Welcome to  "Science Fundamentals"  >What is electricity?<   (an article composed in the year 1990)   By: Leonard Van Zanten

             On the nature of electricity  

CHAPTER 46             See also page 9.           INDEX TO OTHER PAGES

  1. Science has it that; "Electricity and electrical charge, cannot be resolved into anything more fundamental than just that - to be a charge, and that electricity is just one of the physical properties of nature.  A physical property of nature" then can be expressed, for everything that is physical has definition.  

  2. The reason perhaps that it has not as yet been expressed must be in the words of another quotation, that; "Physicist are poor in expression, and Philosophers are poor in knowledge of physics".

Truth or fiction?

  1. If electricity were a beam of moving electrons, a television set would be more lethal than the radiation of a nuclear bomb.  We may therefore be glad that our scientist’s are in error regarding the nature and operation of electricity. And to prove that this is so, consider that glass enclosure of your television set as a possible seal for the electrons to come on through.  

  2. Glass is nothing more than molecules arranged in a structure, which in turn are made-up of atoms; who according to scientist’s are more open space than anything else.  How therefore shall anything as minute as electrons be contained thereby?  To say that electricity is a flow of electrons - is to say that a screen of chicken wire holds out the rain.

  3. Or how shall the mail arrive inside of an hour - while the train delivering said mail comes nine hours behind?  This does not make sense.  Man however is cunning, or, so he thinks, and cunning is an ego.  He will come to say that it is not in the actual speed of the electrons, but in a fluid or in the message delivered to all the electrons down the line to start moving.

  4. But O what web we weave in order to deceive; and that ourselves.    For in that event, just how fast must any one electron move down to his next in line in order to give him the message to hand it again to the next?  Quite correctly, if this is to be at the speed of light, they must move at that speed, and greater still - to account for their loss in acceleration.

  5. The velocity now at which electricity moves, is that of magnetic, the speed at which the figure eight of force completes its circle, minus the angular in the force. That is also why light moves at that velocity.

  6. Electrons are said to move back and forth between the anode and cathode of a tube.  And not bothering to question how these rascals can possibly come to such acceleration and deceleration, let us instead question their infamous "polarity".  They are said to be only negative.  

  7. And as we have been told, that, which is only negative - always moves towards the ‘positive pole’ of any magnet?  How then is it that within our TV tubes these will go to any and all direction - positive as well as negative? 

  8. The electron is of course in reality not merely negative, but like every other coin, magnet, thing, or person, it has two sides.  The monopole of either polarity has yet to be discovered, and never will be discovered, since it cannot, nor does it exist. 

  9. If at all we wish to have right-sense take it for a fact, or an axiom - that anyone that has a right has also a left, and that the second side of a coin is because of the first.  For no other side can possibly exists without the first side in conjunction therewith.  

  10. Conclusively, no positive can exist without its negative, for where the arrow is going to (as north) it must have a coming from (its south).  For a charge electrical or otherwise, is a motion, and all motion has a coming and going, a positive and negative.

    What then is electricity?

  1. If I pronounce that electricity in all respects is a "magnetic force", we are not all that much wiser.  And if I say that electricity is "motion", it still does not give us the understanding of electricity even though both terms are absolutely correct.   

  2. Electricity, like magnetism or gravity; is a force of nature and drawn from nature, and in order to understand any one of the three so mentioned we must first grasp a better understanding of nature.

  3. What is the first ingredient required by a generator to begin producing electricity?  The answer as we know, is; "Magnetic force", magnetic lines of flux that pass through the armature.  And the second essential factor is "motion", the movement of the armature within that field of magnetic lines of force. 

  4. Here is our answer, motion, and magnetism to produce a specific formation of force, (Figure 46-1) which is a specific formation of magnetic force.  

  5. For as the armature turns, the stationary lines of magnetic force within the wave-guides (conductors) are turned and twisted into multiple magnetic design formations which is electricity, the very coordinate of it.  Or if we say "voltage" it refers to its rotational motion in the speed of it.

  6. When you twist a rubber band the essence of the turns are nothing more than figure eight's set end to end.  This is the very principal by which the generator produces electricity.  And when you let go of the rubber band to unwind itself, - that is electricity in use.  Hence, as we must realize that electricity is not only in the unwinding movement, but the whole design altogether.  

  7. For again, as long as the generator is kept moving, the windings, the twist as presented by the illustration,  will remain in force, which is also as - in motion, in circular motion.  

  8. Wherefore in reality, at the ends of the leads coming from the generator (figure Fw46-1 PN) there is a continual circular movement of magnetic force, which we have come to call; electrical current and/or electricity.

  9. As therefore the nature and power of electricity is in the twisted formation of its magnetic lines, these lines have at all times upon them the speed that we normally affix to that of light.  Not that it is of light, since the speed of light is the speed of magnetic.

    Forces by design

  1. In effect, and in reality, electricity is a circular magnetic force, while a magnet by comparison is a direct or linear magnetic force.  To thus come to understand electricity from magnetism is to come to understand magnetic force from magnetic force, the one kind from the other.  

  2. The first kind, mostly known as magnetism, is a movement // set forth by the electrons of all the atoms in nature along a specific formation, a specific coordinate or design as we might say. // 

  3. This design is a single full and complete circle that is twisted over by one half of a turn so resembling the figure of eight. 

  4. And as we look upon this figure eight, the coordinate that the field magnet sets forth, this is the same as were we to look upon the whole earth and its magnetic force, or upon any other magnet.  For all magnets produce, or are produced - by this unique coordinate of force, resembling the figure of eight. 

  5. This in effect may come as a revelation, for as I recall - our textbooks usually note this unique formation as two separate circles, which is both illogical and contrary to factual observation and experiment.   

  6. And although to the untrained eye it may seem as were it two circles, there is however a day and night difference between that and the single figure of eight, the dual tides upon our earth alone are ample proof thereof. 

  7. Magnetic force thus is empowered by and exists by - a figure eight of movement that is either called waves of, or lines of.  And by taking a hold of these lines and twisting them - produces twisted lines of magnetic force the essence of which is a rotating magnetic force”, known as “electricity”. 

  8. As therefore the so called stationary (linear) lines of regular magnets may be called linear magnetic force, electricity, as nothing other than linear lines turned and held into an angular movement, ought properly be called, angular magnetic force. 

  9. And here again I am not promoting a theory, but facts of nature

 The mechanics of it all

  1. Now let us set some prefixes, that is to say; some axioms of nature, fundamental truths or laws that cannot be broken.  First, power - as the flow of motion, cannot proceed except by a completed circle.  And second, whenever any circle is twisted over it cannot but come to the coordinate or design of a figure eight.  

  2. These things are natural law or natural consequence if you will.  And likewise with our generator, the movement known as electricity - is a natural consequence of and by the actions of the device.  

  3. As then the conductors pass through the stationary lines of force – these can be looked at as were they gears turning by interlocking with the stationary gear. In so doing a rotating magnetic potential is set-up and isolated within the copper leads - as were they wave-guides, and in effect they are wave-guides.  

  4. This angular movement then is called the electric wave, or the angular magnetic wave.

           TURNS  OF  MOTION

  1. How then do we utilize these angular movements to bring us the power we crave?  For as we discovered, the instant we touch the two energized leads from the generator to one another, that is to say, when we complete the circle, they will tear each other to pieces.  

  2. And no wonder, since in essence they are like two gears, or like two grinding wheels turning in opposite direction of one another, the interaction of which can only result into the destruction of either one or both - unless of course we compensate by inserting again turns of motion. 

  Figure 2

  1. By figure 2, on the plus side let us assume a 500 rpm of the amf (angular magnetic force) it then passes through a coil of 200 turns effectively reducing the angular momentum to 300 rpm, and by yet another coil of 200 turns to reduce the angular momentum to 100 rpm at the minus side.  

  2. This of course is crude and the figures are for illustration only, it is however very real.  For assuming the momentum to be turning clockwise while the coils effectively serve as a counter-clockwise rotation for it, the angular momentum is decreased according to the number of turns therein.

  3. So you see how the very essence of electricity is rotational movement, which if we add windings, we are adding turns and accordingly increase the voltage. Or in the above where we hook the end of the turns of the wire to a zero rotation the voltage may be decreased. 

  4. Now you will reason but why should these coils act as an opposite rotation for the force, would not the force simple continue through the coils in its clockwise rotation?  And right you are, but there is that minus side, that if it be a ground, an idle, the wire connected to a rod in the ground, it will have zero rotation.  

  5. It thus is all in movement, in rotational movement. And as such we can turn a wheel and let the pavement under it move, or with the pavement stationary the wheel to roll upon.  With electricity it can be the number of turns that the generator produces -- plus or minus the physical turns of the guide, the wire being the guide.

  6. And here is the secret, if we disconnected the ground at the minus side, there would be no reduction in the 500 rpm, the current would come to the end of the wire where it was disconnected from the ground, and simply sit there at full rpm without any flow of movement which we call ampere.

  7. But when connected, the circuit being closed, the ground-rod is declaring a state of war against that 500 rpm to bring it down to its nature of being which is zero rpm.  

  8. It is then that the effective rpm is reduced to 100 rpm at the end of the coil on the minus side.  The rod itself being a firm Earth-ground does all it can to remain at zero. 

  9. If then instead of an Earth-ground, we connect the other side of the circuit at the minus point without the ground, - the power will surge into the coils from both directions. 

  10. But that other side of the circuit, has a counter-clockwise rotation that will attempt to reverse the plus side to its counter-clockwise rotation, even as the plus side will attempt to reverse the minus side to its clockwise rotation.  

  11. They are in effect angular movements in opposing direction of motion to which the coils serve as a mediator in the way of factually being angular movement for them in the turns thereof.

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  1. By figure 3 to enhance the previous, this reduction in voltage from the plus to the minus side by means of these two coils may be looked upon in two ways.   It can be in rpm, as we noted, but also, and or simultaneously with it, - it will be in the reduction in the length of their coordinate (rather than saying wavelength), in the number of figures of eight in any unit of distance.  Figure 3-B shows twice as many compared to figure 3-A. 

  2. This now may appear rather strange for anyone that is just beginning to comprehend the nature of electricity, but if I do not take this step by step - how will you at end come to the factual realization of it?  Wherefore you must bear with me to hear all of it. 

  3. Take in mind a rubber band for example tightly twisted, and you unwind half of its turn to simulate the action of the two coils in figure 2, will not your rubber band that first appeared as figure 3-B now appear as 3-A? 

  4. Of course it will, for the wire wound in turns serve the same purpose as the angular movement of the force itself. The same may be illustrated by figure 4,  where at Y we input 120 volt by a number of turns around an iron bar. The output then at X will be 240 volt from a coil wound on the same bar of iron with twice as many turns.  

  5. So it is that voltage, or turns of force, may be either decreased or increase by no more than "turns of motion" (as another and more fundamental term for the windings of a conductor.) 

   Figure 4.

  1. In this case Figure 4-Y to X,  we are not increasing the voltage of coil Y, nor is the force, or electricity at coil X any part of the force at Y.  It is in fact and for real a whole new force of magnetic, a new force newly generated by the system as such.

  2. When the input at Y is an alternating current, it sets up an alternating linear magnetic force within and around the iron bar, and with the conductors of coil X resting within that oscillating or alternating direction of movement, a new independent force (electricity) of magnetic is generated or recreated as it may be said. 

  3. It is clear from the illustration how the two coils are not in any way physically connected, and yet with oscillation as with rotation an electrical generator is an electrical generator the same.  

  4. Take a very good look at this and think about it how the electrical current in coil X is generated by nothing more than a linear (regular) magnetic force that is continually reversing its polarity so causing rotational movement in the coil. 

  5. This is no more than what the arm of a steam locomotive does (Figure 5B) going back and forth - causing the wheels of the locomotive to turn, - that again upon a track will bring movement as ampere to the train as a whole.   

  6. And again consider the new force of electric at X  how it is twice as great in angular momentum, or voltage as we would say, because there are twice as many rotations, twice as many turns of wire.

  7. We should thus conjecture that the whole secret to force, or forces is -- "MOVEMENT."  Conjecture a rotating movement of 120 volt, (for the example - turns per second in time) and let it pass through another 120 physical rotations, at the end of which the movement is now turning at 240 rotations per second.

  8. How then with so many of these devices built and operating - did it not dawn on us how electricity for its nature is nothing more nor less than a magnetic force in itself, one that rotates (angular) because it was brought forth by and of rotations (windings) in the inducement of a reciprocating linear formation of force?  Or in our regular automobile generator the turning of a armature is causing the rotations in the windings. 

  9. If now you are as yet doubt-full about this "transformer" (as it is normally and somewhat erroneously called), that it may not be a full fledged generator of electricity, --- then start over again, and carefully reconsider everything, and continue with me in more examples to the nature of electricity, the "amf".  

  10. For electricity is indeed as I have said regardless of what previously may have been said by any man to the contrary.  This is by no means a theory, but absolute fact, regardless and irrelevant to what any man may state otherwise. The Lord did not teach me in vain, nor is there any error in His teaching.

   Figure 5

  1. The essence  of our generator in figure 4, is no different from our standard generator depicted by illustration figure 5-D and 6.  One must utilize logic and correlation, which I know very well is not easy for the sons of men, yet with some effort he must come to it for his own best sake to relish in the nature of God's grand creation.  

  2. Recall how by figure 3, - I mentioned a two-fold means in the decrease (and/or increase) of the angular coordination to wit - speed of rotation (rpm), as well as number of turn in distance per unit of time, so whether we cause the armature to turn by a belt (figure 5-D) or by a reciprocating arm (figure 5-B) rotation is rotation.  

  3. At "D" therefore we are moving the conductors through a stationary field, while at "B" we are moving a reciprocating field over the conductors.  Motion however is motion that comes in many ways.

  4. For again if you take an electrical motor like those to drive vehicles, and you let off on the inducement, to allow the movement of the vehicle to force the armature through the field it becomes a generator.  It is not the electricity as such but rather the magnetic force which it sets up that turns the motor, which is to say -produces motion.   

  5. In reverse therefore the motion produces magnetic force to again produce electricity, or better said, for the linear magnetic force to produce the angular magnetic force, which factually, and without any reservation is what electricity is.

   Figure 6

  1. If we place ten conductors (in windings) upon an armature by figure 6-F and cause it to rotate by 100 rpm the voltage obtained - (for the example of course) would be 10 volts.  but when by "G" we add turns of motion to turns of motion by having 20 conductors in the winding, but continue to turn the armature by 100 rpm, the voltage would be greater.  

  2. If then by "H" we utilize but 10 conductors again but double the RPM,  the voltage would again increase. Additionally the RPM in the AC current also regulates frequency, the number of occurrences per unit of time.  

  3. The standard for this in the USA is 60 cycles, meaning there is a rotational or reciprocal occurrence equal to 3600 rpm. If you hold an RPM counter to a light-bulb it will read 3600 RPM, which in fact means that your lamp is being turned off and on at that rate of frequency.  

  4. With this I am being accurate in the figures, while in general I use the most simple and basic of illustrations so as to better clarify and emphasize on the nature of the force known as electricity.

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  1. For more evidence in "turns of motion" let us deal with the flow of motion, the ampere as it is called.  By figure 7 we connect a single 120 volt power to the two coils upon the iron bar, and clamp an amp meter (ammeter)  at "S" around the wire.  

  2. Here no physical contact is made with the amf as we do with a reading of voltage, for in this case we are only measuring the flow of movement in the strength thereof.  

  3. If then at S, we obtain a reading of 10 ampere, and we reset our ammeter to "R" where instead we placed a coil around the conductor, with the ammeter further down in the coil as shown, our reading for the illustration may be 5 ampere.

  4. We effectively utilized turns of motion to reduce our reading, since although our ammeter read 5 ampere there is still 10 ampere on the circuit conductor.  This however is used on large conductors where the ampere may exceed the capacity of the meter, and thus by such means in turns of motion a higher ampere can be read that would otherwise exceed the capacity of the meter.

  5. In my more elementary explanation of turns in motion I utilized the example of gears (transmission) turning for an intermediate between the two ends of a circuit. This serves our electric light-bulb since it is rather difficult for us to physically behold the movements having their way upon the tungsten element.  Our transformers thus serve a more comprehensive means to the same end.  

  6. And what more do you wish me to say or illustrate of this force of magnetic in and upon transformers, since the basics are all the same, and it would be repetitious of me to continue with them. Nor need I teach regarding the many circuits since we have these things well in hand, it was the nature of it, on which we were missing out.

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The so called Electric wave.

  1. Let us define that so called wavelike formation of the angular force of magnetic a bit more. By figure 8-A there is a wave of light in a "discrete" length as well as a "discrete" amplitude or diameter. 

  2. This may truly be called a wave even if it consist of no more than ten or fifty wavelets (per package) traveling at nearly the speed of light boring themselves in a circular fashion around the atoms in their path.

  3. The form of the angular magnetic formation should not be called a wave, even though in some way it may appear so. but rather we should term it a "coordinate" of, all because "it is a coordinate" more fundamental than that wave-like coordinate of light.  

  4. By "B" from 1 to 2 looking upon the copper conductor the one side of the figure of 8 comes from the middle and passing under at 2 to emerge again at 3. The other side is on the bottom side to 2 and emerging  disappears to the back side at 3, and so on.

  5. This coordinate of lines of force, are in all reality moving lines, by that I mean not only turning around the atoms within the conductor but forwards in linear movement, which by the way is not the same as it is with the wave of light.  This is also why these lines of linear movement in contrast to those of light are called a force, something to be reckoned with.  

  6. If now you start questioning me if by moving lines I mean the lines like strings to physically move forward similar to those of light, the answer is no.  Or if you question me that there is a movement along lines like strings set forth, the answer is again no.

  7. For in these questions we are missing the point, the lines however real - are like a "coordinate".  But how do I find the words to explain coordinate?  

  8. A coordinate is like these very letters arranged in words and sentences right here and now. You do not feel any electricity in your eyes reading my words regarding it, yet by means of them, (the words) the nature of something is realized or brought to your mind.

  9. If I say "stop" you stop. and if I say "go", you go, but what is in these few letters for you to come to a halt, or to move again?  In similar fashion so in nature a specific drive or impulse will set forth a coordinate that travels down the line at whatever speed it is made to do so. 

  10. This now can be linear or angularly, or both simultaneously down the line. Let us keep it as a "coordinate" a specific formation - rather than a wave, since clearly it is "not" a wave, nor does it, nor can it travel as a wave.

  11. (It is handy for us to envision the atom with its orbiting electrons as the power and the means towards the movement of such lines of force. And in my younger years I did so explain it, (also obvious from some of my other pages herein.)  This then my dear reader is how we may continue to envision it.  Ask me therefore no more questions in that realm of nature.)

  12. This I will say; let not childish imagination deceive you as were there some fluid or green cheese in the copper conductors to conduct a wave or a force since the electrons at home in their angular momentum are a far better means to procure and conduct a coordinate of magnetic movement.  

  13. Look at the sun spots how clearly the lines of magnetic gravitation are seen therein. And look at the metal filing around a magnet how there is no green cheese, nor any kind of fluid or putty to form these arrangements.

  14. You do not want any free electrons in your electricity, they are absolutely worthless, they cannot attain to any speed at which the true coordinate travels down the line.  And they serve a much better purpose to stay at home in their angular formation around the atomic core to empower the magnetic and electric lines of motion.  

  15. This is besides the fact that a billion or any number of electrons could in no way at all present a fraction of the power that you need to light a single light-bulb, while much fewer at home within the atom work perfectly to light your home.

  16. And for still another, elements are for what they are by their specific coordinates in and by the number of parts therein. These coordinates are not material, they are movement, the parts are material, and as such the element which they are for the very coordinate of them.  

  17. Nor can they afford to lose any parts - lest the element becomes something else, one of another kind, another element.  

  18. Radio-active materials are as such, which unstable in their coordinate attempt to shed some of its parts in order to stabilize, that then with many of the same nearby declare war on each other generating a great deal of heat, so advantageous in our atomic power plants, but detrimental upon ourselves.

  19. Of what earthly purpose or use would an electron be on its own? It is too infinite to amount to any degree of matter, and without angular movement is it nothing but a worthless speck of nothing, nor can angular movement be had without a coordinate of kind.  

  20. (And that is on the assumption for electrons to even exist, since any such part has its function within the atom, and nowhere else.  Outside of the atom an electron is no longer an electron, it is no more than fantasy.)

  21. Electrons on their own cannot serve for inertia wherefore it cannot serve as any kind of weight. And as for that so called "charge" that men have placed upon it, what is a charge?   Taking a reading of any so called atomic part is to read its movement.

  22. What man calls "charge" is nothing other than motion, nothing more nor less than movement.  A voltmeter to read voltage is to assess the rate of revolution (rpm) of the magnetic field upon the conductors, while an amp-meter registers the strength of the magnetic movement. None of man's tools is able to detect or register an electron.

  23. As then I said to register the strength of magnetic movement (ampere) these words are deceptive when the term movement is added to it. This is so since at no time at all does electricity, its very coordinate move through any conductor, it simply remains in place, with its coordinate extended at the speed of magnetic.

  24. A charge, like the electrical charge, is when a rotating magnetic force attempts to bring the atoms and molecules of your skin or your body to move after their fashion. But your skin is not made to be so conductive. 

  25. A charge then in the term thereof, is more like a bull coming at you.  And ask yourself what is it of that bull coming towards you? Is it not his movement?  In like manner charge is a movement, a motion, a systematic coordinate of movement or motion.  

  26. The bull is not coming at you in circles, he is heading straight for you, and not only is his head coming to you but his hind legs and tail as well, since head and tail are together as one entity in the charge coming towards you.

  27. But are you getting my drift? For man has dreamed up this silly notion as if a charge could exist in singular form, as if a movement could only be going somewhere, but not coming from anywhere.  

  28. And where my dear reader is the logic in that?  Where is that single sided coin the scientist keep bragging about?  Show it to us, or keep your fantasies to yourselves.

  29. Anything and everything that can be said as charge to have a charge is always single in its whole, meaning there is always a coming from when there is a going to.  An arrow is a single whole, and when for its charge it pierces through a man's body, that arrow has a tail as well as a head, and it came from somewhere before it struck upon the person.  

  30. It is positive as well as negative, since these two terms describe nothing more than the ingoing and the outgoing of a single line of movement.  

  31. Wake up, smell the daisies, there is no such thing as monopole, never has been, never will be.

  32. Why do I have to do this anyway to reprove man for his silly notions, and make him into an enemy towards me? 

  33. It is because not all men are settled with silly notions, there are those in whom there is knowledge, those able to comprehend the words of my lips.  For these I must speak.  But my words open to all will also be heard by such as despise my word, since it fades their glory among men.

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  1. But enough of reprove in the erroneous notions towards the nature of electricity, let us by illustration figure 9, take one more look at the coordinate of angular magnetic force.  By "M" thereof I drew the conductor showing the magnetic coordinate as were it something rotating forward into the linear. 

  2. And yes it can be viewed as that along with how it was shown previously, but the essence of the current or flow of motion in all reality is as such stationary. 

  3. When you get a bill for the consumption of electricity why do you pay it?   Since you never consumed any electricity!  It is in fact impossible to consume electricity.    We can utilize it, but not consume it. 

  4. The electrical wire from the power company at your residence brings you the electricity with which you light your home. But that electricity, that angular formation of motion at the end of the wire is always active, and never enters your home, it merely extends itself upon the conductors in your home. 

  5. And coming to your lamp it simply extends itself upon the filament thereof happily turning and twisting as it did before. The bill therefore should be for the utilization of the flow of motion.  I am not however saying this to get you in trouble with the power company, but for a realization of what is factual.

  6. By "N" in figure 9 the magnetic potential (electricity) in fundamental reality is like a series of circles end to end, the angular movement.  But as you may have noticed I sometimes mention the word "twisting", like in a frenzy of turns and twisting.  Both of these are correct and fundamental of our magnetic entity.  

  7. The twisting then is by the rotational movement in the act of generating it.  But the end, or either end or the middle is always locked or connected to something stationary or oppositely relevant, wherefore these circles become twisted over like unto a figure of eight (figure 9-P)  This is fundamentally how the coordinate mostly known as electricity comes about

  8. If we had wooden conductors the amf cannot lay a hold upon its structure to become real, or to be confined upon it, it must needs be a structure suited to the coordinate. This however is not the page to go into structuring.

  9. We utilize transmissions and gearboxes in order to transpose the high rpm of the engine to the wheels of our vehicles.  This in all essence means - "turns of motion".   

  10. If for example, we took a long piece of thin copper wire and connected this to the two ends, plus (+) and minus (-) of a power-source, the wire would burn through instantly.  But if we coiled the same wire with sufficient turns relevant to the turns, that is to say, to the voltage of the source (figure 46-1), then the two ends may safely be connected. 

  11. For each turn of the wire compensates as a turn of movement, since again, that which passes through the wire, is nothing more than a series of circular movements of a magnetic nature, in a coordinate thereof. 

  12. I know it may not be easy to the mind, but we must come to realize how motion and motion is one the same. If we elevate a wheel so it does not rest on a floor, and we mark one spot on that wheel to follow it when the wheel is turned, the spot completes a circle, an angular movement.

  13. If then we fasten the wheel so it can not turn, but we send a movement through the wheel or upon its outer circumference, we have again movement by a circle, an angular movement. 

  14. And so it is that I said, how motion is motion the same, and that the turns of any wave-guide (wire conductor) compensates for the rotational movement that is passed upon a fixed conductor.   All transformers are evidence to that fact.

  15. And by the same token, to light a light-bulb safely, is to compensate for the opposing circular movements of the two leads.  

  16. Any number of intermediate wheels can be used to accomplish this, which is accomplished by the atoms of the tungsten element - as they are driven to extreme movement to oscillate to a tune that produces discreet variation upon the media in a wave-formation the lengths from 4000 to 7000 Angstroms being those by which we have our beholding (vision) (light).


  1. In its nature of being electricity thus is very simple, and yet how very difficult for man to come to the knowledge thereof.  And am I the one to bring new wine to a world that has yet to taste such wine?  Am I the one to take the beatings of man slow to change, and of little interest to accept new standards for his old cherished notions?

  2. It was written some 5000 years ago by a righteous person that has yet to die, who has lived for all these centuries, who said:  "Explain it to them in your wisdom, for you are their reward upon all the whole earth."

  3. This is what I have been doing, and that is also how and why I came to know so many things of which man is unaware, or that has not entered his mind.  Or that which with the best of his cunning man was unable to reconcile to himself.

  4. All this because man thought himself wiser than his Creator.  Nor shall it be of me that I am so wise, or so far beyond the norm of man.

  5. But the Almighty Creator elected to shame the children of man for his wicked cunning by the instrument of a single person, who never at all studied in man's schools of learning.  Do not therefore conclude all this to be of me, but rather of our Creator.

  6. More comprehensive details on electricity and other subjects in my later pages (higher numbers).

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