Chapter 33                     INDEX TO OTHER PAGES

It is written:                       

  1. “The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.

  2. There is no speech, nor are there words, their voice is not heard; yet their voice goes through all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.”

And it is written:

  1. The restraints of the children of men were not able to restrain it, nor the arts of them that restrain waters.


  1. “He appointed knowledge as its way, He widened it, and extended it, and brought it to perfection.  He set the traces of his light over it, and I walked therein from the beginning to the end.” 

  2. How very well spoken, and how good to the soul that which is not heard and yet affirmed.  How good knowledge is to the soul and wisdom to the health thereof.  If the word be an insult to the learned, so let it be.  And will one take it to heart, so let him be educated.

  3. You do well to film and declare the marvelous life found here on earth, and to proclaim God’s handiwork, to give glory unto Him.  Yet you rarely do so while the opportunity is yours, and for that reason you are an abomination.   

  4. Keep then your films but let the dialog be destroyed along with them that pronounced it.   Let the earth be rid of liars and of the cheats that insult the Great Almighty One by whose word all these things came forth and are to this day.    

  5. He caused the great beasts to live, but He did not allow them to live in the days of men.  That is, at least not on that particular globe on which He had thought to plant a new specie.  

  6. Namely the nature of man in the form of his own image – to know right from wrong, and good from evil, and to practice compassion.   For so He made the creature of man – that he might know his Creator, and exult in his great handiwork.

  7. To what end therefore do you think O man that you live and have existence if not to praise your Maker and to exult yourself in Him?  Why then do you deny Him in all His handiwork?

  8. For to know Him is to love Him. If then you do not love Him -you do not know Him, and to whom then are your prayers directed, if not to demons.  

  9. Take now my word if nothing else that you are still an empty vessel and without understanding.  Keep therefore the films but destroy the dialog.

  10. I heard it said; “The people labor only for the fire, and the nations weary themselves for nothing.  Because the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God, and of His glory.”

  11. And thus you are at a loss, your fame and your fortune along with your words will be for destruction. And should you refuse to believe me, neither your unbelief nor your belief will change anything.

   In a word

  1. The word now that comes to mind are two words, one of which I shall omit since I do know the powers.  But who can understand or follow upon the paths of my thoughts?  For my thoughts are not the thoughts of the sons of the earth.   But even more than that - how am I to reveal and also to conceal?  

  2. I deplore the ignorance of man, and his pride is an abomination to me.  Shall I therefore take man to the threshold of nature and allow him a look to my own grief?

  3.   I spoke a word, which is for the wise to comprehend, wherefore I dare not punctuate upon it.  I drew up to record what I was going to reveal - an understanding of spectacular that is indeed spectacular.  But having begun I am withheld for the integrity within me, for the Spirit of truth not to grant to man what is not in his keeping.

  4.    And O how I weep for the children of man, they do not know what they are missing, what for the pride of their heart they forfeited to themselves.  O that you would be wise, I could then pronounce to you a spectacular understanding.  But as I look on you, I am appalled and sad for the ignorance of your heart, and for the folly of your mind. 

  5.   "Inhibitions" left to question," so at one time I spoke. And I came to question what "motion" might be, saying that room for space must coincide therewith, but who is there to answer?  I wanted to know what “emptiness” was to its fundamentals, and where is man to give an answer? 

  6. I have spoken of fundamentals to grand to man a picture of what his nature of dust appears to be. And so indeed it is;  appearing as it appears, with the reality yet far removed from him.

  7. I placed "ourselves in question," and pronounced man poor in correlation.  I spoke of "the light of the eye," and that from visible came invisible, but to whom may I have been speaking?

  8.   What is the light of the eye, the wisdom by which a man might live?  It is as your dictionaries define it, “the understanding of what is true and right, and of what is lasting.   If therefore you shall accept the wisdom of the wise, you shall become wise.

  9. For all now that I have spoken in the fundamentals of the sciences, it is but a grain of sand, like a single light in a heaven full of lights, so little indeed is my knowledge in the grandeur of God's creation, in the marvels of His hand.


  1. Allow me to reveal a priceless secret for those that have understanding, for such able to comprehend the words of my speech.

  2. Unless there is movement on all substance that appears unto our eyes, that substance could not be observed, since it is by movement upon movement that anything at all is observed.  And it is by movement that all things are held together, either at close range or at any distance like planets to their stars, and stars to their galactic centers.

  3. Everything subsists and is sustained by movement, gravity is by movement even as electricity and magnetism are of and by movement, and so are taste and smell, the voice and hearing, and the touch to feel. 

  4. How utterly inconceivable the wisdom and the ability is of Him who is One and only, the Creator of all to have fashioned all things in that manner and operating so perfectly one with the other.

  5. "A priceless secret", so I said; while that which I failed to mention is still more priceless. 

            October 2000

  1.   I now wrote my final chapter, yes, but what is final?  Or how shall we define final in a never-ending realm that we or I have barely begun to discover?   And yes here is a word, namely, to “discover”.  For where would I find a place for that word?   

  2. For what is it to discover when in all that I have learned there has been no discovery of anything, since all that has come unto me has been granted, taught unto me, a gift, a royal gift. 

  3.   Shall I now write yet another chapter?   If it be on “Spectacular” I shall desist, but perhaps I should place my final chapters in simpler text as in elementary terms for the simple to understand.   But then seeing how man in general is not interested in advancement why should I put myself through that labor for them?    

  4. I will leave things as they are and perhaps for my own sake, wills it is given me, expound upon “pololoid” the master formula in the perfection of nature.  

  5. Yet more than that my mind reaches beyond nature, beyond the realm of dust if by any means I might comprehend that which exist beyond.  The how and why of what cannot be seen with the eyes of dust, or pronounced by the tongue of man.

  6.   This I can say, that at long last I understand the foundations of the earth, and that upon which the dust is dust, and the realm of one upon the other.    It is indeed out of nothing that the earth is fashioned and man beholds his reflection.   

  7. He indeed is no more than a ripple upon the water, and that there is not a moment of his time or of his actions that is not known or recorded.

  8.   Man does not - and cannot conceive how of all his words not one thereof escapes his Maker, and how for all that is given him he will account. Man surely errs when he reckons himself for himself.

  9. Each day and night the angels collect the souls of the dead to transport them to their place of confinement.  How then do men say that they are but alone?

  10. What is the number of the angels, the heavenly creatures, that are spirits as we are, yet without a physical body? They are many and everywhere guarding and collecting, and maintaining the order of all things.

  11. Many of them roam the earth for souls to corrupt, and to stir them up for their evil wishes.  Yet equally as many good and gentle spirits keep the righteous from falling away, and performing all that the High Lord ordains for them to perform.


  1.  Who am I, or what am I?  A stump in the ground, one who casts no shadow.  There is no comeliness, nor recognition that I should be counted.   As soon as one looked on me, I was despised, when but a word was heard I was reckoned for a fool.   Like one with a mental defect so am I looked upon for the words of my mouth.

  2. I however know what is written, what has come forth by the labor in my hand, and how the same is distasteful to man, not to their likens.  My speech is not to win the hearts of men, nor to add glory to their names.  

  3. The word nonetheless remains, it will not change, nor will it be revoked, for above all, I know what is written, and how it came to pass.  If therefore I shall be unique, it shall be so.  And alone in a sea of men, it shall be so. Will they call me a fool, so let it be, or will they call me wise, it shall be a word.

  4.  As for me, why do I live in a world of ignorance, and do I have my abiding with the blind? I have become estranged to this world, inconceivable to the sons of men, a plague upon those that sit in glory, a curse to them that are wise.   Yet I am as He who made me - unchangeable, and forever sure.  

  5. Many a times I desired of the Almighty One to simply forget me, to grant me no being, as one who never was, but I know it is futile, since He has a purpose for all that He created.

  6.    The wise of the earth now are indeed excellent at creating a universe.  They are less than the dust of the earth, yet conceive themselves wiser than the Almighty Creator who gives them each day the breath in their mouth.  

  7. How pitiful indeed you are in your ignorance, and how distasteful indeed in the pride and arrogance of your being.   You are as contradictory as one can be, but too blind to realize your own contradictions.

  8. According to your wisdom there was this vacuum, after which matter and anti matter had a disagreement and so the universe came forth.   And while there was no grid upon which a sound was to be made, nor yet did the ear exist, yet there was this big bang.

  9. O how childish, how very childish indeed you so called wise among men show yourselves to be.  You do not comprehend the word “vacuum”, nor what matter is, and much less what anti matter is, and yet you will create a universe?.  Childish imaginations, from minds devoid of knowledge such are they.   

  10. From the mind of knowledge then - in order to have a vacuum - you first need a universe, and in order to have a universe, you first need displacement, and in order to have displacement, you first need what I shall not pronounce.  

  11. If then you shall have the figure of eight in movement that in turn produces the linear movement, whereby also multiplication as well as renewal may be made.  And when all these are laid forth, and differences are made in twofold – then and only then you may finally find your vacuum that is no vacuum.

  12. Accordingly, I must pronounce you conceited - in creating a universe from a universe.  For O what a feat, what masters of magicians you are, by first having an automobile, and portraying to your listeners that there is nothing, and presto we have created an automobile.  

  13. O you childish deceivers, you deceive only yourselves and the blind, but never the man of understanding.  

  14. If there is not a force of gravity to draw the substance to a vector, to a point of direction, there would be no vacuum, since a vacuum is no more than a pressure difference.  Or for that matter we could call it a difference by gravitational inclination.  

  15. If it were not for conductive movement no air could be held within a tire, nor a piston move down its sleeve, nor man walk upon the earth.

  16. And by that alone, if you had a mind to correlate you could have surmised gravity in its nature of. But assuredly it requires a mind of understanding to so correlate one factor from another.

  17. As then weight is none other than a gravitational draw by volume and speed of movement in distance from center of force, it is by gravity first before any vacuum can exist.

  18. Are you not therefore more blind than bats, since bats know where they are going but you are contradictory.  No doubt you would like to know what it is that I withheld from you.  

  19. But why?   For you would not be able to grasp the same, and finding the words beyond your cunning, you would but ridicule them to plunge yourselves yet deeper in ignorance.  

  20. Wherefore I am being kind and generous in being silent thereof.

  21.   Then there is that twirling of the two, as action at a distance.  O how dearly you would like to know what it is that I am concealing, for deep down you know that my knowledge is of the highest grade.  

  22. And finding yourself at a loss, there is an admiration, but you cannot expose yourselves upon it, lest you make fools of yourselves, and so I must be the fool, lest your folly becomes evident.

  23. But how long do you think you can hold out against it in this way?  What is your lifespan or your power to hold out against the day that you will be eradicated, when the truth will be shown?  When your days are numbered, and you are called to account for yourselves?  It is after your own saying that - all good things must come to an end.

  24. I came to loathe you. And why was that?  It was because you did not deem it wise to reply to me, or you were too ignorant to pronounce a word.   You were not able to answer me as one who is no more than a delusion. 

  25. And for that reason I came to loathe you because you boasted in your delusion as were it wisdom.   So it was that I came to loathe you, and left on you the question instead of the answer.

  26. At first I was generous, and would have given you the shirt off my back, but now I have buttoned my shirt, and instead given you my life that it may be for you. But so you will say; - what is this riddle to trade ones life for a shirt?  This surely makes no sense.   

  27. But it’s no riddle, and if so, it is but to you.  If then I am the fool. and you are the wise, why did you not take the facts to disprove these simple fundamentals?

  28. Look at your law of gravity, or centripetal as you call it.   Shall it really be a different animal a swine from a pig, or a rooster from a cock?   And how was that written?  You know very well how it was written, and how to calculate the same.  And why than do you call the rooster a cock, as were it not gravity?

  29. And if then - it is gravity, - seeing you are left no choice but to confirm the same, why do you ridicule me for laying hold upon your own law?   

  30. And since this law, your very own law, shows movement as the instigator of the gravitational descent - why are you opposed to me?    Are you truly this ignorant - not to comprehend your own law of gravity?  

  31. Your space workers, your astronauts, certainly cannot do without it, or they will pay for it with their life.   Yet you are so brilliant as to invent gravity that works sideways.   

  32. It is a good thing you are wrong -- or you would never have gotten a single pebble up into the sky, and the whole human race would have to scuffle upon their belly on the face of the earth.

  33.   And now that you got all this gravity straining the millions of pounds of trust to raise the shuttle, you are still looking for a single hair of gravity in a bucket of water, and have yet to find it?  

  34. You ought to put that bucket under the thrusters of the space shuttle then you will find it to be full of gravity waves.

  35.   For your pride and arrogance you thought to show me for the fool, but He who taught me will show the both of us for what we are, the one as well as the other.


  1. I have spoken many words and defined many things in the nature of this our physical nature.  And as I read my words from long ago I judged myself saying; why in some things Leonard are you relating to man that which is not fully correct, that which is a mere reflection of what is real?

  2. Yes why as it may appear- are you pronouncing that which you know to be like a story which parents tell their children concealing the factual identity?   For to anyone observant he will find some contradictions in my pages one from the other.

  3. Not that they are so, but in such I utilized a reflection, rather than the truth. And so I asked myself; Why not O Leonard omit it altogether?  It is not to your likens Leonard, you know better, yet you cannot remove the cover.  

  4. And so many days afterwards I looked upon some of these words feeling helpless, and saying to myself; did you have to do this Leonard?  

  5. Then I answer myself saying; but if I did not, how will you give to man some means of realization that although not real it may serve as in a reflection thereto.

  6. But then again I battle with myself in saying; why not just be silent about it, why speak at all, for those wiser than me will say to me;  "Did you not reprove man for his believe in the Stork; and why then are you yourself in these particulars portraying a Stork?"  

  7. And yes indeed I admit in some things I have been promoting a mere reflection, but intentionally in order to with-hold the real truth. 

  8. As then my readers will not know just where and how I portrayed a phantom version, some that are wise may discover the same. (at (?)).

  9. And so I am between a rock and a hard spot, and I recall how my brother Solomon said; "Wisdom also is vanity, for he that increases in knowledge there is equally pain."  And so often I write merely to ease my pain.

  10. And is not this what Solomon said:  "For in wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow."

  11. One might consider how it was out of nothing that God made all that exists, If then what exists had no nature of being, how do we apply a nature to it?

  12. We look at things as were they material, as something solid and substantial, and to touch them as such. Yet any touching as such is but movement upon movement, something immaterial upon what is immaterial. 

  13. And so what is nature, the nature that God has constructed?  Let it be as it appears unto us, the ultimate reality of which is but in the wisdom of God, and consider what Solomon said how; how that which exists is "unreachable."

  14. When therefore one has studied all that I have written and assumes himself to have a good knowledge of nature, it is but in part that he shall be correct, the fundamentals of the fundamentals will still elude him as it does me.

  15. The coordinates of movement that are upon all atoms and molecules is so absolutely phenomenal so utterly far beyond man that with the best of will he will not come to understand even a thousand's part of it.  Wherefore the atom for what it is and how it works is as far beyond man's cunning as the next galaxy is from us, something he will never reach.

  16. Anyone who thinks otherwise has yet a lot to learn.


  1. Man will cause me to hear; "Whom do you think you are to speak and act as you do?" Shall I then furnish them with an answer, to reveal myself to them that are not worthy?  

  2. Have I not spoken enough of myself and will they hear more concerning the authority placed upon me?   I am but a man, not born of the sons of Jacob, but in the seed of Gentiles. 

  3. And did not the Lord proclaim by Zechariah (10:4);  "Out of them (Israel that is) shall come the cornerstone, out of them the tent peg, out of them the battle bow, out of them every ruler."?  How then will I be classified as a ruler?

  4. I am a mystery, indeed a mystery to all the sons of man, and while the kings and potentates of the earth are but rulers each of a single nation.  

  5. The Lord appointed me a caretaker of all of them, a caretaker of royal blood to call unto himself an innumerable host, to own them in body as well as in soul at my pleasure.  

  6. How then was it that even in my youth in disdain I came to say: "What are the kings of the earth to me that I should turn my head for them?"

  7. As then to all mankind I appear as a mystery, I am indeed a mystery.   A mystery that cannot be shown nor revealed until many days from now, wherefore if you wish to be wise, be wise.

  8. Then again, the irony in all of this is; how much and how well my entry into the world was and is recorded in the Scriptures for all to read and understand.  Yet how few have understood.

MARCH 2009 

  1. It is written: "For you are their reward upon the whole earth."   

  2. What this entails for the many that are, is;  that for all your doings, your words, and your deeds, as well as your judgments, if you are to be paid, as rewarded, the only thing you are going to get is me - as your check in the mail for all your labors. 

  3. You of course do not believe a word I am saying, nor in your wildest imagination are you about to subject yourself to me.  This man is crazy, so you will say, he is demented, whom does he think he is anyway, a single lowly man among the many billions of the earth.  

  4. He therefore in himself will be our payment, our salvation, the very reward of our lives?  Come now Leonard so you may reprimand me, don't act so silly. 

  5. The only problem here is, I am not acting silly, nor am I demented, but even more sane than you since these words so spoken are an absolute, an irrevocable truth.  

  6. Had I said any different then I would be the liar, and I would fall along with you.  But since I spoke truth it is obvious and irrevocable that you --  likens or no likens are tied to me, even as likens or no likens I am tied to you.

  7. Do you not know how it is prophesied that near the ending of the six day the Scriptures by Enoch would be re-introduced? And by whom to whom would that be?  "To him to whom I must point out the guardianship of the world," so the Lord said.

  8. Since then it was given me to do so, He likewise pointed to me that guardianship. Since thus I am to be the guardian of the whole world why do you not believe the word of God?  Are you so in love with lies to believe only them?

  9. This now I will pronounce to you, --  that it won't be long, the day is far gone and so is the night, it is nearly sun-up, and when it rises you will know and come to understand every word I spoke to you.   In that day you will muse saying;  

  10. "He did know, his word was of a truth.   Then will come the time that you will gladly subject yourselves to me and those with me, and even beg me for it.  

  11. And you will be glad in this; - that we are compassioned.  Then also you will learn how by no means I will not hold the guilty guiltless,  but render a just judgment on them.  And that for the poor and the oppressed I and those with me will be as a father,  to safeguard them from every hand of oppression, and be an indestructible wall of safeguard to them,

  12. I am not like anyone of your judges, I have already cursed them, a curse to last into forever.  Do you then wish that I should do the same to you that are not judges, but neither just among men?

  13. Nor am I even remotely like any one of your rulers, or your potentates, and there is but contempt within me for the rulers of the earth, for all of them, and they will come to know it.  

  14. Behave yourselves, be not angry, do right, and ply your deeds with mercy, for you cannot sever me from you - even as much as I cannot sever myself from you.  I indeed love you, if only you knew.

  15. What my soul hates of you are your evil works, and the wicked words of your mouth, which will not remain un-rewarded -  so I pronounce to you before it goes forth. 

  16. Then you will know that the words of the Lord are true as it is written"When they are given over to those who shall condemn them, then they shall learn that the word of the Lord is true."

  17. Is anyone able to comprehends that last sentence? "Those who shall condemn them," are the righteous ones from among men. By these you will be judged and sentenced whereby everyone will learn that all the word of the Lord is true.

  18. And that I have not spoken amiss.

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