This is the dialog on the calendar,  printed 1991


Man is not only a creature of habit, but good or evil, right or wrong, he grows comfortable with that which is continually upon him.   And so I am speaking of this ill ­conceived beast which the world calls "their calendar", a pagan concoction of juggled days, which in effect is like scurvy, a disease that grew with them for lack of proper insight.

The many pagans may not care much for moral or religious festivals, whether or not they are kept properly, yet even they are bothered by the annual change in the weekday of their holidays. Nor does it surprise me when the many that call themselves by the name of Christ dare to ask, "What is wrong with the days on which we keep the festivals of the Lord?"

Gentiles as well as Israelites have the habit of changing their sabbaths to a different day of the week each and every year. The Christians (as they proudly call themselves) imagine that they maintain their sabbath on the first day of the week, while in fact from year to year, they pass through every day of the week.

And while the Israelites should know better, they utilize any convenient day of the week on which the pagan calendar places them as their seventh day. And so neither Jews nor Gentiles in this respect know right from wrong, and to this day they lack the wisdom to correct themselves.

But what is yet worse, this irrational behavior of men, to celebrate holy festivals on impure days, seems to bother them very little, for after all, it is only to God and His honor that these festivals are maintained, and why should that bother us?   If the same, however, pertained to us for example, if the 4th of July festival were held on the 6th day of that month, that of course would be a no - no. You can't just change these things, for the 6th simply cannot be the festival of the 4th. Or who on his birthday, would not feel that something is not right if it were celebrated on some other day?

If therefore I declare you self-centered I shall not be out of line. But more than that, I will call you foolish and self destructive in considering the requests and commands of your Creator so lightly.  For Just look up in the night sky at all that marvelous creation, which came to exist by nothing more than the power of His word alone. And see yourself as nothing more than a worm, would you dare to defy Him who is so inconceivably powerful, and who demands justice as the reward of His wrath from each and every one of us? By all means, then, I should teach you the calendar, the years in their progression as He instituted the same for us.


The Lord created the sun, and the Earth to be moved by the sun, and He gave the Earth a certain speed of rotation, and a certain velocity in its orbital path, as well as a certain speed of precession by which the days, years, weeks, and seasons are formulated. And He made them with such precision that within them all the days of the year would come punctually, inclusive all that is to be reckoned with, both days and festivals.

For the all-wise Lord concluded to create something new, to create something called time in the movements of the Earth to exist for the short span in which all the race of man were to be born.

The calendar, therefore, as well as time, was fashioned in the movements of our temporary home, that we might account for the same, and reckon our lives accordingly that we might contemplate our end from our beginning, and that which is of no time into all time, comparable to what is of time and consequently mortal. For so I might coin a phrase: Time exists only for a difference, and for a difference we are timed. If. Therefore, we do not in this time make for a difference, the time of no time will impress that difference upon us with pain and regret.

Since now the Lord thought me worthy to infuse me with His Spirit, and taught me how He made his worlds, and granted me understanding of the foundations of His creation, I can both teach you the progression of the year as He left those instructions with his servant Enoch for all generations to follow, and how that progression is simultaneous with what we call the scientific fundamentals whereby He caused them to come about punctually, which is then as follows:

The Earth is driven by the sun, which causes three motions to come about simultaneously: (a) The Earth's orbital path once a year around the sun; (b) its rotation in the increments of twenty-four hours; (c) a movement of precession whereby the changes in seasons come about, and which also marks the seasons in four increments, namely in the single circle of its nature of eight, so that not in "one", but in the being of "two" every one may be whole. (The graphics with the months of Tammuz, Tishri, and Shebat serve to illustrate the above.)

The sun then drives the Earth onward by a set of cycles, each rotation of the Earth being a cycle, which is a movement in the form of a figure eight. This, in a yearly progression, is by a set of 366 cycles, which by another factor is reduced to roughly 3/4 of one cycle.

Within that period, then, the Earth makes one full, complete turn of precession, which is four full seasons as one full year, since a year is comprised of four full seasons rather than one turn of orbit. The turn of orbit around the sun then is almost the same as four full seasons, the fractional difference (according to scientists) being 1/26,000. This means that in 26,000 years the Earth makes one more or less turn of orbit relative to its processions, each one of which is four seasons (1 year).


Within that set of cycles then, (each cycle being a day, a full rotation west to east of the Earth), the Lord gave us 360 days to count for our lives. For the Lord Most High is merciful. He did not create man that they should be as slaves, nor that man should serve the days nor the hours, nor their labors, but that they should serve him to his pleasure and well-being.

Therefore did the Lord appoint 360 days for man to count in each year. And He divided them in the period in which man was to be born, in the length of time that man should have his rule upon the Earth, namely into twelve periods which are called "months". Each month therefore has 30 days, no more, and no less.

If now you wish to verify my education from the Lord Most High, you will find that Moses also counted the months as 30 days each. For "wherever" and "whenever" the true calendar was known, the days of the year were accounted at 360, twelve months at thirty days each, together with the reckoning that also belongs to it. I cannot err in these things, since they are simply a matter of record from the Scriptures, from Moses yes, and also from the Scriptures by Enoch (Book of Luminaries) wherein he accurately defines the whole of the year together with the days of reckoning.


Understand, therefore, the difference between what is accounted and what is reckoned. Something which we `'account" we place into numbers, while to "reckon" with something is to keep it "in reckoning", which although it is tallied, is not the same as to place it within accounting. Consequently, there is an important difference between "reckoning" and "accounting".

Of the 364 days in the year then that are tallied, 360 are accounted, while the four remaining are never accounted, but nonetheless reckoned with, so that the whole year may be known to be 364 days.

These four days (MK, HK, ML, NL) have no number, since they are not days of accounting, yet they fall upon a specific day of the week wherein and whereby they are reckoned as days of the year. These days are the Heads of the four seasons. They are the days in which the leaders (the chief angels) come in to lead their respective season. 

For man by nature being brutish in general does not look further than his nose is long, And in reality has no conception of the fact that both day and night he is being watched and cared for. There may be a gathering of 100 person while in fact the gathering amounts to some 200 creatures, 100 of them being spirits, angels as they are called, and even demons may be present as well.  Man is never alone, but try and tell the blind of the illumination before him.

And so as Enoch defines it, the sun passes through six gates located east end west, rising and setting. For just as we divide the Earth in longitude and latitude to mark the location at which one might find oneself, so the passing of the sun is marked by "gates", each gate essentially being a figure eight of the forces by which the Earth is moved about. (The various positions are graphically illustrated with the months.)

In eight of these (the first two months of each season), there are 30 cycles, while in the remaining four, the sun serves the leaders in making an extra passing over and beyond the 30. When, therefore, the days (or the cycling) of the month of Adar (March) are completed the angel Malki'el comes in on that extra day to take charge.

His coming then marks the beginning (or first) of the year, which day is not called by any number, other than referring to it as the beginning, or the "first of". For your sake, however, I have called it by the name of him whose day of arrival it is. Maiki'el thus is noted by his initials MK, and likewise with the other three leaders of the seasons. Other recorders put these days into words, saying "the days of remembrance", or, the "appointed times in the four parts of the year".

These four days in the year, then, will always come out at, and return to, the fifth day of the week, a day known as Thursday. And they are days of festival. Jacob used to celebrate these days by visiting his father and mother, bringing sustenance to them (his twin brother Esau having robbed them of their goods). The first of these, the day of new year. is a festival instituted by the Lord at a time before Adam was formed. The angels celebrated it, even as the Sabbath was instituted and celebrated in Heaven before the first man was formed. Then Noah, in remembrance of being saved from the destruction of the flood, instituted the three remaining days of festival, so that his generations after him might recall the judgment, and be reminded that there is yet a judgment for them to come as well.

And these four days were special, for on the first of the first month (MK), Noah was told to make the ark, and also on that day the land dried up. And on the first of the fourth month (HK), the mouths of the abyss were shut. And on the first of the seventh month (ML), the mouths of the abyss were opened to let the water go into them. And on the first of the tenth month (NL), the heads of the mountains appeared, at which Noah rejoiced.

And thus you have the 364 days of the year, 360 of which are accounted, with four held in reckoning.


But now I shall further enlighten you concerning these leaders. For these honored leaders of many thousands of angels are responsible for all that is to take place upon the Earth, each in their respective days. And they command subordinates, captains, and many others under their commands, whereby not a single raindrop too many or short fall upon the Earth according to the will of the Lord.

These angels do not forgive men their sins nor their abstinences, but when it is their order to make a swath of destruction, such as by means of a tornado, they will not safeguard any person except by specific order of the Lord, nor in any earthquake that may be in their order will they be selective who shall live or die.

For these servants of the Most High are not like men; they -- contrary to the world of men -- know and fear their Creator, and without hesitation or delay execute every order given them, be it for good or for evil. The names of these four leaders are as Enoch has given them: Malki'el, Hela'emmemelek, Maly'ul, and Nar'el. They each in their time, their season, oversee and rule the high officials of the months, and the captains in charge of thousands of other spirits, each one responsible for his day, the total of which is 360 for the year.

For the Almighty Lord created men without number, but even more so angels without number, and He gave every one his place, duty, and order, in the grand order in which He formed the heavens and the Earth. To serve men therefore in all their needs (as well as the angels themselves in their own nature), He placed a great host unto the race formed of dust, and He charged them not to reveal themselves, not to show their form, nor to become visible to the eyes of men, to the extent that the inclination of men might be tested.

For while the sky around us is literally filled with creatures (spirits), as the stars in the night sky, man is ignorant of all these. For just as he cannot behold the wind that nonetheless passes upon his face, so neither can his eyes behold that great multitude which looks upon him, and serves him to his needs, which he in his conceit imagines to gather of his own good cunning. Or even as foolish as to have come of itself, as if these merely evolved, which in every sense of the word must be the most ignorant word ever to have been invented by men.


Allow me now also to reveal something practical to you, for while there are those among you who will ask, "But who is Enoch, that we should pay attention to him? For we have Moses, and Christ Jesus, who did not teach us so." But herein you err, for Moses did teach so, and also the Lord Jesus, Who first instructed Enoch, then Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and this very day it is He Christ Jesus who is teaching you this, rather than I, since He taught me to again testify to you.

And as far as Enoch is concerned, he has been recording the record of all man's deeds, and by his record you will be judged in the great day of the Lord. If then his record of your deeds and of your thoughts does not favor you in that day, you will die an everlasting death. For both he, and your own record, will testify against you. Ignore Enoch, the writer of the first Holy Scriptures, and you would have done better to drown yourself in the sea.

Moses was commanded (Jubilees) "And you, Moses, command the children of Israel that they guard the year in this number, in 364 days, and no one shall corrupt its time from its days or feasts, for each of them will arrive according to their testimony, and not pass over a single day." And: "There will be those who examine the moon, which will corrupt the times, since it advances ten days from year to year, and they will mix up everything, twisting the months, the Sabbaths, the feasts, and jubilees Therefore I command you, and bear witness to you, that you may bear witness to them."


But now you will come to tell me that the days of the year do not revolve in 364. But you are in error, for there are no more days to add. But then on the other hand, if you mess up the seasons by not accurately reckoning everything, and the seasons fall behind, you will again be guilty. For here it shows how the Lord demands understanding and diligence from you, and that if you do not labor for that wisdom with all your strength, you will lose, and the loss will be your life. For also now that I once revealed to you the calendar in the ordinance of the Lord, your excuse will have even less bearing.

And now I will tell you that there are three leaders, three great angels, greater in rank than the previously mentioned leaders, whose names are Adnar'ul, Lyasus'el, and Elumtel. And they enter in by the fifth gate, and the luminaries (sun, moon and stars) render service to them, meaning the performance of movement in respect to them, and these belong to the reckoning, to be reckoned with the reckoning. And will you now know what to do? Will you, from this information, reckon them properly? I shall not expect you will, since to this day, neither your teachers nor your wise men for thousands of years have known the calendar for its basics.

The answer then is: that these chief leaders in their capacity, and in their coming in by the division in four, add to the reckoning in these fundamental values, each one by the division thereof, the total of which comes close to 1-1/4 passing of the sun. In each year, therefore, there is that much more to reckon with, namely a full day held each and every year, and a partial day, which is added with those of other years to be held once every four years (in the human tongue, a leap year).

And to find when these days are to be held, we find that these leaders enter in by the fifth gate, which is ascending in Ivar (May) and descending in Ab (August). Consequently, the full yearly day comes after the month of May (Ivar), and before June (Sivan), which I noted by a figure "eight", as the "Eight" day, to recall and commemorate eternity. The four year day then comes after August (Ab).

Hear me clearly now and pay attention: for these days do not fall on any day of the week, nor is there any "accounting" or "reckoning" of them, except as days out of the calendar, as a time not listed in time, for they commemorate eternity, in which there is no accounting of time, nor will there be days or weeks to number. When, therefore, the Monday of May 30 has passed, and the sun rises again, we allow the sun to pass for that day without any numbering, accounting. Then the day that follows shall be the Tuesday of June 1. And the same goes for the period after August, which comes once every four years.

These special days, which do not show up in the calendar, you regard as solemn holidays. For in these you cannot get married, nor sign a contract, for if you do, no record of the marriage, nor of any agreement will exist. Since, however, birth and death are not in your power, anyone who is born on such a day shall have his or her birth recorded as the day following, and when one dies, the death shall be recorded on the day previous thereto. This is so to shorten the time of your misery in this temporary world.

Nor am I putting this to you as a suggestion, but I am reinstating the command, these days within the calendar which is for your sake, otherwise there will be no recollection, nor keeping of the full reckoning by you, nor therefore any understanding why it was ordained in just that manner.

The first of the first month of each season, then, is always on the same day of the week. And every day of the year, including every festival, returns on the same day each and every year, without switching and skipping. In this manner, a day that is sanctified as being more holy than others may be celebrated only on that day so sanctified, and not on any other day not holy to that purpose, such as happens in the "pagan calendar", which you have held to this day, forced upon you in defiance against God.


But now comes yet the question how I arrived at the first of the year, or the first day of the first month of the year, and that to fall upon a Friday. The answer to this is also merely a matter of record, for as Enoch was instructed by the Lord through his archangel Uriel, that first the sun was allowed to make twelve passes, and that on the 13th day, with the entrance of the moon, that day would be the head, or the beginning of the month, as the first of the month. Consequently, we simply pass twelve days from the beginning, and accordingly set the first of the year.

And this is easily verified as being the first of Nissan (April), since for one thing; the entrance into a circle can only be at one point. And since the movement from that point is in the ascending mode, towards the longest day, which it reaches in 91 days, and that day being at the end of the third month of the year [which we know to be the month of Sivan (June)], we need only count back 91 days, and pass 12 from the entrance, from the beginning of time, day one of the week. Accordingly, this brings us to the sixth day, a Friday, of the second week in the beginning of time, as the first day of Nissan, the first day of the year.

Consequently, the longest day is then June 19, and the entrance of the angel Malki'el, at the Thursday preceding the first Friday, since the extra day of entrance, by the instructions of Enoch, comes at the end of the last month of each season. Hence the days of the year are brought back down to their original, from the very beginning of creation.


Perhaps I am being too complicated, or am passing the information on with too little detail. But there is so much revelation here that I cannot put it all into detail. Consider, however, that within a circle there is no beginning, nor any end, nor any middle, it being a never-ending arc. And unless something unique is done, there can be no beginning nor any entrance into this circle, nor therefore any birth or multiplication.

The Lord therefore in His great power and wisdom formulated a half-wave formation, which I illustrated to you in the form and likeness of a circle. And thus the Lord created the unique figure eight, which besides this non-physical reference is also found throughout the fundamentals of the physical universe, such as the power and forces of nature being set forth and operating in that same principle. For the magnetic force of the Earth and of all the stars and planets is by a figure eight. And the days in their rotation, hinging on the sun, trace a figure eight each and every day, which is a cycle, the end of one leading the cord upon the beginning of the next.

It is also by this figure eight that there are two simultaneous tides upon the earth. For just as the handles of a pair of scissors when closed compress the cutting edges, so the figure eight, when the moon elongates the one side of the figure eight to cause a tide to occur under it upon the Earth, a second tide is simultaneously created on the far side of the Earth, away from the moon. Moreover, our very weight upon the Earth is by this figure eight, as well as our direction to center of center. For while a centrifugal force, and also gravitational inclination find their center all along the whole axis of the Earth, the figure eight of force, which first and foremost is known as magnetic, has no axis, nor line of center, but a single center of center, all lines from the spherical directions coming to a single point.

I may be accused of being too technical for most, but then I consider it everyone's duty to take some pains to educate oneself in what the fundamentals are, by which and within which our Creator gave us to live. The ideal then in the creation (the principle of which I displayed to you by means of a circle in the format of a figure eight) is most unique, for although the eight is two circles, it nonetheless is single.

This then pertains also to man, being one entity in two persons, man and wo-man. As thus the single circle furnishes no point of entry, although the eight does allow an entrance, its point of center. Then again, this entrance, rested in the twofold nature, allows both birth and renewal, as well as multiplication, for already the one has become two, and the two by their nature seek multiplication, the reaches of which are endless.

How therefore shall time come to pass, if not to enter upon the center of the eight? Or of what purpose shall this time be, if not for the eight day that is to follow it? Or again, how will the seasons come about, if not to pass by a figure eight?


What more secrets now shall I reveal to you? Why, for example, were there twelve days to pass before time was to take effect on the Earth? Or why was it said that the moon would make its entrance after these days? Perhaps I should not reveal these things, but then I do not wish to deny understanding to the wise.

I therefore must tell you that this generation, as also your forebears, have been living in the dark, in a time of no time, since you are still passing within these twelve days. The moon is yet to give its light, meaning truth, righteousness, justice, and understanding. It is not to enlighten the world until the Sun of God shall enlighten the Earth on the seventh day, which is when Christ Jesus shall dethrone the rulers and punish the nations, and gathering His people, He shall bless those that remain, and Himself rule the Earth.

I must tell you that, although the Lord numbers your days, He does not reckon your passing as anything more than a shadow. That your days of six thousand years is no snore than twelve passing of the sun, twelve short periods in which the Sun indeed rose upon the Earth, but cast no light upon the works of men which were in the dark, for they concealed their deeds, not placing their works in the light of the Sun. Wherefore also they were unfit for recording, to pass into time. Consequently the memory thereof will be forgotten, for sinners will not have any memorial on the Earth forever.



It is a matter of common sense for one to celebrate the day of his birth on the day, which recounts his birth. So it is with the celebration of Passover. If Israel is to celebrate its deliverance from the bondage of Egypt, it should be celebrated on that day of the year in which the Passover Lamb was killed, by whose blood the Israelites were safeguarded from the avenging angel. Or by the same token, when those Gentiles on whose doorpost the blood of the Lamb of God is found, wish to commemorate that day on which the avenging angel passed them by, then let that commemoration be holy.

Because for you, on a Tuesday, to proclaim, "This day the Lord shed His blood for us, while that day was in fact a Friday, that will not only make you a fool, but a liar as well. Or if you make a celebration, which you in your ill knowledge conceive as a holy convocation, that on this 15th day of the first month the Passover Lamb was offered for you while in fact it is the 17th of what you erroneously call the third or seventh month, then what are you? Most assuredly not wise, but a person without knowledge, lacking understanding.

At numerous places the Lord specifically emphasizes, "Remember this day in which you came out of Egypt, in the month of Abib (Nissan, April). You shall keep this service in this month. You shall keep this ordinance at its appointed time from year to year.

And do you now think because the Lord said, "Do this as often as you do in remembrance of Me," that He meant you can do it whenever you please, on any day you please? Is the Lord one to contradict Himself? Or to speak against the ordinance of His Father who clearly on numerous occasions specifically says "At its appointed time"

Not even man is fool enough to celebrate his birthday on some other day. Shall you then think less of the Lord? For your information, look at what the Father of all creation did. He brought His Son, the Passover Lamb, to be crucified on precisely the right day, on the first day of Passover. For on the 14th in the evening is the beginning of Passover, and on the 15th is the Feast of Passover. And it was on that day, at the 6th hour, before evening, that He, the Lord, was put on the tree, and that day was a Friday.

Is it then, I ask you, the way of the Lord to mess up His calendar which He Himself commanded, or did He not rather confirm the same in these very actions of Him?

Or do you think now that the foreshadowing of the Passover Lamb has passed, the Lord Himself having taken the place of the lamb of flesh, that the feast has ended? Quite the contrary, the feast has become even more realistic, the True Lamb gave His life, and He Himself did not abandon it, but confirmed it in Himself saying, "This is My blood and My body, let no one eat or drink thereof being unworthy, lest he eat and drink damnation to himself." And also, "I have not come to abolish the law and the ordinances of old, but rather to confirm them, or to fulfill them." He therefore strengthened the ordinance and law of His Father, who said, "This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations, you shall observe it as an ordinance forever."

Moses was given to write: "In the first month on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, is the Lord's Passover, and on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread to the Lord. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall have a holy convocation, you shall do no laborious work, but you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord seven days; and on the seventh day is a holy assembly, you shall do not laborious work."

But if now we (both Jews and Gentiles), have forgotten how the year is put together, when we do not rightly know when a day of the year is what, or when, how will you possibly celebrate the feast of the Lord in righteousness and in peace? For when in your ignorance you celebrate your birthday two days in advance of the true day, your statement "This day was the day of my birth" shall be a lie, and you the liar. And do not attempt to blame God, or to blame ignorance, for in your own words I heard you say, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." And with that you confirm Solomon as he said, "No one can please God, lest he remains with wisdom."

The 14th day of the first month, then, is not just any day that it may happen to be, as it is with the pagan calendar, but after the ordinance of the Lord, that day falls on the 5th day of the week, on a Thursday. The first day of Passover, therefore, is on the Friday, which follows that Thursday. That 15th, then, is the first day of Passover, and considered a Sabbath, and also the last day of Passover, the 21st, is held as a Sabbath. On these two days, no laborious work is to be performed, on which all business matters are laid aside, not even to be spoken of.

In that first month of the year, therefore, there are seven Sabbaths, which pertain to the children of God, to Israel, and to the Gentiles that are joined with them. For the Sabbath is a rest, and the festivals a rejoicing, which were not ordained for the world. And for as much as they do not rest, the world that is, they shall not enter the rest. And for as much as they did not rejoice with the firstborn, they shall neither rejoice, but grieve, and ever be grieving. For no one gave them permission to worship idols, nor to refrain from entering when the door was opened to them. Therefore, also must they perish, because in their pride they knew not God.

And note the precept, which I noted with that month. Think on this, as thought for an offering, as wisdom and right knowledge the thing that the Lord exacts of us. For if we do not first have the right knowledge, how shall our works be after them?

How therefore do both Enoch and I accord with the calendar as we have presented the same, relative to the events in which the Lord Himself passed? For surely, the Lord, having instituted these specific days, He granted himself accordingly.

The rebellious Israelites wished to kill Him that same day, that Friday, when He stood before Pontius Pilate, because, as they said the Sabbath was coming, and it was not permitted to kill on a Sabbath. Yet that day was the same as a Sabbath, which goes to show that without wisdom, there is no understanding of the law.

The Lord now in fact was killed before the Sabbath, since He came to surprise the rulers of darkness on the turn of the fourth to the fifth day, approximately the year 4000, some two days, or 2,000 years in advance of the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week of creation.

It is evident, then, that in the days when Jesus walked upon the Earth, Israel was keeping the days of the week and of the months on their proper course. This may be seen as something amazing, since not long after Moses and Joshua, the people began to corrupt the ordinances of the Lord, having lived past David and Solomon, and Hezekiah and Josiah, into the exile. And the Lord had said that they would forget all His ordinances, and not remember any of His instructions, but that they would follow pagan rules and practices.

In view of these things, their right order of the year may come as a surprise, especially since about that time the calendar was in such disarray among the Gentiles that Julius Caesar sent for a wise man to correct the course of the year, not that that Greek was very wise, the evidence of which is visible yet this day on the shambles of the concoction which now both Jews and Gentiles call a calendar.

But rather than calling it amazing for Israel at that time to have the days in their right perspective, let us call it by the design of God, and let Israel be honored in that grace of God, and let the Gentiles be shamed for failing to go to Israel to obtain the wisdom needed for their calendar, that instead they went to a Greek, which in the words of Paul, are always known as liars.

If then one is not both baptized and circumcised, he has not passed over to celebrate Passover. But he who is baptized in both fire and Spirit, and also circumcised on the heart and on the ear, he has cause to celebrate. For now I say to Gentiles in the Spirit of Christ Jesus with me that unless you are circumcised as Jacob was circumcised, in addition to what you conceive in baptism, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

But you, O Israel, I am not your judge, but this I say: be you circumcised or not, your remnant will be gloriously cut to the heart. And be you baptized or not, your remnant will be cleansed in Him who was heard to be well-pleasing to God, in your river Jordan.


The Festival of First Fruit, and of weeks, is as is stated of a two-fold nature: a thank-offering in acknowledging and relinquishing the first fruits, and the commemoration of the oath of the covenant, of the promise, that in seven weeks, (like as in days) the promise will be brought to fulfillment, or the oath will be brought to bear, or the covenant will see its full house.

As to the understanding of the first fruits, there is much that can be said. There are the first-fruits of our labors, of the yield of the Earth, and there is the first fruit of Israel, twelve thousand of each tribe. And there is yet another meaning for which reason I expressed the words "acknowledge" and "relinquish". For this endless multitude of men must at one time come to acknowledge the first fruits taken from among them, and, that indeed they are first fruits, the wholesome and spotless ones chosen from the yield as offerings to God, as His sons. And they shall have to relinquish these of their number, and of their thoughts.

From the very time then that the sickle is put into the standing grain, which was when Abel's offering was accepted, and Cain killed Abel, there will be seven weeks, seven thousand years, a jubilee. A jubilee of jubilees then always adds one to itself. Thus from the morning after the Sabbath, to the morning after the Sabbath, as from the beginning to the Eight day, then the oath, or the promise, and covenant will have its full and final completion.

These are the things commemorated by this festival, which in essence is like the two other festivals. It is therefore three times in the year that we are brought to be reminded of our heritage, and how and why we journey through this time for a time in which there will be no reckoning of time.

As I now comment on the Festival of Weeks, I will show where the Lord spoke to Moses of that day of eternity, of the "Eight" day that is neither counted nor reckoned in the days of the year, nor is it named or listed as I have done, which neither Moses nor Enoch did. But I made myself guilty in doing so on your account, on account of the frailty of men, to the intent that you might truly acknowledge and keep what is pleasing to God.

Is it not written, the Lord saying that when one has learned well, having acquired the wisdom in right measure to qualify as a teacher, that he would bring forth both old and new things from his cask of treasures? Well on, I am doing just that, both old and new, and not omitting what passes in between.

The Feast of Weeks is a Feast of First Fruits, a thank offering for the blessings which God has granted, to offer the first fruits, the best of the best as bounty for God's servants that serve in His temple. And so the Lord said (Deut: 16): "From the time that you first put the sickle in the standing grain," seven weeks thereafter shall be the feast of weeks.

These words do not specify a specific day, except that it cannot very well start until the first grain is harvested. Which from the first month of the year to seven weeks later, comes to the third month of the year. Which coincides with what was commanded to Moses when he was on the mountain: that in this month was the feast of weeks, for it was the month of Sivan, the third month, in which the Lord spoke to him on the mountain. The sheaf therefore must be waved on the third day of Passover in order for the celebration to fall on the sixth of Sivan. Or, if done after Passover, it must be on the 24th of Nissan, which then places the festival of weeks on the 13th of Sivan.

From the records on the feasts of Israel, I am told that it is on the sixth of Sivan, seven weeks from the end of Passover. But whoever wrote that clearly never finished grade school, for there are no seven weeks between Passover and the sixth of Sivan. As then the ordinance of the Lord clearly states: "From the morning after the Sabbath, to the morning after the Sabbath seven weeks later, 50 days" so it must be. For so also it will be, we will celebrate and rejoice on the very morning after the Sabbath, meaning on the Eight day, the morning that comes after the seventh day of creation.

And you, O Israel, as well as 1, will both wish to celebrate that feast of the oath on the morning after the Sabbath, on the eternal day after the seven thousand have ended. For as far as the multitude is concerned which do not remember the morning after, who live only for the days of six, to perpetuate their misery, not considering the rest, nor the promise of the morning after, they will neither receive that rest, nor inherit that promise of the Eight day, the day of eternal glory.

And now let us see specifically what the Lord said unto Moses to write into the law (Lev: 23): 'And you shall count from the morning after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. Seven full weeks shall they be, counting fifty days to the morning after the seventh Sabbath."

Read these words again, and then calculate how much seven times seven comes to. Try it a thousand times, but the answer will always be 49, and never 50 days. And yet, the Lord said 50 days. And so why did the Lord say 50 days, while seven weeks can only number to 49? For again from a morning after to a morning after, in weeks of seven, can the number ever come to anything but a multiple of seven?

There are some who say you count seven full weeks, and then the day after that on the 50th day is the celebration. But that is "not" the command of God, nor by that fallacy of men will anyone ever inherit eternity. Nor will I excuse any man for that ignorance, since "from morning after to morning after" is much to plain to be taken in error.

The answer then is this: contrary to you who do not know the calendar, the Lord does know the calendar which He Himself instituted for all the generations of men, and in that calendar there are 50 days within those seven weeks. For each and every year in the month of Ivar there is always that single extra day, that day that for you I called the "Eight" day, the day that marks eternity, which comes at the end of Ivar and before Sivan. It is therefore that the Lord said 50 days. For look again how this is: the Lord purposed seven seasons (or days) of years by which to bring eternity to man, and to bring that eternity immediately following upon the seven (as the morning after). But how shall a seven by seven come to a full and complete jubilee -- which always adds one to itself to number to 50 --to be perfected to a morning after, if not eternity was already included therein?

Forgive me if I am being too complicated to bring out this secret of the Lord to the meaning of the feast of Shabuoth. The Lord made such secrets unto me as though they were child's play, but to bring them out into words wounds me as by a thorn in my side, a thorn which the Lord has placed there, and for good reason, that like Paul I shall not be too greatly elated.

If thus it were not for the day of eternity to be wedged within the seven weeks, we would never come to that glorious day to arrive in the morning after. For again, if we go to the day after that for the celebration, then that is the same as waiting for our day of eternity to arrive after the day of eternity, after the Eight day, to look for a day "Nine". And if these foolish men wish it that way, they shall have a very long time to wait, namely, all eternities, since the Eight day, the morning after is forever.

And so you see how imperative the true progression of days are. For you cannot possibly celebrate the feast of Shabuoth except by this calendar, which the Lord instituted, for only by it can you fulfill the will and command of God to come to 50 days as the collateral of the feast. Did not the Lord make all things by measure? And does He not bring all things in their time and number? Nor does He stir them until their time and measure are complete. The Lord will not wait a single day or a single minute to bring His judgment, nor anything of what He has foretold. The Lord is accurate in all things that He does, but men do not know one day from the next, for where the eyes are blinded, no light passes through.

This particular Eight-day, then, does not come in any other part of the year, every consecutive year. Conclusively, therefore, the Feast of Weeks is in that part of the year, in these months, in a period, which passes the month of Ivar.  Moses, then, in the Spirit of the Lord, pronounces to say 50 to add that day that is never added nor accounted in the days of the year so that I might evidence the same to you.

Who therefore will contend that the Lord did not clearly specify that day which is not in the accounting of the year? For again, how was Israel, or Moses, to count 50 days in seven weeks from a morning after the Sabbath to again a morning after a Sabbath, if not for that day of eternity? And is it not therefore also crystal clear that even the small things of God shame the great things of men?


The Festival of Tabernacles is a reminder that the Lord caused Israel to dwell in boots (tents), meaning that the Lord afflicted his people, that they were not righteous of themselves, but were cleansed in His grace, and that for their sins the Lord did not hold them guiltless.

This festival also is in the duration of seven days, meaning the seven weeks of creation, that the affliction of the people of God would be consummated in the span of seven thousand years, six of which would be laborious days, while the seventh, the last thousand, shall be a rest, the glorious day of the Sabbath.

On the first day of this festival, the 15th of the seventh month, the Lord commanded a day like a Sabbath, a day in which no laborious work is done, which again falls on a Friday, as does Passover. Then follow the regular Sabbath, and the first five days of the following week, as days of the festival, which concludes the seven days on the 21st of Tishri.

But now comes something very marvelous, for Jacob added one day to the festival, which he called "Addition", which became, and was, the Eight day. And the Lord commanded Moses to add that day to the festival, as a day of a Sabbath, a day in which no laborious work should be done. The 22nd therefore, which is a Friday, is again a Sabbath, bringing the number of Sabbaths in that seventh month to seven, just as it is in the first month.

But actually this is not altogether correct, for while the Lord summoned seven weeks for his creation, which is reflected in the first festival in the first month, He creates again everything new in the eighth week, which is reflected in this third festival in the seventh month. For while the "Addition" is the Eight day, which Jacob requested that he might come to recall everything he had seen and heard, (like asking for eternity, time enough to come to understand everything) there should also be eight Sabbaths, for the Eight day is an eternal Sabbath. And in fact, there are eight Sabbaths in that month, namely the day of Atonement, the day on which the brothers banded against Joseph, the 10th day of the month, which falls on a day after the Sabbath, on the first day of the week that sanctifies the feast.

I spoke of the day of "Addition" as something marvelous, but to whom shall I reveal myself, or who shall grasp the meaning even if I did so? For Jacob is a king, and now speaking in the tongue of kings, the world is his, and all the kings of the world are of his loins who will be found to rule in all nations. O how marvelous you are, Jacob, because for you, being the first-born of God, for you the whole world and all its people were created. Canaan squatted on your vine, but we all in the whole world are of your inheritance. You desired the Eight-day, a very wise request, and O, how gloriously you shall live in it.

Since now the Feast of Boots is a reminder of the affliction in which Israel was placed, how very delicious it is of the Lord that He will demand of all the Gentiles that they shall come to acknowledge and honor it. For even this calendar, which I was given to renew as a herald before the arrival of the Lord, they shall come to acknowledge. For again, on the seventh day, no labor is performed, the preparation for its food being made on the day previous thereto. And so it will be to all you Gentile nations, that when anyone decides not to send representatives to Israel at the time of the Feast of Boots in honor thereof, even if it be for a single year, that nation will not receive rain in all of that year. And thus it will be year after year, century after century.


A formula, a value, an understanding, the fundamentals of which in the realm in which they pass, is simply beyond words to express. Nevertheless, the value of the festivals are easily understood in the revelation of them. For all three of the festivals of the Lord are set upon the week of creation, upon the seven days or weeks of years.

Passover is in seven days, for in seven days, that is, in seven thousand years the sons of God will pass over into their promised land, the world newly created. And likewise with the Feast of Boots, and that of the First Fruit in the weeks that bring about the Eight-day. And in each of these the seventh day is a Sabbath pointing to the one thousand year Sabbath.

And to eat unleavened bread for seven days, for seven turnings of the sun, is merely a token, just as the Sabbath, occurring once each seven rotations of the Earth, is merely a token of the true enduring Sabbath. For with that token it is commanded us to eat unleavened bread all the days of our lives, from birth to death. The bread then shall at all times be unleavened, not the bread that enters into the mouth, but the bread that proceeds from our mouths.

"In seven," thus the Lord said, and we are reminded of that three times each year. For to condense this into a sum of things, it is like this: for as much as we have transgressed, we cannot be held guiltless. Yet God in His great compassion gave Himself to save those who could not be held guiltless. And thus He purposed that in seven weeks man was to be born, be afflicted, and saved, and that he should understand this purpose of his Creator to save him from his fall, from the power of death, which is the law, which demands its right even before God, the Lord being foremost in granting the law it's right, for it is the law, and no one is above the law, except that God Himself is law


The festivals so described herein are by many commonly taken as commanded of Moses, as if their origin began then. This is however not so, but rather Moses reiterated long existing feasts. For all these were already written and ordained in Heaven, and either by command, or by the inspiration of God, the fathers of Israel, including Noah, established these festivals. The Feast of Boots, for example, which Moses commanded, was already in effect with Abraham celebrating it by record at Beer-Sheba.

And as for the Passover, this was promised to Adam at the time of his fall, and became a memorial for Abraham when in the month of Nissan, on the fourth day of these seven, he laid his son on the altar and again received him back from the Lord, wherefore also the Lord Himself - for His own offering, came on the fourth week of creation, even as Moses also foretold, saying that the sun rose in the heavens on the fourth day of creation. And it became a feast with Israel in their exodus, for their sun had risen on them.

As for the offering itself, this was consistently a bull or a heifer, and a she-goat, and a ram, and two birds (a turtledove and a pigeon) and food as well as drink, with salt and incense. For the offering reflects upon the ages and upon man in these ages. The ram is Israel, and always male, the heifer or bull, and the she-goat reflect upon Gentiles.

For Abraham and Israel offered not only for themselves, but also for the whole world of nations, to bless all nations. Nations may fight with Israel, and they might hate her, yet without being asked by them, Israel offered for their salvation all through the years.

The birds reflect upon the Savior of the world, the Son of David, and in Him the mystery of what some call a son of Joseph. While the food and drink are interpreted as the word of God, the law and ordinances, to offer these pure and undefiled. For also the incense is to present that word in a pleasing manner, pleasing to God, in truth with wisdom. Salt reflects upon strength, and taste, as opposed to what is tasteless, like those who teach everything by saying, "I think," and, "I suppose," and "in my opinion," miserable creatures who never have learned to know anything for a fact.

And the blood sprinkled signifies God's blood, His own affliction that He gave for us in whom all mankind is redeemed. And the Sabbath as an institution was in existence before the forming of Adam, in which the children of God, His elect were to partake, and only these were sanctified for that rest.

Then we could go into why Eve was brought to Adam on the Eight-day, and such other marvelous things, which God has in store for those that love Him, things which have not entered the mind of man. But this should suffice for now.


The Lord made a prophecy, a promise that in our days He would raise up one to renew and again bring to light the very first Scriptures which to our fathers and patriarchs was their Bible at the time, and continued to be so to the very time of the apostles. For so the Lord spoke by Enoch; "Behold, from their seed much afterwards (our time) shall arise another generation, many of which shall be very insatiable. And He (Jesus) who shall judge that generation shall reveal to them the books of your handwriting, to those to whom He must point out the guardianship of the world, to the faithful men and workers of My pleasure, who do not acknowledge My name in vain. And they shall tell another generation, and these having read, shall thereafter be more glorified than the first."

Behold therefore, my dearly beloved: Gods promise being brought to fulfillment. And we shall tell our children, and they shall live most gloriously.

The Sabbath

The seventh millennium

Sabbath, the Token

One day in seven

MK (Malki'el)

New Year

HK. ML., NL.,

(Leaders) Memorials (Noah)

8 E 4

Days of eternity


Nissan 14‑21


Sivan 6




Tishri 10

Feast of Boots

Tishri 15‑21

Day of Addition

Tishri 22

Christ's Birth

Sivan 6.

Hanukkah Kislev 25


Adar 15

  The illustration with the written Calendar.  (links)

NISSAN:   I am a priest of the Lord, to Him I do priestly service, to Him I offer the sacrifices of my thoughts.

IVAR:        Happy is the man whom the Lord remembers with reprove, whom He restrains from the way of evil with strokes that he may be cleansed from sin.

SIVAN:      And the Lord said; "If one makes a promise to give a present, but then does not give it, shall it not then be a theft?"

TAMMUZ:  You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason with your neighbor, lest you bear sin because of him.

AB:             It is good that I was afflicted, that I might learn Thy statutes.

ELLUL:       You search the Scriptures thinking that in them you have eternal life, yet you refuse to come to Me.

TISHRI:      The Lord is our mirror, open your eyes and see yourself in Him, learn the manner of your face.

CHESHVAN:   And when you see the Gentiles worship a piece of wood, know that the end is near.

KISLEV:     Not they who say; "Lord Lord" but that keep My word, and that perform the will of My Father, they are they that love Me.

TEBET:      The sacrifice of the Lord is righteousness and purity of the heart and lips.

SHEBAT:    By this we may be sure that we know Him; If we keep His commandments. Whosoever keeps His word, in him the love of God is perfected.

ADAR:          Man shall not live by bread alone, but by all the word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

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