The folly of self knowledge 

Chapter 5        (198?)                             LINK TO OTHER PAGES

  1.  They are without knowledge that plow with a knowledge not of God, and altogether vain who say, there is no God.

  2. If man had come by chance, why should he wish to live? It would be better to depart from the living, for who in his right mind having once seen the history of man, would wish to become any part of that animal kingdom?

  3.  Without the hope for justice from God there is no reason for man to exist among his kind. Or to what purpose shall understanding be if therewith he cannot praise both the justice and the wondrous works of his Creator?

  4. Man would indeed be worse off than an animal for having reason in vain, for there is nothing so sacred or so good as to have any value lest it be unto the Father of all creation.


  1.  If one speaks a word either good or bad, it is a word, but if one takes it upon himself to change upon the words of God, he is as one who is placing his neck in a noose.  For he that adds or takes away from the Holy Scriptures meddles with that which affects the soul of a man, and how shall man think to correct upon the word of his Creator?

  2. An accursed committee of scholars, both Hebrew and Greek (so it reads) undertook to translate Gods word, - to corrupt it - since that is what they did. I now have seen twisters but none quite as bad as from Hebrews.   And as for Greeks, I heard Paul say; "Greeks are always liars."  This committee wrote what they call; the amplified bible."

  3. There are other translations, such as; the new English, or the bible in basic English, the translators of which were short of understanding, and children in the use of the English language, but they did not corrupt the words quite as those first mentioned. A thief however is a thief be it small or great.

  4. For the English-speaking people, the King James version is widely used; its language is however somewhat outdated for our times, nor it is all that correct in language. The best version still is the "Revised Standard Version." It is most accurate and good in language.  

  5. The Catholic version is better in language than the King James version, but it is full of corruptions in footnotes, insertions, and alterations, made by the sons of the devil.

  6. As a warning therefore, and as an example to stay clear of such attempt, and to serve those with understanding to know what is in a word, I will take a few examples done by that accursed committee of Hebrews and Greeks.

  7. Isaiah 48 13-15. The correct written word is: "My hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spanned the heavens. When I call to them, they stand forth together. Assemble all of you, and hear, who among them has declared these things? The Lord loves him, he shall perform his purpose on Babylon, and his arm shall be against the Chaldeans. I, even I have spoken, and called him".

  8. They altered it to read: "Yes, my hand laid the foundations of the earth and my hand spread out the heavens. When I call to them they stand forth together to execute my decrees. Assemble all of you and hear, who among them, the gods, and Chaldeans astrologers has foretold these things? The Lord loves him Cyrus of Persia, he shall do his purpose on Babylon, and his arm shall be against the Chaldeans. I, even I have foretold it, yes I have called him Cyrus".

  9. The Lord begins by making the statement that "He" is the Creator of heaven and earth, and that when He calls, everyone pays attention be it in heaven or on earth. But the children of men are ignorant of the glory and the might of the Lord, and pay no attention when He speaks to warn them (Evident by these corrupters of Gods word)

  10. The Lord thus having made the statement that He is the Creator, and that those who know Him as God, will immediately pay attention when He calls, He then "does" call them by saying; "Assemble and hear." 

  11. For the Lord is about to make an announcement to question them, or to put a statement to them, for which reason in order to get their attention, He calls everyone, all heaven and earth, like as to stop what they are doing, saying. "Assemble all of you, and hear", so they may pay full attention to what the Lord has to say.

  12. The announcement then which the Lord makes is ''a question" to all of them, asking them who from among all of them, a single person,  has declared this.  The "this" meaning, who has declared that "the Lord" is the Creator.

  13. The first part of this quotation thus is not a prophecy, (nothing being foretold), but a question, asking which one person among all of them glorifies God in his creation, to announce and define Him as the Creator thereof.   

  14. Then comes a prophecy, namely, that there is one (or will be one), who will do so.   And so the Lord certifies to all heaven and earth, that "He loves" that person.

  15. And when he is heard to speak, that it will not just be "his mouth" that they hear speak, but God himself speaking by him as He said "I, even I have spoken".   Moreover, the Lord prophecies that he will not come of himself, but rather that God has called him to come, and that God will give him power to do as he pleases with the world (Babylon) and that he will have no fear of the strong (Chaldeans).

  16.   Those blind Hebrews and Greeks then take away the question, and again change it again to an altogether different question.  In other words, they make the words contradictory to themselves.   For first they insert to say; "to execute my decrees," making it as if the Lord had given them some order to perform rather than to simply "pay attention," "to stand forth together," To gather and listen." And yet then they proceed with it as a mere question.

  17. Then note the ignorance of inserting; "as to whom of the gods and the astrologers of the Chaldeans has foretold" - that God is the Creator of heaven and earth? For how stupid is this when it clearly reads "Earth and Heaven", and, "to them". Where the Lord says; "when I call to them," the "to them" is to heaven and earth, not some dumb stones, or carved rocks that are only on the earth, which as any fool knows can't talk, or even move of their own.

  18. For this is a great insult to God, to even suggest that the Lord would stoop so low as to question rocks or pebbles. For not only would the Lord not ever do such an immoral thing, but on the contrary, God cursed that idolatry.

  19. These Hebrews and Greeks therefore would suggest that God is the likes of what they are.   But did not the Lord destroy the earth with a flood for such stupidity, which the wicked angels of the lower heaven had brought unto man? It was one of the reasons anyway.   

  20. And shall then the Lord direct his question to specifically these ignorant beasts of the earth, and to rocks, and not rather to "all" that are in heaven as well as them that are on earth, just as He said; assemble "all" of you?

  21. Then of all the illogical ignorant things, they inserted the word "foretold".   If then there is one thing I have never understood it shall be stupidity itself, for it is factually inconceivable how any one person can be so backwards in something so simple.   How can anyone foretell that which is already in the past?

  22. The future can be foretold, but assuredly the past is "history". (Am I to suppose that these Hebrews and Greeks had no dictionary?)   It is a fact that even the Lord cannot foretell us that He made the heavens and the earth, since they were already made, a declaration perhaps, but not a prophecy.

  23. Then of all stupidities they make this whole passage refer to Cyrus of Persia.   For in the first place they like all these things to be in the past, they do not want any part of Scripture to yet come and haunt them.   But since when, or where did that Cyrus ever go forth proclaiming the foundations of the earth, or that God was the Creator of haven and earth?

  24. Cyrus has nothing to do with this passage, with none of it, but rather it refers to a prince of princes as mentioned in the book of Daniel. But then how are the blind to see the light of day.

  25.  The Lord used this Cyrus, since during his reign the time had come for Israel to be returned to Jerusalem. And by this Cyrus, the Lord made the proclamation for Israel to return, and thus used Cyrus as the tool to execute the same.

  26. And to put this in other words, the Lord says. I am your sword O Cyrus; I am the strength by which you shall get your victories.   And not for your sake O Cyrus have I given you this order, but for Jacob’s sake have I strengthened you to set my people free, and to return them to their inheritance. And at still another place the Lord said: "I surnamed you, though you do not know me".

  27. The scholars are all confused in the words Babylon and Chaldeans, just as their forebears were all confused in taking the meaning of the spiritual word into literal terms. For they slaughtered bulls to make for offerings to God. And God replied to them saying: "I never told you, make Me a burnt offering of bulls, but that you should do justice and keep faith with one another."

  28. Just so here, I the Lord do not speak of that Babylon, nor of these Chaldeans, in speaking of my servant whom I was to bring in his time.    For these Chaldeans would long be in their graves by the time that I shall bring him whom I love.   And that Babylon will long be in ruins - when I call him my servant to perform as he will unto Babylon.

  29. Our Lord Jesus almost always spoke in parables, and using metaphors so as to confuse the scholars, and placed it in riddles so that they might not understand his words, lest they should come to believe and be saved.   

  30. For they have always denied Him, wherefore the Lord said; "You shall indeed hear, but never understand, and see, but not comprehend".   How then do these these serpents think to know anything?

  31.   And do you now think that while I explain the parable, they shall understand?   Or do you think they have understood the parables, which the Lord explained in the gospel?   On the contrary. No, I can safely explain these parables and define the metaphor, for nonetheless, seeing they will not see, and hearing they will not understand.

  32. Nor is it for them that I speak, but for you that has understanding.   And while they may foam at the mouth for me presenting them ignorant, let them be, for this is only the beginning of what they will experience for their crimes against God and man.

  33. By naming that Cyrus of Persia here they have made the Scriptures into a lie, and who but them that are sons of the devil would even remotely embark upon the Scriptures to turn them into a lie.  Devils indeed these scholars are, and with the devil their reward will be!

  34. In the beginning I said to you, to pay attention so you might learn what is in a word.    What therefore do you suppose the Lord means by emphasizing upon a single person that would acknowledge Him as the Creator of heaven and earth?  

  35. For are there not millions of people now as well as in the past that acknowledged God as the Creator of heaven and earth? Indeed there is a multitude that has acknowledged Him, and this day many acknowledge the creation unto Him.

  36. Yet of all these the Lord points to a specific person, of whom so He said, He would not only have great love for, but which He will have "called" to come forth and fulfill his purpose on the world, and whose hand He would make strong against the strong.   

  37. And so you see that limits the multitude to such a person, which foremost is "called" by Him, and whom He has endowed with that authority.  And so now all that you have to do, is to search the world for one with all these qualities, and the authority that goes with it. 

  38. We do not know of any priest nor ruler to ever have done so, nor is there anyone in our day that fits the bill. And as far as scientists are concerned, those who should foremost know how the world was created, these are even less than children to call everything an uncertain accident. While the rulers, and every other one of any learning concur with that stupidity.

  39. But I do not concur with them, and my education is greater than theirs, and not only do I acknowledge God as the Creator, but I insist upon it.   And I do have knowledge in how the Lord made the dust of the earth, and what its foundations are which no man excepting Solomon before me knew.

  40. It is indeed one in our days of whom the Lord speaks in this passage, a prophecy that is currently in a state of fulfilling. And so it does come to haunt the scholars even though they attempted to write it off for the past.

What is in a word?

  1. Hear and digest what I now say to you; The entire Scripture is one word. If therefore all be one, and one be all, how shall there be anything out of harmony? Except therefore false insertions are made, there is never anything out of harmony.

  2. Isaiah 54:20. Correctly it reads: "They have no knowledge who carry about their wooden idols, and keep on praying to a god that cannot save.

  3. They corrupt it to: "They have no knowledge that carry about in religious procession, or into battle, their wooden idols".

  4. What do "you" suppose these serpents are up to this time? Are they trying to tell us that key-chains and other such good luck pieces, or the collars that they (like dogs) wear around their necks, or the cloaks they have on their backs, are not idols? Or such detestable things that are placed in cars or in homes, or fastened to ships as a measure of safety, that such are well bred?

  5. They have a cross hanging around their necks, many of which made of the gold fleeced from the sheep, which to them is a token of the curse by which they are condemned. For since they did not see it fit to honor Him who died on that cross, that cross is to their damnation.

  6. But naturally they do not want to give up all their idols, and they also despise being corrected or condemned by the words of the scriptures. Wherefore they might have reasoned; ‘let these dumb sheep be known as stupid, them that join in those festivals and parades, for after all, they are not carrying our image, but one of John the Baptist, or of Christ, or of some other saint.

  7. It is not enough for them to have the people honor them as God, like father and rabbi.   Perhaps if the sheep started to carry forth their image in religious procession, these scholars who inserted this falsehood might quickly change that insertion to a new meaning to justify their new idol.

  8. And as to "why" they put in; "To carry into battle," it could be because bullets go right through them - god or no god, or since no idol of any kind has proven itself bullet-proof, they don't provide any protection during battle anyway.   

  9. The true words of the Lord however apply to all idols, for even their gold upon which they trust to buy their way out of something, is known as nothing more than wood, something that corrupts. But we shall not expect them to understand these things.

  10. From Genesis, right it the start, they add to say, "prepared, formed, and fashioned", unto what God calls "created." They must really imagine that everyone in the world is as blind as they are, unable to comprehend proper language.

  11. Then, after this - they corrupt the word of God to say; "that the earth was without form, an empty waste." But surely now, they must be speaking of themselves to say, "waste". For the Lord does not create waste, nor was anything an empty waste, but as it correctly reads; "The earth was void, and without form."

  12. Obadiah 17. The Lord says, "But in mount Zion shall be those that escape, and it shall be holy".

  13. They add to it to read, "Jerusalem". This they did, because they know neither Jerusalem, nor Zion, or what either one means. They therefore will gather in Jerusalem to stand on Zion when they assume the time has come.

  14. But I have news for them. They will not want to be there when the time comes, they will in fact run faster than a dog with their tail between their legs when that time really comes, scared to death of their life, such as it may be called life or living.

  15. But no, I am not going to give them the satisfaction to the knowledge of the how and why that shall be so, for let them be killed, let the earth be rid of those that brought its destruction upon it.   For just as it is written, "that a horse shall walk through the blood up to his belly", so there must be sufficient bodies to provide that blood.

  16. I suppose these scholars added the word Jerusalem to that hillside of Zion in order to give them more standing room.   But you should realize that the Lord in this passage of Zephaniah does not make any reference to a hillside somewhere in Israel, but to a great and glorious mountain in Israel, to the highest and greatest mountain of the entire world, which is founded in Israel.

  17. And that "escape" of which the Lord speaks, refers not only to the day of judgment, which in fact is a period of seven weeks, but it refers to all periods of time. For Paul escaped into mount Zion in the first century, and others in later centuries by the Romans who crucified them, and still others later on which they burned at the stakes.

  18. And for me, I escaped into mount Zion before my mother saw me at her breast.   Why then should I travel to Israel? For those who undertake such journey for that reason will most certainly perish.

  19. Malachi 4:2 The Lord says: "But as for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall shine." These scholars then conceiving themselves such excellent specimens, the word "fear" frightens them. One should not be afraid of God, so they concede. And they in fact are not afraid of God, nor fear Him, because they do not know Him.

  20. But they do know "ritual," they in fact have a great affection for ritual, not only because it brings money into their pockets, but it makes them "feel" more secure, as if they are performing something that will gain them their life.

  21. And for these basics within them they changed Gods words to their own to say: "For you who revere and worshipfully fear my name". There is of course another pastry for them, since they want the sheep to revere them and to be worshipfully to them, and by all means, to fear them, and to keep up that ritual, and keep on bleeding that gold right over our pots.

  22. As for salt, I don't really believe they know what "salt" is, they have never used it with any offering, while God strictly commanded that it (the salt) shall not be lacking from any offering. But they will most certainly hate and despise me for using salt on mine, and they will let it be known, just feed them a little, and you will see how they despise it.


  1. O how these devil's servants insist upon the infallibility of the Scriptures, while they falsify them in every way. These have turned so many of their pupils into a state of paranoia that even these cannot hold onto any letter but what has been falsified claiming it as the infallible word of God.

  2. It is the canons that they are speaking of, and they do not read nor listen to anything else, since nothing else is to be trusted. How thus these have been brainwashed by the sons of the devil to accept but their falsifications, and never at all hear to the word of God.

  3. That then which is infallible is the word of God, as He spoke them - be it in the canons, or - in any other record left unto us.  Since then it are not only the records other than found in the canons that have been falsified and mistreated by the forebears of these sons of the devil of the twentieth century, these thought to do the same to the canons.

  4. These canons by translation were at least held to a great degree of accuracy until the modern scholars found it to be much too accurate whereby the truth might be known and understood. Wherefore these took it upon themselves to falsify them as much as they could short of to by it show themselves to the ignorant among men for what in fact they are.

  5. These after all serve only their own father, the devil, from whom they were born, and it is a tasty morsel to them to corrupt whatever may be the wholesome word of God, or how else are they to drag so many unsuspecting souls into their hell with them.  With a truthful word we are not going to get our way, wherefore these must be falsified.

  6. Or to put it in another way, these paranoid bird-brains presume that life is in the letter, since the Spirit of it, God's Holy Spirit is never at all with them. Yet so they presume that their (false) spirit will bring them life in the letter of it.  

  7. How utterly vain therefore to presume or insist upon infallibility when either way infallible or not the letter serves them to their well deserved end in the fires of hell.

  8. Whereas for the righteous ones, the loving ones, that do not worship the Lord in vain, it is of no consequence be the letter infallible or in error, for like a good steersman riding a bicycle who directs himself around the potholes found in the road he steers the good course. 

  9. Whereas these theologians and every other hypocrite - their bicycle factually seeks out the potholes on which to break the neck of its rider.

  10. Beware of those that acclaim infallibility since these paranoid creatures are hung up on the letter, never at all having known the Spirit by which life is found. For all that are taught of God, as each and everyone of the elect is, the Lord teaches them that which is correct and what is of error.

  11. Take therefore heed to righteous teachers few as these may be.  Learn from them that are send of God, and not from those that put themselves into the capacity of teachers, as in fact most of them are. For few they be that are of the fold of the Lord, very few indeed.

  12. All these who had a hand in corrupting the word of God, and consented to it, upon them will come all the plagues written, and none of the blessings, a just reward for these sons of the devil.


ROMAN ASPOSTY           

  1.   But this is enough of the Hebrews and Greeks who committed these atrocities. I will yet make an example of the Roman idols how they twist the word of God.

  2. Paul wrote to Timothy saying. "The Spirit expressly says in later times some will depart from the faith by paying heed to deceitful spirits, doctrines of devils, through pretensions of liars whose conscience are seared, who (will) forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving."

  3.   The roman servants of demons have not burned this page of the scriptures, since there are too many copies around. But they are making some attempt to justify their devilish doctrine by footnotes. As in this instance they said; 

  4. "St. Paul condemns abstinence when it is the result of the false principle that matter is bad because produced by the evil spirit. From right motives of self denial and mortification, and as commanded by the church, the practice of fast and abstinence is good."

  5. So you see how by their own doctrines which they gathered from the mind of the devil, they attempt to make the word of God of no effect. Paul condemns it so they say if it is of a false principle. Well on, how much more "false" can one get when God said; "As man and woman did He make man."

  6. For a man not to have a wife therefore is sooner a sin than just. And in the new world man will "not" be without his mate, even those in perdition so the Lord said, will have their mates with them. But in this world of vanity not everyone is made with the same needs or desires, and it is not unlawful for a man not to take a wife, for which different men have different reasons. 

  7. But to go forth and proclaim that it is commanded, or preferred for shepherds or teachers, that indeed is mockery with God, aside of being an outright lie.

  8.   Throughout the centuries, from the first century on till this day, this so called principle of which they speak, served them to in turn have a whole harem of whores. This fact is common knowledge and has been common knowledge for centuries, the books of history records the same to have existing from the beginning.

  9. It was not for any humanitarian reason that orphan children were taken in and brought up in the monasteries, they served as a cloak to hide the children of adultery born of the nuns by you know who. Many of which (no doubt) were unable to determine who was the father of whom. 

  10. The young minds in school sometimes wondered why certain of their nun-teachers went on a three or four month vacation, which of course were maternity trips to hide the obvious, which no-one was allowed to know, and wherefore these places were off limits to everyone else.

  11.   The Lord showed very clearly to Peter that all foods were clean and acceptable, and that no man should call anything unholy what God has called holy. Moreover, the "fast" which the Lord commanded was, to undo the bonds of oppression, and to help the needy, and to wash your face, and to rejoice in the gracious gifts of the Lord. 

  12. God never commanded any other fast, nothing whatsoever that had anything to do with meat or flesh, or food of the earth.

  13. Whosoever therefore abstains from any food thinking to provide some service to God is not only a fool, but the same becomes a product of strangulation, idolatry. Consequently in so abstaining from foods he poisons himself to his own destruction.

  14.   Note how the servants of the devil specify, "and as commanded by the church", in reality meaning; "as commanded by the devils captain."   For they most certainly are 'not" the church, but rebels against the church, outcasts, demons from under the earth. 

  15. Moreover, since Christ is the "Head" of the church, the "Ruler" of the church, His command is the rule of the church, and his command was. "That every man take a wife so he may not he tempted, and cause himself to fall."

  16.   And; " A man therefore shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and these twain shall be "one" flesh. But no matter how I explain this, or what I may say, the demons will do as they please. 

  17. Luther and many others have pointed to their monasteries as whorehouses, but that did not remove them, nor correct them. Their correction will however come shortly in the day of judgment.

  18.   Do you now think that I have scolded priests and scholars? You have heard a beginning, for the time is at hand that the Lord the Messiah himself will not merely scold them, but exterminate them from the entire face of the earth.

    A tree of knowledge

  1.   Listen to me you who have an ear to hear, you in whom there is knowledge. What - so I ask you is knowledge? And in what way is discernment understood? And what am I to speak concerning them? Why indeed should I be speaking to you of knowledge and of myself as a tree in the midst thereof? Or have you never heard how knowledge came to be for life or death?

  2. If now you have - you ought to realize how this day I speak for your very life - if it be life or death. If however you are ignorant my word will not interest you. And if your life is of no value to you - you are certain to ignore me. But if there is knowledge in you - hear then how it is for life or death.

  3.   Look at all your religions how everything is by a ritual, wearing fancy clothing, and decorating themselves as if there were some form of religious adoration in them. All of these run in vain, they are hypocrites and servants to the devil.  They make fancy prayers, and long prayers as if by any means God will hear them.

  4. And yes God does hear, and for their very words He will cast them into the pool of fire, because they had the gall to take His name upon their lips, but not in truth.  To help the needy, and to render justice, that is what they should have done, for that is the true religion, and not to look for any glory of men would make for a right prayer.

  5. But they love to have the glory of men, and run everything by a ritual, therefore they stand condemned.

  6. Once there was a tree of knowledge, and for the taking from it we all died. Then came Isaiah saying; "This people have no discernment, therefore He who created them will have no compassion on them, He that formed them will show them no favor."

  7. Then again by Jeremiah the Lord spoke; That; if any man would have such knowledge as to discover the foundations of the earth, He would forget man and cast him off. 

  8. How then may all this be; that in the first for gaining knowledge we are at His displeasure, while in the second it is for the lack thereof, and in the third again for the acquisition thereof?

  9.   Having now heard what God has said, how faithful may He be in bringing to bear that which He has spoken? In answer to this; For a first; we see people dying every day, and as for the second; Israel was a mighty nation and greatly favored, but for her lack of discernment who more than any other nation has seen so much reproach and affliction for such a very long time?

  10. It is quite evident therefore that He who formed us keeps His word, and will not bow for a single word spoken. Thirdly, there is what may appear as a challenge, or a stone of temptation, or of reckoning - if man for his cunning in knowledge to know the fundamentals of what is known as science - will live or die.

  11.   As then we did take of the first tree, and "failed" to live up to the second, we "also" acquired the third. For not only may I be found so cunning to once for all remove the burdens to acquire energy, but these foundations of the earth are known to me, and I "have" written them down and revealed them.

  12. How then are we to live - seeing how in all these we are led to our grave?

     The tree of knowledge.

  1.   First, let us backtrack to that tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden in the "how" and "why" it came to be there. Some have reasoned saying; Why did God place that tree there, for if He had not put it there, and He had not given any commandment concerning it, we would not have died.

  2. I now grant this to have a truth, but the same is not spoken out of wisdom, nor with understanding. The question is guilty to the offense stated by Isaiah - to have no discernment.   For it had to be there, the garden could not have been without it. And how is that? It's quite simple; it was as it was stated - a tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

  3.   Thus you have the answer, - yet you do not comprehend the answer. Ask then yourself if a vessel made of clay may set itself up against the hand which formed it?   Or, what would you do to a prized vessel if it stood up against you to cut your hand from you?

  4. You no doubt would be quite indignant. If the vessel you made with your own hands renounced you as its maker, you would be more than angry, and no doubt you would come to condemn it.

  5.   What then is it that I have just said, if not - he who holds rights - such as can never be obtained by what is molded; - one can not possibly be as the other. Will the accused judge the judge? In this world where the judges are pretenders, there is a judge over them, even their own judgments to condemn them.

  6. For here again it is "knowledge" or discernment that they lack, wherefore the Lord my God will have no mercy on them.

  7.   What is it with you people anyway to first take of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and then to cast it away from you in having no discernment of good and evil?

  8. Did not this devil say to the woman that; "No, but your eyes shall be opened, and you be like God knowing good and evil?" For he might have lied in saying, "No you will not die." But this was no lie to come to know good and evil.

  9.   Since therefore we were so bold to take of that tree of knowledge to come into the likeness of God, which very act (speaking in wisdom) was for our welfare, why do you not now take upon your own welfare with the discernment so dearly acclaimed by Isaiah?

  10. And then there is Jeremiah in a tree of knowledge, a tree that is with you this very day - in the acquisition of knowledge for which no favor will be shown.

  11.   Is it then in the sum of these, a good knowledge, or an evil knowledge for which favor is shown, namely, a good knowledge of God alone, or the corrupt knowledge from the devil, which you often ill discern as "your" understanding? 

  12. Jeremiah spoke, and not he spoke but the Lord acclaimed, and how then may it be that I know what by man cannot be known lest he perish?

  13. Shall I be mightier than He who created me?  Is in me the power to void the death of Christ Jesus? If then I am neither - acknowledge from where my education has come, and let it he discernment for you.  Let not the tree of knowledge pass you by - lest judgment be upon you, but come to know how and in what judgment you are to live and/or to die.

  14.   For now in regards to Jeremiah in that tree of knowledge, I vouch to you that whosoever hears my word shall be free of me, whosoever then shall reject me will enslave himself to me.

  15. Who now does not follow me, that does not comprehend my speech or my meaning? It shall be evidence to the fact that you are without discernment, without a tree of knowledge.


  1.   The 20th century man looks back at the men of old how they defined the celestial movements and the machinery of this world by how it appears, the sun riding through the sky, the storehouses of wind and rain.

  2. The men of this age consider this foolish since they think to know better, "We know how it all works," so they contend. "There are no angels who guide the course of all things inclusive wind and rain and pestilence and earthquakes etc.

  3. All these things come of themselves, by natural process (as if they knew natural process). They are like Pharaoh who contended that all the plagues were natural events, until his last word drowned with him in the Red Sea.

  4.   How is it that they come to speak that way? The answer is simple; They have no eyes to see, nor have they walked where the Lord takes His anointed, nor have they seen what the Lord shows to His righteous ones.

  5. The Lord granted men some insight into the machinery, but they misinterpreted most of it. For the world is like a vehicle moving on a road. They behold the shadow and its movements, they calculate its particulars, but from where they stand they cannot perceive the living person in that vehicle, nor how its motions are brought about by the pistons and gears within it.

  6.   Were I now to tell them that there is a living person in that vehicle behind the controls of all that machinery, they would not believe me, since they presume the vehicle to move all by itself.

  7. This may not be very smart, for who has ever seen an automobile to drive on the road by itself without the guidance of a living person? But then not everyone is able to grasp this.

  8.   Before I came to them they thought they knew it, and I had to point out to them how and where they interpret appearances for realities, in other words, they were doing the same thing of which they accuse the men of old.

  9. But now that I have come, they realized more than they had hoped for. And were I to tell them at this point of such other delicate things in the controls, of the engine and the vehicle, they would call me to be mad. 

  10. For I would lead them into the delicate manual and automatic controls, all the finer things for which they as yet are far too brutish, for which they do not as yet have the quality for fine-tuning.

  11. But they will not believe me, but rather they would boast in themselves. Thus I said to myself, be they ever so wise, let us behold if indeed they are as wise as they presume to be in their boasting. I shall question and they shall answer, if they shall answer.

  12. And so I thought, it is to no avail, indeed O Leonard it is to no avail.

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