labor in creating the race of man. Six in labor, the seventh in rest, for when Moses was on the mountain, the Lord overshadowed it, veiling Himself for the first six days, and showed Himself on the seventh.

  5. And; that in seven days, (for us millenniums,) we were to pass over into our eternal home, the new earth.  And, that within these seven days the Lord would provide for a deliverer, to rescue us from the death that we had brought upon ourselves.  

  6. These festivals thus are tokens of the covenant with the Lord made with us.   Let us therefore speak of each feast as they progress through the year. 

  7.   The first comes in the first month, the month of Abib, or Nissan as it is also called.  It begins on the 14th in the evening when the Sacrifice to pass-over into the enduring paradise is to be killed, and its flesh to be eaten, while its blood would be for a sign or token that death would not come upon us, but pass us by.

  8. Thus we are speaking of Yeshua, like He Himself said; "Lest you drink My blood, and eat My flesh, you cannot enter into heaven."  This celebration thus is a memorial, not only of the former sons of Israel being delivered of their bondage in Egypt, but of all the sons of God to be delivered from the bondage of this world that may also be called the greater Egypt.

  9. And should therefore the bread that we eat be un-leavened?  Indeed so, for nothing has changed, that statute was a statute forever.  But not that which enters into the mouth, but rather all that proceeds from it must be un-leavened, that my dear ones is the command and the celebration.

  10. Paul spoke of this feast saying:  "Christ, our Paschal Lamb, has been sacrificed.  Let us, therefore celebrate the festival not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." 

  11. What therefore my dear ones in Israel and elsewhere, are we to eat; bread without its leaven, or not rather like Paul said; to speak of and show truth and integrity?  Not what enters the mouth, but what proceeds from it.

  12. For here this celebration is in memorial to Him, to His offering, to unleavened bread, His blood that it was given and shed for us that by means of Him we might come unto the Father. And like the Lord Himself said; "Do this as often as you do in remembrance of Me."

  13. If thus any man is to eat the bread and drink the wine, let him rise to digest the word that I am speaking, so as to partake with the blood of Yeshua.   

  14. I however should not be speaking in so many metaphors, now should I, to conceal true wisdom from the world of men?  Yet I do so for you that are my friends and my beloved, since without wisdom no-one can enter in before Christ Yeshua, nor by the Father of all creation.

  15. This festival is the same for Jews and Gentiles, for the believers of any and all nations, for all that are sanctioned to keep the Sabbath. Additionally, it is for the nation of Israel in a memorial to their forefathers being led out of Egypt. 

  16. And yet again that very same thing is true for Gentiles, for the people of any nation, seeing how by the offering of the Lamb, of Christ, anyone that partakes of His blood and flesh is delivered of the greater Egypt, that translates into being delivered from this world as a whole.

  17. It therefore is a "passing over" for Jews and Gentiles alike, a deliverance from bondage, from the bondage of this world, and of its rulers.  Quite correctly therefore it is called "Passover." and should be held as a memorial by Jew and Gentile alike, for again in that respect it is a statute of the Lord, of the Christ of God.  

  18. Only I sigh deeply that it was only for them that are "male" to appear, there being so few of them. For only those who in wisdom look to the Messiah are male, or as the Lord put it: "Not such as call Me Lord, but that keep My word."

  19. The lamb now of one year old was the token in the foreshadowing of Yeshua, the Lamb of God, by whose blood death might pass us by.  And to eat of the flesh of that lamb - is, as in to partake of His suffering, meaning to listen to Him and to keep His word and commandments.  That also my beloved is what it means to be "male".  

  20. And that is so even to the point of the giving of our own flesh to the honor of His name, like so many have throughout the ages, as they were tortured, killed, and burned for His name sake.

  21. When therefore in this day we memorialize ourselves therein, we no longer kill a lamb, since Christ Yeshua, the Lamb of God, was already killed once for all.  What does remain of it - is the bread as a token for the flesh, and the wine as a token for the blood. 

  22. As then the bread must be unleavened - means - we are to partake of Christ only, and not to have any idol of our own baking with Him, as is currently done in the churches and the synagogues.

  23. If we keep eighty percent of His words, while adding twenty percent of our own imagination to it, (like most people do) we are eating bread that is with leaven, and none of it will be acceptable before God, nor therefore are you acceptable, nor therefore male.  Either a 100% or you fail, all the word of God, or you worship in vain.

  24. To eat unleavened bread is to have your mind, your heart, and all your strength directed to Christ Yeshua, and nowhere else.  If you love father, mother, wife, or children more than Him you are not worthy of Him.

  25. As a memorial therefore we have our Passover meal beginning on the 14th of the first month, with the day after as the day of Passover, since it was on that day that the Lamb of God was crucified. 

  26. And that festival with its unleavened bread, as it continued for seven days holds in that we continue in truth and in sincerity for the remainder of our days, to pass over in seven into Paradise.

  27. When the Israelites came out of Egypt the Lord kept them in the wilderness for forty years, to test them for their true resolve. These forty years are a token to the days wherein any man must pass.  

  28. Having therefore celebrated pass over consider yourself in a desert to learn to know the Lord, and to keep His statutes, so that at end you likewise may enter into that new world.

  29. Seeing then how only the young and but two of the adults actually sufficed to enter into that promised land of Israel, so it will be that the young, that is to say - the innocent, and few of the adults, of those grown into years, yet able to keep themselves unspotted - that will enter into that new promised land, the new earth.

  30. Remember how they said, "Why are we here, our young ones will perish." And so the Lord said; "Those of whom you said to perish, will inherit it. And again; "The poor, and those whom I have afflicted, and those of whom you said they are not the sons of, these will be called sons of the living God."

  31. And now that I spoke these words, there is a greater understanding by which the former statement is not altogether correct, and I might rephrase it to say, how only the young will enter, as it was with Israel in these days.  

  32. For the two adults that did enter that promised land, were the ones by whom the people were brought into that promised land. Joshua as the head and main one of the two - portrays Jesus the Son of God, leading in the people.

  33. The other named Caleb, which means; bold one, was with Joshua to lead the people in. One might say; with Yeshua there is a bold one, in the meaning of this - that he was not an Israelite, but of another nation to be with Joshua, as one other with Yeshua. 

  34. The two adults among the whole congregation of Israel thus were in effect their Redeemers, the ones to bring in, and to atone for them, which was shown long before this - to Abraham in the offering of the ages.

  35. If then at this point you my beloved reader are confused in that the Lord God portrayed, or foreshadowed two persons to deliver and bring in the whole of Israel, do not be offended but bear with me to show this to you more fully.  

  36. For I am not speaking to you words of my own, but as I hear so I speak, as I am instructed of the Lord our God so I am relating to you His word, as He spoke by Moses and the prophets before me.

  37. Yet before I shall go much deeper into this, let us finish with the festivals. You should know how the Lord warned that anyone who does not have his eye fixed on Yeshua the Messiah - shall be cut off from his people, since that one is eating bread with leaven.  

  38. And if His blood is not upon you, meaning to walk in all His ways with firm faith and conviction, the angel of death will slay you like he killed all the firstborn in Egypt, for that angel did so not only of the people, but of the cattle as well.

  39. And this has this meaning that the angel will kill not only those of the nations, (the cattle,) but Israelites (as people) as well.  Since again only in those dwellings where the blood of the Lamb of God was seen, there only the angel of death would pass by. 

  40. And again it was said, "That no foreigner shall eat of it, nor even a hired servant nor sojourner might eat of it."   A foreigner is one that is strange to Yeshua, and sadly to say many of the Israelites in Israel today are foreigners, not knowing Yeshua. Nor therefore are these to eat of it, - and as they do anyway - they eat and drink to their own damnation.

  41. Nor, and so I say here and now, in the ending of the sixth day, are the priests and ministers of the flocks to partake in that Passover festival, since these for the bulk of them are but hired servants, preaching for their belly.  

  42. And yet these very ones this very day are leading the congregations in that festival. How therefore all these are eating and drinking damnation unto themselves.

  43. Nor shall these enter the promised land, nor even enter into the Sabbath all that are sojourners, a people that are merely passing through, looking to see what our religion is, and if perhaps it can be of any profit to them.   For such people are all uncircumcised, they may have a show of Yeshua, but are not rooted in Him.

  44. Of the great many therefore that yearly celebrate this festival, the majority of them are celebrating it to their own damnation.  And perhaps I may have been the one and only person among the six billion plus in the world, to have correctly celebrated that festivals in these last years. How few then may these be that even rightfully celebrated that festival?

  45. Then where it states;  "Your lamb (or goat) shall be without blemish, a male a year old."  A male of course means a man, and not a woman for a Deliverer, as one definition of it.  And that it had to be one year old - means - one who obeys the Lord forthwith, one who hears for the first time and obeys, one who is readily inclined to God, as Christ Jesus was.

  46. There are those that need to be called two or three times, or more before they will factually hear and obey.  And yes up to three times is as yet acceptable before God.  For He spoke unto Abraham in showing him - who was to be saved and how - to bring him the heifer the goat and the ram three years of age, besides the two to serve for Redeemers, the Turtledove, and the young dove.

  47. The Lord Yeshua then never had to be called twice since He in fact was born of God, and was with Him from ever. This is what it means of a year old, to forthwith comply.  Blessed therefore are those that do not resist God even at His third calling, since those that delay and delay, refusing to answer are not linked in the offering shown to Abraham.

  48. Then where it states how you shall not leave any of the flesh of that Passover lamb till the morning, but that then it was to be burned, so it did happen. For on the evening of the 14th the Lord was arrested, and on the next day, on the 15th, He was burned, as in crucified, put to death.

  49. As now we may celebrate the Passover with bread and wine at any place where we reside, this is because the Lord the Messiah has come, and did once for all offer Himself.  For so it was that the Lord said;  

  50. "You may not offer the Passover sacrifice within any of your towns which the Lord your God gives you, but at the place which the Lord your God will choose, to make His name dwell in it, there you shall offer the Passover sacrifice, in the evening at the going down of the sun, at the time you came out of Egypt."

  51. "In the evening it says, as the sun goes down." Shall I then pronounce, a second meaning to this that has yet to occur, an hour that has yet to arrive? If you my beloved have an ear to wisdom, so hear what is said. For did not the Lord also say: "Where He chooses His name to dwell."?  If then He dwells with you - so you will understand.

  52. For those upon the breast thus it was so; that it was in Jerusalem where the Lord was tried, the place which the Lord choose where He would reside.  And it was outside of the camp, outside of Jerusalem where He was burned, just as it was commanded to Moses in the foreshadowing thereof.

  53. And did not the Lord reply to the woman at the well saying: "Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.   But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship Him."

  54. If now those that are so much in love with the Torah would only contemplate and act upon this where the Lord said; "In Spirit and in truth," there would be hope for them, and that wailing wall would be void of persons.

  55. And so said the Lord of the Passover feast;  "Do this as often as you do in remembrance of Me." Which does not translate into what some demons like to make of it by celebrating it at any time they feel like it, or dictate contrary to the Lord, since that very same Lord said: "In the first month, on the fourteenth day thereof."

  56. "To do as often as you do" -- is however as many times as the Lord will grant you to remain in your exile, or to as yet abide on that fourteenth day of the first month of the year. The punch-line being;  "To celebrate it in remembrance of Him, and I do mean -- of Him.

  57. For again how silly is it of any person to celebrate his birthday some three months before or after his factual day, such as the so called Christians, the ignorant ones from among the Gentiles are doing, supposedly celebrating the birth of Christ some six months removed from His factual day of birth, or entrance into this world.

  58. Are these so called Christians so ignorant in the Scriptures?  Have these blind ones actually ever read that New Testament upon which they claim themselves for salvation?  

  59. If these had eyes they would have known better, but being blind these come to celebrate their Christmas after the darkness that is within them - which as such they presume to be for light to them.

festival of Shebuot.

   The second feast.

  1. This festival is also of seven - having its beginning at the time of Passover - when the Lord gave of Himself - and we are to pass through all the days of creation before we shall enter upon the day of eternity.  

  2. As then the mathematics of the seven starts at the day the Lord was risen from the dead, - its end, as its highlight, concludes upon the very day on which the Lord came into this world.  And this is also figurative for His second return, the fulfilling of the promise, the completion of the Oath.

  3. And yes my dearly beloved there is much wisdom here, the depth of which I can not place into words for all to see, but you being led and taught by His Counselor, He will teach you, so that you also may know and rejoice. 

  4. This festival is of a twofold nature, of weeks in seven, and of the Oath to our deliverance.  And so it is written; "You shall count seven weeks; begin to count the seven weeks from the time you first put the sickle to the standing grain.  Then you shall keep the feast of weeks to the Lord your God with the tribute of a freewill offering from your hand, which you shall give as the Lord your God blesses you."

  5. There is much wisdom in these words.  If then I say to you to start counting in seven from the day that the sickle was put to the standing grain, meaning when Christ Yeshua was offered, there will be seven weeks, fifty days in total when He will return, and you will present yourselves with an abundance of freewill offerings.

  6. And to speak a bit more in this wisdom: How stupid of that John Calvin and his followers to acclaim that man has no free-will. And, how will any man obtain such free-will offerings, all such gratitude of his heart and soul, if not like the Lord said; "How - "He" - would bless you with them."

  7. It is of course also so that it are the seven millenniums what is meant by the seven weeks, and the counting is from the very day that Adam took from the harvest of the earth to its final completion when it will be dissolved in fire.

  8. As a memorial then, and a token, as also foreshadowing, the start was after Israel had come into their land when the first harvest was at hand, which occurred in the early part of the first month of the year.  

  9. After this in counting seven, the highlight of the festival being at hand, we were to make a freewill offering.  Not something as commanded, nor anything of the hand of another, but freely given of our own hand. (also - like as - in faith)

  10. Who now will interpret this for me?  Is it not that out of ourselves we would come unto Him who gave His life for us?  That freely without compulsion we would serve Him in all His word?  

  11. What foolish man would have a priest grand him forgiveness, or that a father or a brother should give his life for him?  God clearly stated, - from your hand, your own hand, and in free willing.

  12. Or what folly of a man if he is to be led with a line and a bit in his mouth, like as animals are led.  If I have to direct a man with a bit in his mouth, to place his offerings within him, it shall hardly be known for free willing, nor as such having come from him.

  13. When one loves another will he not freely help him? And if you love the Lord will you not freely with desire keep His word?  For so the commandment states, that we are His not out of compulsion, or like a horse that one directs with a line and bit in his mouth, but freely out of love.  

  14. Then for wisdom what else did the Lord say; For indeed my dearly beloved I am presenting to you words in wisdom, so you may be wise.  Was it not - "As the Lord your God blesses you?"   Did not the Lord say; "No one can come to Me last the Father draws him?"  And, "Those born of the Father will come unto Me."   

  15. It is not therefore of our own selves, nor of our own will that we turn unto God and Christ Yeshua, but the Father instills in us the desire and the way unto His Son.  

  16. Since then this sentiment does not suit the world, it must so appear unto the world that we draw to Him of our own free will, that the same may be for judgment unto them that reject Him who made them.  If one has an ear let him understand the words proceeding from my lips.

  17. Next, we must come to the knowledge in the mathematics so that we may count our days upon the earth, and never at all forget in seven that there is a day of eternity in which we hope to have everlasting life.  For so the Lord said; 

  18.   "You shall count from the morning after the sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven full weeks shall they be, counting fifty days to the morning after the seventh sabbath; then you shall present a cereal offering of new grain to the Lord."

  19. I could put this in other words to say; that within the seven passing if you do not include eternity in the tremors of your heart, you will be in violation of My instructions.  And how then will you enter by fifty, to enter into My rest, the eternal rest?  

  20. Or as I first put it saying: "Never at all forget in seven that there is a day of eternity in which we hope to have everlasting life."

  21. If now you are still with me you will learn what has not been known nor understood for many centuries.  And you in whom there is the knowledge of God will no doubt be with me, since again those of no knowledge will have left off reading my discourse, it being of no value and foolishness to them.  

  22. It is also therefore that I place these words further down in my discourse, hoping the unworthy will have left off reading my words.

  23.   The counting starts on a day after the sabbath, and that sabbath being the 16th of Nissan, it was on the 17th that our Lord rose, and on that very day we begin to count in seven so we may be delivered from this earth, and from the wickedness that goes on all around us.  

  24. And we are to end on a morning after a sabbath, or actually, to end on the morning after the seventh Sabbath.   Here we mean to say - immediately after the seventh millennium when the new earth and eternity will commence. For here our hope is to enter into God's rest after the seven thousand years have ended.

  25. All this is thus the token and foreshadowing of what will be and when. And so how do we get to this eternity in seven?  It my very dear friend is to count in seven and never to forget eternity.  It is to be kosher, to not associate with them that do not divide the hoof, or fail to chew the cut.

  26. And so, we start adding seven weeks times seven days to a total of 49 days - and we are at a morning after a sabbath again, after the seventh thereof.  Quite indeed we are at a morning after a sabbath - counting 49.  But this is not what the Lord said, nor what the Lord told Moses to write down for us. The Lord said; "Counting fifty days."  

  27. Shall we then add a day to arrive at a "second" day after that sabbath?  That mind you is also contrary to God's instructions.  That single additional day is one to come in between the days of seven, - as I outlined by the Calendar instituted of God.   

  28. Then for wisdom to you my beloved, it of course in mathematics is in fact forty nine days, since that 50th day is not in the accounting in the days of the year, yet it belongs to the reckoning.  

  29. And so why did Moses write 50, when that day is not numbered, when it is a day of no accounting?  It my dear ones was for confusion to the world, but for wisdom to the wise.  For like Solomon said, unless one remains with wisdom he cannot be saved.

  30. This festival thus is a reminder of the oath, of the promise of salvation, and in what time-span that was to be, namely: In seven provided you maintain yourself upon eternity as well.  This indeed is a sentence in wisdom, for while we are to passover in seven, that Passover came seven weeks before that day of passing over. 

  31. Meaning; Pentecost, or Shebuot, being seven weeks after Passover, or the new world for its entry seven weeks after the resurrection of the Christ. If therefore you understand what I am saying, understand my emphasis on - "In seven provided you maintain yourself upon eternity as well."  

  32. And how much more shall I say?  The foolish will take it as if I am speaking of counting days, as if the ritual will bring them to salvation, and so these have of course not understood anything of what I have said.

  33. The world and all its theologians have been, and are, at a loss to find fifty days in the space of exactly seven weeks.   And that is so because eternity is not with them.

  34.  It is so because they do not comprehend nor do they live for the day of eternity, the day in which all the sons of God shall rejoice.  These are consuming what does not divide the hoof. 

  35. Their problem is that they were not taught of God, they lacked instruction into what is truthful. And while they should have been taught of the sons of Israel on whom the light of God had shined, these themselves had turned away from the instructions of the Lord.

  36. Since then the Holy Spirit of the Lord turns away from anyone and everyone that is distrustful of God, and that do not revere Him as He should be honored, so these and many others became darkened in their mind, to extol themselves only in their own imagination apart from God and His instructions.

  37. Is it not obvious to you that are my beloved how -- without that Calendar instituted of God there is no way for any man to celebrate that Festival of weeks and of the Oath, as well as the entry of Christ into the world according to the commandment and instructions of the Lord?   If one holds himself to pagan concoctions (their calendar) it is by pagan concoctions that he lives.

  38. Since then that Calendar was kept until the Christ, it faded away by the ignorance of Jew and Gentile alike.  And now that we have come to the ending of the sixth day of creation what is there left in the world that is of any worth to save, or be accounted righteous? 

  39. The last time that there was a prophet was when Yeshua walked the earth, after which were His Apostles, and many disciples.  And so the Lord said; (how after these) 

  40. "The world shall be turned into the old silence till no man remains, until the time that I will begin to visit the earth, and them that inhabit it."    Mark this how He said;  "I will begin."

  41. That very time thus has arrived, the world since that time has been in silence, and the prophets spoke clearly of what was to come in that time, and how it would be, even as Enoch from long ago spoke of this day saying;  "After that in the sixth week, an apostate generation shall arise, its deeds shall be many, all of which will be criminal."

  42. And so we were told how it would be in this day and age, not only here by Enoch but by all of the prophets, and by the Lord Himself, that in our days it would be as in the days of Noah. 

  43. For so also the Lord said; "Till no man remains."  In the notation of that word however where He said; "Remains," it conveys the many that nonetheless did honor Him while the world dwelt in silence.

  44. Yet so the Lord gave Enoch to pronounce; "And at its completion (of that sixth day) there shall be elected the elect one of righteousness from the Eternal Plant of righteousness to whom shall be given sevenfold knowledge and wisdom."

  45. And to Jacob.  "And by star, those on earth who wish to see Him whom angels above do not see, will find the way to Him.  Then (after him) the Almighty will be on earth in body, and embraced by corporal arms."

  46. Like as John the Baptist came before the Lord, so the Lord will have another with Him. If then in these last two thousand years, in the fifth and sixth days of the weeks of creation, there has been little more than hirelings to preach for their pay, with many of these being ferocious demons as well.  

  47. It was nonetheless of the Lord to bring an elected one in the earth, or, a star as he is also called, one of righteousness to come in the ending, at the very completion of that sixth week, shortly before the Sabbath was to commence.

  48. And from whom was that one to be? Was it not of Yeshua Himself, our Lord being that Eternal Plant of righteousness?  He was to be one in the image of his Redeemer, as a plant of Him, after His likeness.  And in order that he truly might be in the image of Him God gave him knowledge and wisdom in sevenfold.

  49. Moreover, it was necessary that the foundations of the earth were understood at the time when these tokens (of the beginning of the end, to the next) were revealed. This is so since it was prophesied that these would be, and none of the words of the Lord can fail in coming to pass.  

  50. And, the Lord had promised Enoch that his words would be heard again after the silence that had gone in effect after the Apostles of the Lord.  Even as I have done my beloved, the Lord teaching me in cleansing the words of Enoch from the wrangling of the scribes.

  51. Thus the Lord procured for an elected one, a prince as Daniel calls him, to again proclaim the truth that had been subdued so long, and in the wisdom given him the progression of the year in its days and weeks and months also were revealed. 

  52. Wherefore now having the one and only true Calendar of the Lord, you are at last able to literally count fifty days to the coming of the feast of Shebuot, to know that day of eternity.

  53. Then as it states; "You shall present a cereal offering of new grain to the Lord."  This is a thank-offering my friends, a freewill offering of the heart in extolling the Lord God, and thanking Him for His endless mercy upon us.  And note how it states;  "Of new grain," the word 'new' for wisdom to you my dearly beloved, wisdom for the wise.  

  54. In that celebration it is as had we come into our eternal abode - in this effect that the word of the Lord is forever sure, and who but the foolish would doubt Him, and not fully rely himself upon Him?

  55. Then, in speaking of the offerings as they were commanded, these my dear ones are not in the milk of understanding, yet I will speak a few words on it for them that are wise.  

  56. It speaks of; "your dwellings," and of 'two loaves of bread," and how they were to be with leaven, fully risen, as first fruits to the Lord, first fruits - as only the sons of God. 

  57. And so it reads further; "And you shall present with the bread seven lambs a year old without blemish, and one young bull, and two rams; they shall be a burnt offering to the Lord, with their cereal offering and their drink offerings, an offering by fire, a pleasing odor to the Lord."

  58. What words therefore shall I compile here to bring yet more wisdom to the wise, and at the same time hide what is spoken? 

  59. How many gave their lives, were burned, for the sake of the Lord, and what exultation has gone forth to His praise? And for the rest I can only speak thereof to you my beloved in private.

  60. This celebration in memorial of the Oath, the coming of the Messiah, and of the passing in seven, is the same for both Jews and Gentiles, that is to say for all that are truly Christian, meaning; for all that are anointed, (Christ meaning Anointed) be they Jew or Gentile. 

  61. For the Lord came and laid down His life for all the race of man, not merely for the Jews, nor merely for the elect.   And yes what folly the sons of man will make out of the wisdom of my speech, the brutes among man.  

  62. If then Jews claim that the Messiah was Jewish, right they are, and descended from the loins in Abraham by David and Judah in the virgin Mary, right they are.

  63. Yet what is it that the prophet said; "On that day, says the Lord of hosts, I will take you, O Zerub'babel My servant, the son of She-al'ti-el, says the Lord, and make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you, says the Lord of hosts."

  64. Zerub'babel, meaning; as a man of God from the world, wherefore the Messiah is of the world, of all nations in general as well as of Israel. For by virtue of the loins of Abraham He was before Jacob in the term of Israel, and Abraham was to be a father of not only the ram but of a female goat and heifer as well, of nations other than Israel.

  65. Be not therefore so proud O you Israelites as if you hold the soul of man in your hand, for again the Lord spoke of the day in which He is to deliverer the remnant of Israel, to make them the crown of nations saying:

  66. "And many nations shall join themselves to the Lord in that day, and shall be My people."  Note His words; -- "My people.


     The third feast

  1. As now the Sabbath, the seventh millennium has its start, it will be a time of holy convocation, of trumpets to be blown, and to finally rest from laboring, for so it reads: 

  2.   "In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with blast of trumpets, a holy convocation.  You shall do no laborious work; and you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord."

  3. How beautiful indeed that at last the Sabbath has come, how marvelous that our Lord has come, He is our rest and our righteousness from this day on forward to in all eternities. Our enemies are cast down and we exult in the rest of God's Sabbath.  How fitting therefore that we should exult on that first day of the seventh day of creation.

  4. Note however that it reads; "Offering by fire."  And what might that word "fire" entail to convey?  In one it means to make a spiritual offering, to let your praise and exultation go upwards - like fire goes upwards - unto the Lord.

  5. Next so it reads;  "On the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement; it shall be for you a time of holy convocation, and you shall afflict yourselves and present an offering by fire to the Lord.  And you shall do no work on this same day; for it is a day of atonement, to make atonement for you before the Lord your God.  For whoever is not afflicted on this same day shall be cut off from his people."

  6. O my dearly beloved there is so much more I could say to acquaint you with, in what will be in the day of tomorrow, but you will see it, and live in it to behold all of it, for then all these words of the Scriptures will be opened for you, how all things were foreshadowed.

  7. Yom Kippur, as it is in Hebrew, and how few from among the sons of Israel actually in this day celebrate that day, or are competent to memorialize it for themselves?  For so the Lord said: "And you shall humble yourselves and present a spiritual offering out of your heart with all earnest."

  8. O, you mean I got this wrong, that these are not the words that the Lord used? No indeed He said; "To afflict yourselves and present a thank-you prayer or song by fire."   I however was also correct in my wording, since the High priests can no longer cast blood into the holy of holies since that One Redeemer which it foreshadowed already did so once for all. 

  9. Therefore in that day so long ago upon the wood of the cross did the memorial of that day of Atonement come to its reality, and into its fulfilling, which then for the remaining days of creation became a Spiritual act, rather than the physical as it had been. 

  10. That tenth day now of that seventh month is much the same as the fifteenth day of the first month when it fact God's High Priest, Christ Jesus, gave His blood to atone for the sins of man, with its completion upon the seventeenth of that first month when the Father of all raised Him up to sit at His right hand in the heaven of heavens.

  11. As then it reads; "Whosoever is not afflicted on this same day shall be cut off from his people." The meaning of which is, whosoever will not acknowledge Christ Yeshua who for his sins brought forth life to him, will be cut off and die the death of the uncircumcised, even as this day a great majority of the sons of Israel are uncircumcised, (in heart) wherefore the judgment of God still rests on them.

  12. That remnant however which remains of all the many that claim themselves to be Jews, that are circumcised, even though on the flesh no cutting was made upon them, these shall be glorified and enter into the Sabbath, into God's rest.

  13.   The first day of the Sabbath now having passed, with all its newness in the world, now comes the reality, to behold how we pierced Him with all of our sins and our backsliding, and to vomit of ourselves for the wickedness that was in us.  And so these will make lamentation as is done for an only son.

  14. But as written of that tenth day, it is a time of atonement, the Lord comforting them that their sins are forgiven, and that now they are called sons of the living God.  Therefore it is commanded that we should afflict ourselves, for if we count ourselves righteous to have no sin, how shall one who is not ill be healed?  The healthy are not in need of a physician.

  15. He that is humble will readily find grace, but the proud are an abomination to the Lord.  If therefore anyone in that day does not afflict himself to admit to his sins and shortcomings, will - as the commandment states, - most certainly be cut off. 

  16. There is no room in heaven for the proud, nor for them that are arrogant, nor therefore in the land of Israel on the day of the great Sabbath.

  17. Then comes the fifteenth day of that seventh month, and so it reads;  "And for seven days is the feast of booths to the Lord.  On the first day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no laborious work.  Seven days you shall present offerings by fire to the Lord."

  18. This is the memorial that for these many days we lived not in houses of the rich, nor in mansions, but we were oppressed, living as in boots, which is done in seven, and we were killed for His name sake, (offerings by fire).  

  19. Then comes one more day, called the eight day, a day of rest and holy gathering, because it points to the eternal day, the day in which we will come down from heaven to dwell upon the new earth. 

  20. This came about when the Lord revealed so much to Jacob and he could not digest all of it in the days of seven, wherefore he asked for an additional day, for a day of eternity, and to have all eternities in which to digest the wisdom of the Lord and to praise and thank Him.

  21. That new earth now, which unlike this world having many owners, will instead be in the hands, and ownership of but a few, the Lord Himself stating by the mouth of Solomon; "My vineyard, My very own, is for Myself."

  22. And there, like as it was with the saints in the book of Acts, the sons of God will have everything in common. There will be no rich nor poor, and for all their multitude there will only be a single treasury, and though there will be a many kings, a single King will reign over all.  

  23. These thus are the main Christian and/or Jewish festivals, or the Lord's festivals as they are called, in addition to which Israel along with every other nation will have its particular festive days, some secular, with some others that are more holy than other days such as the first of the seventh month, and the first of the first month of the year.

  24. Then again there are the Sabbath's and the additional days which Noah instituted as days of festival to wit the two remaining days of the leaders.  And there is that day of eternity which I commended for a solemn rest.


  1. A celebration that Israel was delivered from the hand of the Gentiles by means of a lovely queen, a daughter of Abraham, the essence of which serves as a token of what in some fashion will again take place in some measure.

  2. There is the record of Judith - how so many Jews were delivered by the hand of the Lord through a woman, a very beautiful woman, how with her charm and beauty she killed the commander of the army of the Gentiles that were about to spoil the Jews of the city.

  3. The events celebrated by the festival of Purim then are similar, there being a very beautiful daughter of Abraham by means of which the Gentiles were defeated before the sons of Israel.

  4. And now I could say to you how the Lord by Isaiah said: "Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare, before they spring forth I tell you of them."  For it is like this:  I, a Gentile, a chief prince of Gentiles, - am truly in love with you my dear Israel, it is indeed you that I am in love with, with whom I wish to be wed. 

  5. Was it not spoken of the Lord by Isaiah where it reads: "Who spoke of it from the beginning, so that we might know, as in before time, so that we might say, or conclude him to be right?"  

  6. It is a knowledge and/or prophecies that one is declaring which when the people hear of these things, they are at a loss to understand the same, and musing within their mind conclude saying; "We can't tell if he be right."

  7. It is of my many words spoken, and of the revelations that have gone forth by means of me that these are at a loss to confirm me for being right or wrong. And while these things were spoken of me from long ago, and never at all did I hide them, yet no one had any counsel at my word.  

  8. Nor where any of these things spoken of before by anyone, not by any soul of man, to which the Lord gives confirmation saying:

  9. "There was none who declared it, no one has proclaimed it, nor any to have heard your words.  But - I, as the  First, I the Lord declared it unto him, I the Lord declared it to one in Zion.  And of him I will make a messenger, a messenger of good tidings to Jerusalem." 

  10.  It is Isaiah 41, and I reworded the words in some way so as to make it better understood.  And no, I did not change the message, as those that are contentious would like to accuse me of.

  11. You my dear Israel do celebrate that festival of Purim, a token of how the Lord delivered Israel from the hands of the Gentiles. And how was that my dear Israel?  Did not that king of Gentiles take you for a bride unto himself?  For he took Esther, one of your daughters, a lovely princess for flesh and bone unto himself.

  12. I am indeed infatuated with you my dear Israel, in love with your beauty, that I may embrace you, and hold you to me forever, to kiss your lips.  For thus spoke the Lord, yours and mine:  

  13. "I have taken you by the hand and kept you, I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind."

  14. If then I am wed to you - I will also be part of that covenant to do as the Lord continued to say: "To bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness."  For even as I love you daughter of Abraham, so my love is for those that are in darkness to bring them forth unto the light. 

  15. As therefore you take to celebrate Purim, consider how the Lord made you for a light to open the eyes that are blind, to bring knowledge and wisdom to the unwise.  

  16. These Gentiles will indeed be subjected unto you, but you ought to love them as I love them, for these many Gentiles not knowing their right from their left, were also made of Him, that these too may have rejoicing in Him as well as in you.

  17.  I speak many words, and in some way expound upon them.  That Torah then, or these Scriptures are to me as they are to you, since I am male - and I am desiring you for my bride, my Purim, casting my lot with you.

  18. And yes how well I have hidden what is to be hid.

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