1. Who is able to close a book, to say;  "Thus far I will go, and no further?"  Me perhaps? I thought so, if only my mind would give me rest.  Why must I always be thinking, always that hunger? Day by day marveling at the greatness and Majesty of the Lord God my Father. 

  2. Thou O Lord art my Father, and Thy works are so marvelous.  How great indeed Thou art, and here am I - a mere speck of dust attempting to figure out how Thou has put all that together to make it work.

  3. There is no way for me to know unless Thou O my Lord reveal it to me, to install that wisdom into me, to grant me a glimpse into Thine creation, into the perfection of Thy handiworks.

  4. Here then before the eyes of all the people, past present and future, I thank Thee my Lord for all that Thou has granted me, gifts more awesome than I can possibly apprehend, so bountifully as Thou has dealt with me.  Accept O Lord, my Father and my God, my pure offering of thanks unto Thee, now and forever.

  5.   And now I thought to place a picture of myself in here - to show that I am not one of those long bearded ones, nor with friggy hair, or shaggy dog look, or one with a proud arrogant look upon them.  Seeing how I am but a simple fellow, with no more ambition than to leave this earth, to go home where I belong.

  6. I choose one wherein I am of the age when I compiled most of my writings, somewhere in the 50's, not so young, nor with the wrinkles that I have now at the age of seventy and seven. Always smiling and adored by the ladies that came to know me.

  7. It has been years that I did not add anything to this volume in the sciences, but in the last month alone six pages were added, and this will be number seven, the last so I hope, for I am weary and long to go home.



Speed  versus  conductive movement

  1. In the previous page I spoke of how speed and/or velocity contributed to the outcome of conductive movement.  And why should it not be so, since most movements are not only known by direction of, but in velocity as well.

  2. Since then the term velocity lends itself well to something in the linear, it is an awkward term when used with movements in the angular, by which speed becomes the better term, or revolution per unit in time.

  3. The sum of the knowledge that man currently enjoy for water turning into steam, is that at 212 degrees it becomes a vapor, and above 700 degrees the molecule of water breaks down into a gas, into pure hydrogen and pure oxygen. And when at zero degree, or 32 Fahrenheit water becomes a solid known as ice.

  4. This of course does not explain anything more than the specific rates of velocity and/or speed by which these changes take place. Nor even that temperature is in fact a rate of movement.

  5. Since then our quest is a more fundamental one, we are going to have to put on our thinking caps. This is so since that which the scientists have made of it is but for those that have as yet to enter into schools of learning.

  6. Nor do I at this time intend to reprove nor correct them in these things, but rather take you with me in a journey to -- "speed and velocity in directional conductive movement."

  7. Temperature is not that things are just hot or cold, but in its fundamentals a degree of movement in how fast or slow that movement might be. With that I mean the internal movement of the atom and/or molecule.

  8. When therefore the water is anywhere from 60 to 200 degrees (F) the molecules float among one another as per illustration Figure 76-3.   Or as shown by H1 and H2 in Figure 76-1. But when the rate of movement exceeds 212 degrees, both the atomic parts as well as the molecules draw away from one another.

  9. Our quest then becomes; how do they do so? Like as; what is in speed or velocity that these parts should seek more room for themselves? They are after-all like magnets, and how do magnets distance themselves for and by a rate of movement?

  10. For these are the facts.  And we could experiment by heating some regular magnets if by so doing these will distance themselves one from the other, and yet at the same time continue to hold on, nor lose any of their strength.

  11. I have not tried it, but I doubt very much that there will be any such movement with them, even to the point of melting.  Yet in the atomic and molecular realm this is done. 


  1. This much must seem obvious how when an atom of H distances itself from the atom of O, as per Figure 76-2, N, it has not reversed itself, it is still holding on with a like direction of conductive movement.

  2. There may be repulsion between the molecules as a whole, these parts as shown acting in the same way that two magnets would with their polarities in opposite directions of, to repel. All that then is fine, for we do understand the norm of attraction and repulsion.

  3. But here is a most curious phenomena how when two atoms are bound to each other by like directions of, can they be pushed apart, and yet not sever their lines of attraction.  Illustrated by Figure 76-1, atoms H3, and H4.

  4. We do know that the atoms are spinning object, and that their coordinate spins with them, and we know that it is only by higher movement, and at that a specific rate like in excess of 212 degrees that this phenomena comes about.

  5. And so what, if we take two magnets and cause them to spin faster and faster will they at length come to distance themselves?  If not with third magnitude magnets that are full of magnets within a magnet, it is true of singular magnets such as the atoms are.

  6. Or are we all wet behind the ears? If so, in what other way do these parts multiply the room between them to the tune of 1700 times?  That mind is is no small expansion. Nor - so it appears - do they lose any of their strength in their directional conductive movement.

  7. When we compress steam it is like pushing a ton of magnets together all of them facing each other with unlike directions of.  And when released they move a locomotive with all its box-cars.

  8. Interesting is it not to decipher just how all that takes place? And while that repulsion which takes place between parts is of a normal to us, I would like to know how two parts continue to draw to one another and yet move some distance away from one another. That mind you is the real quest.

  9. Nor can we deny that this occurs - since the molecule of water continues as a molecule even in steam. The steam has to be raised to over 700 degrees before finally the atoms of H, will lose their hold onto that atom of Oxygen.

  10. Some people had the nerve to say that in water the atoms of H, continually break off and bond to again other atoms of O.  That of course makes no sense at all, seeing how up to 700 degrees of movement these rascals still hold on. And how then should they not do so at a mere 60 degrees?

  11. By Figure 76-1, as atoms H3 and H4 moved somewhat away from their host I indicated a stretching of their magnetic, or better said conductive coordinate, the figure of eight.  If this is fanciful I would like to hear another version.

  12. That it is by a coordinate of eight - in and by which - these atoms lock on to one another, is to me a confirmed fact. And that they are in angular motion is also a confirmed fact. And thirdly; that movements of like direction always draw to one another is also a confirmed fact.

  13. So how is it done? How do movements of like directions draw towards one another and yet draw to a distance of one another?  And the second question has to do with repulsion. For when the water was below 200 degrees the repulsion between its molecules was very little, as can be seen by Figure 76-3.

  14. But when we raised the speed at which these internal movements operated to over 212 degrees, the repulsion between them increased likewise, and by no small margin; illustrated by Figure 76-2.

  15. Our quest therefore as it is in attraction at a distance, is equally so with repulsion at close order or at a distance, all by speed and/or velocity.

  16. What all difference therefore is there by increasing or decreasing the speed and velocity of the atomic movements, and that of something which is but a spinning movement of eight?

  17. It makes perfect sense that the atomic and molecular realm are of a magnetic nature to have magnetic push and pull, whereby the cylinders in our engines are pushed down, and steam may be compressed and again released to be expanded.

  18. For no other phenomena in nature shows the capacity to perform these acts.  Wherefore we are not going to drop the act as if it could be by some other phenomena.  I then showed how the acts of repulsion and attraction is expanded by simply a higher rate of movement of.

  19. But I am not the one to have the full answer, in just how and why any one atom keeps a greater or lesser distance by varying its internal movement.  For when we look at the atoms of steel, these do not expand like water, or like so many others.

  20. So what is the answer? This much we must keep in mind that the varying speed pertains to the spin and/or the relative coordinate movement that pertains to the molecule as such. And that it does not pertain to the speed at which the coordinates of eight have their movement.

  21. And another thing that we must consider pertains to the distance in which the figure of eight, the 3M, so to say, may extend itself.  For the sun, that coordinate of 3M seems to be endless, yet it shall hardly be so that the same may be found even to the center of this galaxy, let alone reach to any other galaxy.

  22. To say endless therefore is but a figure of speech. How far then may the 3M of this earth be extended, or that of a simple magnet placed on a table?  If for a 1 inch magnet it is a meter in diameter, that is about 40 times.

  23. If then it be 400 times for the earth, its 3M reaches well beyond the moon.  And how far might that be when we come to a single atom?  Seeing how water expands to the tune of 1700.  

  24. If it be 1000 times for the atom, that for an atom of 1-angstrom in diameter comes to 1000 angstroms, which makes for 2000 between two of them, wherein the 1700 of water makes sense.

  25. If now we consider Figure 75-1, of our previous chapter, and these were spinning in the same direction then the lines at A would drive into the lines of B, by coming into one another. Or if in opposite direction of spin, A and A would join by like directions of.

  26. In either of these cases a higher and higher spinning movement might do one, or even two things.  In one, these might drive themselves apart simply because of their higher speed. But that does not really make sense since the 3M coordinate itself as such has its movement at the velocity of light.

  27. And so what difference does it make if the spinning movement were at a million or ten million revolutions a minute, since that speed is as yet a long ways from coming to the speed of light by which the 3M has its velocity?


  1. In the second, which I conceive more likely, that as the coordinate of eight is spun faster and faster it comes to expand itself reaching to an ever greater circumference.  And by that alone these two atoms could be driven at a further distance from one another, and yet not disengage from one another.

  2. If thus we consider Figure 75-2, where the atoms are facing each other by polarity, and their axis of rotation. If these were in like rotation, I presume that these would at all times keep a good hold of one another.

  3. If on the other hand they were in opposite direction of rotation, their lines of 3M must continually reconnect upon one another. But that again should not be any real problem, considering how the velocity of these lines is as such instantaneous, having a speed equal to that of light.

  4. And so here again we come to our second option, to the expansion of the coordinate itself when it is spun faster and faster, as the most likely scenario.    

  5. This then makes sense when we consider the whole version, how water into steam is driven to such an large expansion by not only repulsion, but the extended reach of the 3M movement adding to it.

  6. And so we could debate what the case may be when we have 2 atoms hanging on to one of Oxygen, how the rotation of each of these should be for the greatest of expansion.  But in the above cases it does not seem to matter much in which way they spin, since, so it seems, it is in the 3M itself to expand.

  7. If now all this be truly so, or not, may be left to one's own judgment. The thing that I did do, was to follow a logical sense of reasoning upon such things as we know to be true in nature. Nor therefore will I set any standards until the clear evidence of the same is shown.

  8. It may be for example - that as we heat the water from a 60 degrees and continue to increase the rate of the atomic revolutions the 3M coordinate expands more and more, reaching to an ever greater distance.

  9. And arriving at the RPM equal to 212 degree, the molecules will at last disband from one another, which as such - since then there are fewer molecules per given area of space - the gravitational attraction also becomes less, and float upwards in the form of vapor.

  10. The greater spacing of the molecules thus is due to the expanded formation of their - so called - magnetic coordinates, their figures of eight now operating with still equal power but at a greater distance of. All this because their rate of rotation by the spin of the atom was increased.

  11.   But we do have some evidence, for when we look at those tall power poles planted all over the country, why are there such long porcelain holders to keep that electricity so far from the metal of the poles?

  12. Did not man conclude that electricity is nothing more than electrons on the move?  And did he not claim that flow of movement around the wire to be nothing more than magnetism? What insanity is it therefore of these people to hang those wires so far from the pole?

  13. Insanity, so I said, but it does not belong to the power company as much as to man's scientists to have their fantasies.  These could learn a lot from the power companies about electricity, and magnetism.  

  14. Electrons do not jump three feet out of any wire, to shake hands with the metal of those poles.  And magnetism does not know anything about sparking across anything.  How thus can that which never sparks, and/or is too minute to even kill a flea, jump up like lightning?  

  15. The power companies know that the higher the voltage of a rotational magnetic flow becomes, even so it spans out into an ever greater circumference, wherefore that wire is to be kept at a greater distance.

  16. We of course have learned that the circular flow of magnetism around a wire is nothing other than an extension of the electricity itself, which the power companies learned by practical experience.

  17. And so; - we do have the evidence that with the rotational type of magnetic force an increase in the rate of rotation likewise expands its format. 

  18. Nor is it alone to prove that point, for if we consider our sun with its magnetic reach to pass well beyond all of its 8 planets; how and why may that be so, if not perhaps because the sun is extremely hot, which as such interprets into a high rate of speed and/or velocity.

  19. And while our earth is but cool, with its period of rotation a minor factor, yet at the distance of 240,000 miles it holds itself so well to our moon, to continually raise many tons of water into a tide for us. And may some of that cause be in the molten mass of the earth?

  20. It has to be a mighty strong hold for these magnetic lines between the earth and the moon, to first of all hold that moon in orbit, and more so, to lift so much of our water up against the force of gravity.  For it is indeed "against" the force of gravity whereby our tides come to be, and "not" by it.

  21. Magnetic force is extremely powerful at close range as well as at a distance, which is likewise shown by the expansion and the pressure noted in steam, and no less with gasoline. All this goes to show how powerful magnetic force is even among the atom and molecules.

  22. As then we discovered how there is yet a more powerful push from the smallest of atoms namely Hydrogen bonding to Oxygen, it appears that the lighter, or more simple the element the greater the expansion of its 3M coordinate will be.

  23. But there could be other reasons, for now we must also have a look at the atoms of metal which do not expand from one another when heated, even when the rate of their atomic spin is raised to over 700 degrees.

  24. And why might that be? For if the increase in the rate of spin enlarges the circumference of its coordinate embedded upon it for one atom - it must do so for all atoms. 

  25. No doubt the larger volume of these atoms may exhibit a more profound or multiple form of its coordinate, but in all cases repulsion is repulsion.

  26. And I purposely did not add to say; "and attraction is attraction," because it may very well be the relevance of attraction verses repulsion by which metals keep their dimension.

  27. Consider how well the atoms of a metal are situated one to the other, every single one of them securely holding on to the other, with a wide margin of their conductive coordinate. And compare this to those of the lighter elements, like carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, etc. that are more loosely arranged.

  28. As then an atom of metal is securely bonded to 4 or more others of its kind, where is the repulsion in them? Without any doubt each one of them have a north and a south, a ingoing and a outgoing movement, but each and everyone of them is occupied holding on to others.

  29. And so it is that I said; "where is the repulsion in them?" Meaning, there is no open or free areas for them to repel from. And yet we conjecture that as the metal is heated, their rate of spin having been raised, so the circumference of their coordinates should likewise have increased.

  30. If therefore the atoms of H by a higher rate of rotation can distance themselves, while still holding on to its host, why not so with the atoms of metal?

  31. As then much of our reasoning is correct, there are also some flaws in it, for seeing how extremely well these coordinates are with a multitude of tentacles to hold onto, we ought to correlate this with at least two other factors.

  32. The first of which is, how it is not until a certain degree has been reached before the molecules of water will at last let go of one another, coming to 212 degrees, wherefore there must likewise be a certain rate of spin by which at last the atoms of metal will disband from one another.

  33. And for the second factor by which to correlate all this. It is an easy thing to raise the rate of spin of an atom of Oxygen since it is relatively free of its surroundings, but coming to the atoms of metal, they are as we might say blocked in, like as sitting in a traffic jam with no way to get to an exit.

  34. As therefore the heat applied to the metal begins to raise their rate of spin, they are also held back by - so to say - the four corners of their coordinates in multiples preventing them from being raised too high.

  35. We might say that their very bond one to the other acts as a brake to the increase of velocity applied unto them.  How therefore are these atoms to come to a break-away point as we find with water at 212 degrees?

  36. The fact then that they may turn red hot, or even white hot for the anger against the heat being applied unto them, this is not a factor by and of the atom's rotation, but rather in RAM.  Meaning relative angular movement, that in a way may be understood by resonance or oscillation, but factually RAM.

  37. Temperature itself is rather apart from any of the magnetic coordinates, having no direct bearing upon them, but by way of other movements such as spin and velocity.  Like as in temperature affecting spin, and spin in turn affecting the coordinate.

  38. And the coordinate for its size and scope as well as direction of, and relevance to its neighbors, determines how well the attraction and repulsion may be, for size and every other factor.

  39. And what more shall we say, if not that I should let men works things out for themselves, seeing how by now he should have a handle on things?


  1. We could as yet speak a few words on resonance, the rate at which atoms may resonate, and/or spin. And there is a distinct difference in spinning from resonating.

  2. When for example we say that Hydrogen has a 21 centimeter line, it does as such convey its rate of rotation, unless we come to some frequency of, a rate at which pulsation takes place, that for all reality may be the angular moment at which it generates wavelengths similar to light.

  3. If the frequency of 1420 MHz were its period of rotation, that would mean one billion 420 million rotations per second in time. Which in my view is way too high. For how fast would it then be turning at over 700 degree Fahrenheit when it disengages from its Oxygen host?

  4. This ratio of frequencies sounds to me more like the angular moment to a length of - driven forth by the all pervading 3M, whose velocity stands at 300.000 km per second. In other words similar to light and micro-waves.

  5. To me it sounds obvious how the 21 cm line has nothing to do with how fast the atom is rotating, nor of any pulsation in or by that atom.  For like light, if but a single wavelet came to us once every 300 kilometers, that would still be 1000 of them in one second of time, more than enough to tan our skin.

  6. What then the rate of rotation is per unit in time for any one atom I do not know. And even if we did know it would only be for a specific degree of temperature.

  1. Yet we can pretty well surmise how and why a tungsten element within a bulb comes to produce a pulsation to the tune whereby visible light is created, or other types of resonance from the atom singularly or in compound form.

  2. As we may recall from previous chapters - electricity shows itself  by a series of magnetic figures of eight in a rotational mode, illustrated by Figure 76-4.  As then previously we saw how an electrical wire will come to vibrate before a standard magnet in and by the polarities of the rotating figures of eight.

  3. That electricity then will act in the same way towards the atoms of which the tungsten element is constructed within our household light-bulbs.  As then the atoms are themselves magnets of a kind they will likewise be acted upon, in which case we do not call it a vibration, but a resonance or pulsation, or RAM.

  4. Reference to this is by M and P in Figure 76-4. For as the number 2 coordinate rotates, it will alternately bring its north and southern polarity towards the atom.  As then the atom is fixed it must endure a push and pull for every rotation of that electricity.

  5. Or by P, the number 3 coordinate is pulsating upon the equatorial region of that atom.  This is how the wire within the glass enclosure is excited to produce those discrete angular moments which we have come to call light.

  6. This however is not the only thing which the atoms of that tungsten elements must endure, since the electrical formation - in passing all around it - quells upon the wire, which also raises the rate of movement known as temperature.

  7. As then we apply electricity to a strand of copper, or gold, the formation of these atoms may not have their typical magnetic polarities open to the eights of electricity to work upon them.

  8. The light then emitted from that element of tungsten, is from and by their atoms, and not of the electricity itself. The electricity merely causes the resonance to exist by which then the light is produced.

  9. And how handy is it for electricity to contain those full fledged figures of eight exhibiting a linear movement along with the angular, whereby we are able to generate waves at almost any length, and have our computers.


  1. Who said that the form of magnetic is by a figure of eight, while man has it as two circles?  And that electricity is a magnetic force in eight's rather than circular?  I should be crucified for it, should I not?

  2. The question is not unwarranted even though I never thought about it until today. And yes, I have known what I know to be correct from the days that the Lord began to teach me of fundamentals so long ago.

  3. Nor did I ever question it since foremost the Lord always teaches rightly, and nature in itself confirmed the same to me.  But I know there will be those to question everything that I have said whose faith is not from above.  And as to electricity, if one really thinks about it he may have a point.

  4. And to use an illustration Figure 76-5, the magnetic flux lines within a generator are considered straight lines like A, and B, in the illustration. And also that they have a direction of movement from North to South passing through the armature.

  5. And so when we turn that armature, - I have said that we are then turning these stationary lines into a rotation of.  A straight line then that merely rotates shall hardly be after a figure eight in design.  Nor when we take both lines A, and B to turn or twist them over each other shall it necessarily come to the design as I have been teaching.

  6. We all know what two or more lines will look like when twisted over each other (Figure 76-K).  Or if we come to add the angular moment of the armature as it passes through these stationary lines, - we may then end up with a wavelike configuration as per C, D, and E, in the illustration.


  1. But these still do not come to the figure of eight as I have it. It however does compliments man in how he contends that electricity has a flow of, while I am teaching that such is not so. 

  2. As therefore we make for two lines, E, and D, to flow through the wire in a wave-like formation, these two do indeed take on the shape of figures of eight end on end. Or as I so often said; twisting a rubber band appears as eights end on end.

  3. But there is one thing very wrong with them since both of them show a movement into a single direction. And why should I let man have his cake and eat it too? I also like cake and to eat it, wherefore I am going to take it away from them.

  4. And how will I do so? Remember our illustrations Figures 73-3 and 73B, how an electric wire will vibrate before a magnet?  In order to do so there has to be a magnetic push and pull upon or within the wire in addition to its rotational format.

  5. Electricity, in other words, must have a linear magnetic component along with its rotational form that displays all those magnetic circles around it.  As then we came to call those circles a magnetism associated with electricity, we never considered the linear part of it, did we?

  6. I now never in all the years came to question it, nor look upon it as we are doing today. For from day one that the Lord taught me, I never question His teaching, nor anything that He infuses within me. 

  7. Unlike man I have no need of experiments to come to know the truth, other than such things which I question out of my own heart. For not all things were by revelation unto me, but having infused within me a good sense of reasoning He at times allows me to plow forth on my own.

  8. How therefore is man, or did man, explain that vibrating movement of the wire before a magnet?  I really do not know what man's version is, but I conjecture that is has to do with electrons, who at times change their nature to become positive.

  9. As thus we speak of a flow of electricity, it would be something on the move as illustrated by E, and D. (Figure 76-5)  In reality however the true movement in electricity is in all directions, right, left, top and bottom, illustrated by M.

  10. At K, there is movement to the left, which is the reverse of E, and D. And there is equally as much movement to the right.  And at all times within that circular format there is a linear movement at dead center of its circular hold, something we equate with north and south, rather than positive or negative.

  11. And of course at the so called Van Allen belts there is movement in opposite to the polar movement. These movements then are essentially at right angles to that so called flow of electricity in direction of.

  12. If then we conjecture that this whole figure of eight moves down the line within or upon the wire, you are attempting to rob me of my cake, to have your flow of, - which is not factual. And why should it, seeing how all in itself it presents movement into all directions of while literally fixed in position.

  13. This may further be illustrated by Figure 76-6, the real movement is in place by a rotational format. The only thing that can be said to pass through the wire in a single direction of, - is the coordinate as it extends itself, or is extended. 


  1. And so I repeat; as it extends itself, which at the speed of light for any length of wire that we may contrive is but for a fraction of a second, or one whole second if the wire were long enough to go seven times around the world.

  2. So how does that figure of eight come about in the electricity so familiar to us?  We can illustrate to ourselves Figures 76-7, and 76-8, where in the first, linear lines are coming up onto a rotating wheel or circle whereby the lines may be turned into circles.

  3. Or in the second, our conventional generator, for a moving conductor to turn straight lines into circular lines. But how does a circular line come to be after the design of an eight if not by having it - the same is twisted over?


  1. For that is what takes place, along with the fact that the lines which we are dealing with are magnetic lines.  And yes what does that mean, to say; "Magnetic lines?"  

  2. For it we must go back to fundamentals recalling how magnetic in all reality is but a circular formation, always as it travels coming back to where it started.

  3. We have the notion that only when things move in a straight line may they be free of any action to the contrary. That in any other direction of it must be forced into it.  (Newton's law) And while this holds true for all things in the third magnitude, and second magnitude, it is so fundamentally.

  4. Nor therefore is it - as such - true of the 3M, the fundamental coordinate of magnetic, which is a perfectly circular formation - before it is a formation in eight. Wherefore we might consider how its basic or natural direction of movement is rather circular, and that it - for what it's worth - must be forced to move into the linear.

  5. A nasty bucket of worms is it not to contradict a cherished notion that has proven itself over and over? But no I am not contradicting any law, since that law as we recall pertains to objects in movement, to a substance in motion.

  6. While here we are not speaking of any substance in motion, but of movement itself, and that of the one and only motion that is the fundamental movement. For so indeed the 3M is an entity in itself, it is the power of all displacement.

  7. We never really had a look below the floorboard, did we?  Nor deep into that well from where the water showed itself. Up to date we had magnets by circulars, but our own tides disproved that theory.

  8. Nor therefore were we altogether wrong since the magnetic eight is nonetheless one continues circle of movement, and as such it draws itself naturally, like as we would say; inborn with it. And that natural, for what - in comparison to substance - is in itself not any substance is an immaterial entity. (And so I made a revelation)

  9. How then when with circular movements we are driving these lines of magnetic into a circle would they not follow their own initiative, meaning to come back upon itself?  And yes this may need some more explaining wherefore we must refer to again another illustration Figure 76-Z, whereby to explain myself.

  10. When with a rotating circular object we force a straight line of conductive movement - into a nice neat little circle, or by way of an armature pick up on those lines driving them into a circle, we are not as such picking up on stationary lines.

  11. That is to say; they may be stationary in not moving from their location, but as conductive movement they are anything but stationary. These lines that we are picking up on are lines of movement, moving into a direction at the speed of light.

  12. As therefore we may be driving them into a circle hoping to form a perfect circle, these lines simultaneously have their movement at a ninety degree angle thereto, wherefore the procedure becomes like unto that of a coiled spring, a slanted procedure.

  13. And this is besides the point that:  "Once in a circle stays in a circle." Just as: "Once in a straight line it takes an equal reaction to divert it from its straight line."   Two laws, one for the material, with the first for the immaterial.

  14. If by Figure 76-Z we start out at F, our circular drive coupled with the movement of the line itself, the resultant becomes an slanted line passing from F to U, where of course it passes on the backside of the wire from where it proceeds to R.

  15. And this is the most curious part of it, why the line should not continue to wind around the wire like as light is forced to travel.  

  16. The reason lies in the nature of the 3M, its nature being a natural circular movement that requires a force or a reaction to the contrary in order to move by the linear. The opposite of what is true of all materials on the move.  That is why I first spoke of its fundamental nature.


  1.  And to continue, from R it heads over to T, which appears as a reverse of its first direction of movement, all because it - as we might say - is searching to reconnect itself, to come to its natural circular format.

  2. As then it meets itself at the cross-over point in the middle of the wire, why should it not immediately move up and to the left, and have its circular format? The reason is in that the cross-over from R to T, or from F to U, is for all reality a neutral.

  3. From R to the cross over it cannot go to the left since the movement there is in opposite direction of.  Nor is it from the cross over to U a like direction for the movement from R. Therefore I termed it as a neutral.

  4. From T, then not having found its own connecting point, and still being driven in a circle, it comes around to F.  Then from point F, the same thing starts all over again, but this time it finds a perfect connection at the cross over, namely a movement in perfect alignment with it.

  5. And so by our manipulation that circle has now additionally become a full fledged figure of eight, having its natural circular movement in the design of an eight. Nor therefore will it move to the right nor to the left, but remain in position happily turning around at the rotational speed by which we cause the armature to turn.

  6. This now was one way of explaining it, the one more realistic is that by forcing straight lines into circles, we will naturally end up with circles, and as we are twisting them in circles they become twisted circles. (the eight)

  7. By isolating any part of the earth's 3M, it as such individualizes, it forms itself after its nature. This is seen in all magnets, and with electricity. Break a magnet in halves, and the force will be divided, seeking a new center in each half.

  8. But shall this be it - to have but a single turn in eight upon a wire?   If we view that figure of eight in Figure 76-Y on edge it would be according to N, S.  If then a second was generated to come on after it in the circle of the copper conductor, it would be as N1, S1 And by a third and fourth to N2, S2, and N3, S3.

  9. I however do not believe that this is the case, since N, would then soon flow into S3, and N3 into S, whereby the polar ends would essentially be neutralized.  Something similar to this may take place on the atomic order whereby atoms as well as molecules at close range of one another do not physically bond, or show themselves neutral. (as in masking their polarity)

  10. But not so in electricity, wherefore the illustration Figure 76-X  is what the figure of eight in electricity would look like.  At any one section of the wire it remains as a single unit but with additional lines of in the whole circumference, with its neighbors in line connected at points C.


  1. Since then the eight of force is the pattern of magnetic, it is empowered as such having a North for its outgoing movement and a South for its ingoing movement.  Therefore also when we place a magnet next to the wire, the wire will move back and forth to the magnet at the rate by which the whole of its formation turns.

  2. A reversal of a magnetic field now is simply when the figure of eight rotates like as it does in electricity where it continually rotates. With singular formations however - like our earth - it tends to align itself with the axis, which is to say; with the rotation of the object.

  3. If within the earth the coordinate moves by one half of a turn, the primary linear direction of movement would be reversed, south becoming north, and north becoming south. We however may never even notice it, except of course by a compass.

  4. In the case of the moon being held magnetically, with such a change in earth's magnetic movement, the equatorial loops are then also reversed in respect to the moon, where at the X, the direction of movement would be in opposites.

  5. But such thinking is but superficial since the lines of the earth itself pass all the way to the moon, and those of the moon to the earth, together making as were they but singular circles between the two bodies.  

  6. These then are at all times elongated equal to the (so called) weight of the moon in its velocity at all times pulling on the earth, and being pulled by the earth.

  7. Then take a look at Figure 76-M, how well these magnetic lines come to maintain their circular format. However powerful a flare may be shot out from any star, the 3M for its magnetic nature is well able to hold on to it, and that of course after its nature of.

  8. Nor so it appears is there a single format of its coordinate upon that star, but a coordinate in multiples of. Which I conjecture will be found upon the larger atoms as well.  

  9. And with these atoms so spun around - the very complexity of their coordinate serves as a brake or resistance to the increase in their rotational movement, and consequently to the expansion of that coordinate.

  10. They however have this advantage over all other atoms, how their bonding is far more secure. As is also demonstrated to us by the strength of metals, and how some can endure extreme temperature, like the blades in a turbine, reaching  over 500 degree Celsius. (932-F)



  1. It is said, quote: "Electric currents and the fundamental magnetic moments of elementary particles give rise to a magnetic field."

  2. This statement is very wrong. Magnetism is not from the atoms, nor is it born forth by them, but it is magnetism rather which is first and foremost -- that then encompasses all atoms.  

  3. The magnetic field of the earth for example, did not come about by the substances of which the earth is made, but as the coordinate of magnetic passes upon and through the earth - it fastens and extends itself by these substances.

  4. We must learn this lesson, and learn it well, that: "It is not the automobile forming its master, but rather the master forming the automobile."

  5. And equally so with electric, it is magnetism that comes before electric. for without magnetic there is no electric, and yet electric is magnetic the same. 

  6. Even as you cannot have the pit of a plum unless first you have the plum. So magnetism is first with electric afterwards.  And angular movement before linear movement.  

  7. Or is that not the whole truth?   And yes I know that I have been silent on some things, and on that which is most fundamental, buy I assure you - that it was not on my account.  

  8. As then I have said, that the 3M -- which is magnetism, as the coordinate in the movement thereof, is the second most fundamental force in nature.  So it is.

  9. Nor did I name any other force so fundamental. And for any question in that realm, I must decline to answer.

  10. And if you my reader really think about it, in one how man acclaimed electrons as only negative and such to be the flow of electricity, how did he so blatantly ignore the evidence to the contrary?  

  11. Or am I the only person ever to hold a magnet next to a wire with electricity?  I only experimented with that after all the facts were already written down. 

  12. Fundamentals, so I said. Since then any magnet conclusively proves those so called electrons to be positive as well as negative, how long will it take man to wake up from his dreams, to for once in his life apologize for his illicit dreams?


  1.    And now in the term of conductivity, where do we go from here?

  2. We need to figure out how both the magnetic and the electrical coordinates apply themselves to certain substances, and not so to others.  How and why - these may be embedded by one configuration of the atomic grid and not by others.

  3. All this of course will have to do with "movement in directions of," with the additional factor of speed and/or velocity.   

  4. What we are really in need of is to know all of the atomic and molecular coordinates, the many of them in how these relate to the 3M, the eight of force in its rotational form as well as its linear formation.

  5. Since then man's scientists and physicists - as I have seen - have all the answers, why do I bother to speak? It is because I came to this conclusion that;  Man has no conception at all as to how anything is conductive or none conductive, or even how the atom operates.

  6. Nor even how electricity is formed in a generator or by a photocell, nor how it applies to conductors and semi conductors. All those famous men - whose names I shall omit - that have come up with these theories, were living in a dream world, while we prefer to live in a real world.

  7. Man has made his transistors, and computers in working condition, and he conjectures to understand semi-conductive, and yet with all that he has not even a clue as to how these fundamentals are turned.

  8. Since then at this heading I placed that little illustration with a question mark in where to go, that mind you is likewise my question, since I for one also do not have all the answers.

  9. The several things that we should be sure of, or are sure of, - is that we are not in error regarding the coordinate of both the magnetic and the electric phenomena, nor that the atom is in fact a directional conductive entity equated to magnetic rather than electric.

  10. How thus for example may it be that copper will readily accept and hold on to a rotational magnetic coordinate, but when a linear magnetic coordinate is brought near, it simply slides in and out of it as were it but an uninvited guest, to whom nothing will be served.

  11. Nor will the linear pay any attention to a strand of DNA, but the rotational one will strike us with a cardiac arrest. But neither of the two in looking at the grid of wood have any intention of taking a seat within it.


Ice --  wood ---DNA -- Metal.

  1. And when it comes to water, the linear pays no attention to those H2O molecules, while the rotational one, even though its entry may be resisted, it goes forth to snip the Hydrogen atoms off from their Oxygen host.

  2. The metal one however for its grid neatly arranged at close order will accept both the linear and the rotational one. And so what is it with the grid of silver or copper that are also metals, that these refuse to be handcuffed to the linear, but have a feast with the rotational electric one?

  3. No I do not have the answers even though I may have some suspicions, and sometimes tinker with it. But I went into this for those to come after me to draw them away from man's fantasies, and look at things more realistically utilizing known factors.

  4. If then I may speculate a little, I drew up an illustration Figure 76-9,  the basics of a solar cell, when light falls on this semi conductive material, an electrical potential is raised. But as to how this in every detail takes place, is a tall order.


  1. This much however is factual, light in all respects is a rotational movement capable to cause again rotational movement to that upon which it is directed.  This is done daily upon all plants and by it we have our eyesight.

  2. For me therefore, as will be for any man, one must know what the atomic and/or molecular coordinates are of these elements.  Phosphor and Boron then are mixed or coated upon the silicon wafers to make them conductive for the electrical coordinate pass, as well as be formed by the rotational instigation of the light.

  3. Since then I do not know these coordinates, nor any other man so I presume, it will remain a mystery.  I then drew some curvy lines upon the molecular grid merely to simulate that there are coordinate movement. But that is the extend of what we have come to know.

  4. I am aware how man's scientists have it all in the bag, by none existent electrons falling through a hole as if that could produce an angular magnetic force.  But I for one do not deal in fantasies.

  5. It may indeed be that an electrical potential be drawn over a a half dozen or so atoms, but that fact has yet to establish itself.  If we consider our copper wire in Figure 76-Z, it spans itself over billions of atoms, or by larger conductors over trillions of atoms.  And even a linear force upon a 2 inch cube of steel amounts to billions of atoms to a single coordinate.

  6. Or the fine tungsten wire in a light-bulb, where for each single figure of eight from the electrical it must be upon hundreds if not thousands of atoms.  If then we come to the back of our eye where the light is converted into electrical data - that could be upon some very fine leads, near to the atomic order.

  7. When therefore we are in the atomic realm, the span of the magnetic field upon each atom I estimate is from one and a quarter of its diameter to about two and a half times its diameter. This of course is under normal conditions when their rate of movement is at - what we call - for it - a normal temperature.

  8. At higher and higher rates of movement, such as speed or velocity, the directionally conductive (magnetic) field is extended, that in the lighter elements can be hundreds of times over. (like steam)  And consider how far the power companies hang those high voltage lines away from the poles, while a 220 volt line, or even a 600 volt line with a marginal coat of plastic can be laid directly upon any metal.

  9. Or the wires feeding our neon signs that carry a voltage as high as 22.000 volt can be right next to metal provided they are well insulated.  But a 200.000 volt line would burn right through that insulation, all because the greater the rotational speed, so much the larger their circular reach will be.

  10. It is quite simple how light affects the atomic and/or molecular formations as may be demonstrated by Figure 76-10. Light as a rotational entity causes things to either spin, or increase or decrease some type of movement in these formations resulting into that typical rotational format for electricity.

  11. The back of our eyes then must be the best of photocells, to deposit billions of bits of information at the speed of light, with us in our spiritual nature to decode all of that data even faster than light.

  12. My illustration here thus may lack the needed detail as one might wish to see.  But without a good knowledge of coordinates in that realm I expect it to remain a mystery.  I also spoke of this on page 61, under the heading of "Wisdom."  And perhaps I should let that suffice.

  13. But as I speak of light how is it that man, even now, has no conception at all about the nature of light, or how it moves, nor how or by what it refracts or passes through a prism?  

  14. Man, so I discovered, is indeed utterly devoid of fundamental knowledge.  And that not only of the atom, but of all his sciences.

  15. The fact that he describes light in transverse waves, comes closer to a lie, or intended deception - than error.  And as he speaks of waves in lengths of, the prism has not taught him that lengths are but in the calculus, and not reality.

  16. But who is correlate light for its reality simply by beholding it passing through a prism? Wherefore I should not be so stern with man on that account.  But I do see myself in a world where I do not belong, in a world that has as yet to gather its ABC.

  17. Therefore what am I doing here?  Why has the Lord cast me into a world without the perception of reality?  I simply do not fit in, nor is this my world nor my home.  No wonder that for the last fifty plus years of my days upon the earth my most dearest wish has been to leave this place, to depart from mankind.

  18. But it was destined for me to bear them, and I know it.

  1.   On page 67, I showed how a diode works, here let us have another look at the fundamentals of the diode as well as the transistor, and anything else of that nature.

  2. My heading for this section was the term of "Conductivity."  If then one will pay good attention at my every word here, perhaps he may scrap any ideals or ideas that he has with the electron.

  3. "Conductive", so is the term for all movements that join with one another.  And "None Conductive", is likewise the term for those very same movements. How thus can they be both conductive and none conductive at the same time?

  4. The answer is; because all movement is "Directionally" conductive, and if they are so conductive, then they are also "Directionally None Conductive."  And how shall we illustrate that - if not  by what is most obvious, illustrated by figure 76-12.

  5. Polarities that have their movement in "like" directions of, are conductive. And when their movements facing one another are of "unlike directions, they are "None Conductive."  It are but simple magnets to teach us that "fundamental axiom" of nature.


  1. But magnets are not alone to teach us that axiom, for the same is true with any rotating magnetic field or system of.  Illustration Figure 76-13 shows the very same thing with the electrical. 

  2. When two rotating fields are in like direction of, they will conduct one another, and therefore called "Conductive", as well as "Directionally Conductive."   Whereas with two electrical fields in opposite, or unlike direction of rotation from one another, they are "None Conductive, or "Directionally None Conductive.   

  3. This now does not only apply to separate electrical currents, but to any rotating movement, be it of the atoms, or in the molecular, or greater than the molecular.  A single electrical circuit at its ends is always none conductive, the terminals of any single circuit turning in opposite directions of one another.

  4. Obviously, there is as much conductive, as none conductive movement in nature, since "All" movements are both conductive and none conductive, since all of them are "Directionally Conductive.

  5. Since then the elements in nature each have their specific coordinate, it also means that each have their internal and external movement in specific directions of which makes them not only conductive, as well as none conductive, but equally partially so, to be semi conductive. And that "Partially," which can be in a hundred different ways or degrees of.

  6. This may in a way be illustrated by Figure 76-14, to have two electrical (or atomic if you will) rotations in like direction of each other, but neither one is able to connect with the other since they are kept separate by a none conductive material. A material in which the movement is neither alike nor unlike those of the electrical potentials.

  7. And that all in itself can again be in a number of ways. An ideal way of showing it is by inserting a simple circle of rotation upon which there is no linear potential.  

  8. But that is not the only way to have something none conductive, since our air is also none conductive to nearly anything, but not to light, nor to any wavelength of the spectrum.

  9. Nor does our air consists of circles without linear potential, but quite the contrary, yet these atoms or molecules have a way of masking their linear potentials to one another, otherwise our air would be solid


  1. As thus we speak of movement in being either conductive or none conductive, along with any combination thereof in between, the same goes for all substances, in one way or the other.  Since these can likewise be rated to be conductive or none conductive, and that to the linear as well as the angular movements.

  2. Some of which (like copper) are conductive to one, (the rotational) but not to the other (the linear). All materials, the elements as such, singular or in compound form, are thus listed to be conductive or none conductive to both types of movement the linear as well as the angular.

  3. The illustration Figures 76-14, and 76-15, are thus to convey that which we call semi-conductive, with a view to be conductive and none conductive.  When by Figure 76-15, we take our none conductive circle of rotation, and turn it by 90 degrees, it would - theoretically - leave an opening for the outgoing (north) movement on the left to join with the ingoing (south) movement of the one on the right. 

  4. The point here is to convey a principle, not necessarily the way of, since circular movements may or may not have any holes within them, but they can be bypassed, and/or altered. And to go into that, there may again be a hundred ways which I will leave to each one to work out for himself.

  5. By Figure 76-14, the circle Z proving to be a good insulator between X and Y, if we were to modify that insulator to become partially conductive, like as we do with doping the silicon in our transistors, we may force an opening.

  6. But more correctly, to conform the coordinate upon the otherwise none conforming movements of that otherwise none conductive substance, or as the latter may be said; "none directional substance.

  7. By the illustration at Z1, in the broken line I show a turning as a means to turn a none conforming to conforming, or out of direction into direction, if one gathers my drift.

  8. Or we might force a way upon it, like for example if we wished to have a drum cross a river. But the drum will sink as soon as it makes contact with the water, the water as such is none conductive to the movement of the drum. If then we increase the linear velocity of the drum, like a higher voltage, we might get half way across the river..

  9. But if at the edge of the river we installed a device to cause the drum to rotate at high rpm, the velocity coupled with a rotation of the drum, it will then cause our drum to pass over the  entire river.  If then you surmise that I am speaking of transistors and the like, you surmised correctly.

  10. And we should keep in mind, how if that drum be turned by a backwards rotation, it would fail to cross the river.  But if rotated in a forwards rotation it would cross with ease, since as such the rotation compliments the linear movement. (emphasizing movements of like directions as always conductive.)

  11. The conductivity, or resistance for example that substances have to electricity is based on movement by direction of as well as by the continuity of it. By diodes and transistors it is simply in the direction of rotation whereby electricity may pass or not pass.

  12. In wood and other such substances, one of the reasons that these are none conductors lies in continuity, like when you are traveling a road, and there is a break in the road, a crevice preventing you from going further.

  13. The molecular structure of many substances are segregated, like in parts of, or cells, with the coordinates of their overall movement in random directions, not suited for the coherent coordinate of the electrical to pass upon.  In a manner of speaking we might compare it to the animated illustration here.


  1. The outer balls move by some distance simply because each in their single direction of have room to go, or are free to move. Whereas the balls in the center do not have that room, or, are not free to move, yet they will nonetheless fully conduct the potential of the movement instigated.

  2. And so to resist a movement like electricity for its rotational coordinate, it must for one; "have continuity," and for a second; a movement in like direction of.  

  3. The second then is of course like the first, but if not present it can be forced upon it, which is paired with the relative degree or velocity of the movements.

  4. There are indeed quite a number of ways or circumstances in and by which any substance is able to resist the passage of electricity upon it.  By our diode for example, consider the strength, or rigidity of the atomic in their local movement refusing to submit themselves to the rotational movement of the electrical current.

  5. It is simply like this; when the electricity comes upon anything, it looks to see if the movement upon which it is to pass is after its likeness of.  Note then how I said; "Movement," rather than substance.

  6. It seems like I am just plotting down hints for us, and so indeed I am. For when in your transistors, the rotation of movements come to be directionally alike, the current will pass, but with unlike directions of movement the current will be stopped. This can act as a - on/off switch, or a partial passing.

  7. With semi conductive material, and with varying degree of voltage we can accomplish a lot of things, simply because we are dealing with something that is semi-conductive, as well as semi none conductive.  Whatever is conductive is also at the same instant none conductive, and visa versa.

  8. All because  - all movements are always "Directionally, conductive as well as directionally none conductive. Wherefore we need but turn things to a right direction of, or place something of a right direction upon our terminals to have it pass, or not pass. 

  9. All this so that we may process information in the stone age way, the binary way. (our computers)  But then who is to copy the brain cells of a person, when it takes a spirit to interpret it?

  10. If then we wish to store the rotating type of magnetic force upon a battery, just remember what that electricity is, namely rotation. Take some conductive material insulated by some semi conductive substance, and keep putting turns into it.

  11. To charge our typical batteries thus is like unto a clock that is wound up by a spring, keep on putting turns into it, for the more turns you can wind into it, the longer it will run, or provide you with your electricity.

  12. Turns of motion, and turns of motion, so is electricity, and so it is stored. Nor will the stored current within a battery come to discharge itself within the battery, since from pole to pole it is a single circuit, all the turns are into a like direction of.

  13. And only by completing a full circuit, by physically connecting the two poles of those many circles - to complete a full circle - will they release themselves upon one another. A storage of electricity is nothing more than to store magnetic force in circulars.

  14. If anyone tells you differently, he or she is uneducated, with no clue as to what science is all about.

  15. Are we now going to get rid of our infant ideology, those none existent electrons?

  16. Should it not be time for all men to grow out of childhood, and into manhood?


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